Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 926 Speak Lightly Or Else... - Guests Arrive

Chapter 926 Speak Lightly Or Else... - Guests Arrive

For the complete normies out there or for the people who didn't visit the YT Channel I mentioned before, Rush E was basically—no, it was an amalgamation that started from a meme from one of the OG Youtubers, "Markiplier", who was also extremely popular for doing a smash or pass on the OG Gen 1 Pocket Monsters.

But yeah, there was a meme that circulated from his face being put on a certain short character from the movie depicting a green ogre that later evolved to parody meme songs using the "E" key, then having a Russian version hence the "Rush", and finally another YT'er actually making a song out of it because of ol' internet pressure.

With that said, since Edith and I were attempting to play this piece with just the two of us, I reckoned she be the one sitting on the chair while I was right behind her, ready to react and play whatever was left or necessary.



At this point, Edith started it with a slow kinda off-beat start—which the song actually had—before it started to pick up and pick up and pick up until it was just chaos incarnate when we started juggling the keys together.

And as it was said many times, the ongoing quote for playing this song was, "I bought 88 keys of this fucking piano, I damn well using all of them!" but if I'd give out a hot take, it was like combining Canon, Flying the Bumblebee, and Through the Fire and Flames in one song—if that ever made sense.

But surprisingly enough, as impossible as it may sound, Edith and I played it with little to no mistakes and with little to no preparation or practice. Duos would usually play together—with an easy song as a start—to get a feel for each other's rhythm and whatnot but we just winged it and fucking lucked out.

In any case, the moment we finished the song, like the start of the song itself, the applause came from a single person—surprisingly enough, from Sebastian—before it picked up and picked up until everyone was cheering us on and requesting an encore.

However, it was pretty obvious that it took quite a bit from Edith to play a difficult song but surprising me for a second time, Sebastian took over and played something close to the song's tempo until it mellowed and mellowed until it was fit for tonight's happenings.

'One hell of a butler alright…'

Then I felt a stinging slap to my back.

Sal laughed out loud as wore a cheeky smile, "That's one way to start the night, kid!"

I smiled and thanked her, "I guess so— are we waiting for anyone else?"

"How'd ya know? They'll be here soon—"

I chuckled as I shook my head, "If you're the only ones in this huge estate, I'd be a little—"

"What's wrong with that?! Our maids and butlers are already part of the family but we do need to have people in our other houses—It's just that it was a little short notice to send the invites since you just came. Also, did you think the Rivas Family is the only one that survived around here? We still got neighbors, ya know?"

"Ah… I see, but… all this for us?"

"Yeah. Why?"


"Kid. You're the newest family head, you deserve this much… Much more for what you did to my niece…"


"She's smilin' more… Edith… She'll be a lot happier when she's wit' you—"

"C'mon, don't say that—"

"Hah?! I can't fuck my own niece, can't I—"

I almost smacked the dumbass, "Don't say that out loud! Are you fucking crazy?! People'll get the wrong idea—"

"What?! Isn't that what happened?! You split her open and she began smilin' again—"

I settled for a light kick in her shin, "There's more to that, alright?! K-Keep it down—"

Sal chuckled like an idiot as she rubbed her shin with her other foot, "Kekeke, gotchu, didn't I?! But yeah, as much as I'd hate to admit it, she's happy with you guys and I can only hope you keep it that way. You know I hate violence but I'm not afraid to use it when necessary, alright?"

I chuckled, "But why give me your most valuable hostage if—"

"Hoh! Haha— Hoh! That's rich, kid… I love those cajones of yours but don't joke around with family—"

"What?! If I can't joke with them, what's the point?"

Sal shook her head as she gave a long glance, "Haaa~ You're right, you're right… Anyway, they'll come sooner or later so don't disappear—I mean, if you're gonna disappear, be within earshot, alright?! They gotta know who's to not mess with 'round 'ere. Well, some of them…"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "What are you talking about?"

"Haaa~ Guess I should tell you… People around here still believe in superstition and some old-world bullshit—even this thing we're facing, it's either a curse from the gods or something and we should offer sacrifices and some shit atop the mountains… you know, some stupid tribe shit that they decided to latch on because the world still hadn't figured this thing out."

"Tribe shit, you mean—"

"The ones I paid off. Those ones. You do know I hate violence, right? So, after paying them off, they need to settle somewhere so they either work under me now or find someplace else to live. Some of them… they didn't go that far but with the money I gave them, they're relatively successful compared to their old selves living in nipa huts and whatnot."

"I see…"

In any case, Sebastian continued to grace us with his music but if our other guests wouldn't arrive anytime soon, they'd probably be left with scraps aside from the main course and desserts that weren't served yet because Tatiana was making several trips with Kuzma, Quinn, Jesus, and surprisingly enough, Kaley and Alexa.

It seemed it was still bulking season and the food was just that good but it didn't take long before Edith came back after freshening up.

That was Sal's cue to check on other things as she left me with her but this time, Nancy was trailing behind Edith and wearing a cute dress of her own.

They greeted me at the same time, "Hi, did I take long?/Hiii~ You look really great out there! Both of you!"

"Thanks, thanks—"

Nancy cut me off as she nudged closer, "I hope it will still be all kinds of fun when we move in with you!"

I turned to Edith, "Is she—"

Edith nodded with a smile, "Of course, she'll come with us. You see, we're basically raised at the same time like sisters but our roles started to become different as we grew older. However, that didn't stop us from being friends and whatever j-joyous occasion or experience I was in… Y-You know… I try to let her experience the same thing as much as possible…"

"I see… So… Those people that are coming…"

Nancy answered, "I guess they're… okay? They were kinda mean a few months back but you know… after they came back with all those people, they've been pretty quiet… Probably because they're scared of what Lady S-Sally might do to them…"

I slowly put two and two together, "So this dinner is basically a show of force?"

"A-Auntie didn't tell you?"

"Not that part…"

Edith bitterly smiled as she sighed, "We'd hate to do it this way but it's better to posture up while another family head is present—Well, there's three of you now but they don't know you yet so…"

I waved her off, "Don't worry, I understand… But do remember that hating violence doesn't mean you should never act on it. I'm the same way too—well, sometimes but… do understand that sometimes it IS the answer even after weighing all of the options…"

Edith nodded a few times as she plucked a glass from one of the serving trays, "I understand that… I do… but—"

I lightly chuckled, "Hey, violence doesn't always mean killing or murder. Sometimes, it's just inflicting the right amount of pain to get to a pleasant conclusion… A little bit of pain for a little bit of pleasure—"

Nancy was weirdly squinting her eyes as she interjected, "Why did that sound a little dirty?"

I rolled my eyes as I nudged her with my elbow, "How would you know? You can barely keep yourself upright after all that grandstanding—"

She had never been so red, "Y-You! It wasn't my fault! T-That M-Megan w-wouldn't get off of you even though she could see that—"

I patted her head which surprisingly made her calm down, "She did you right in a way, contrary to popular belief, anyone's first time should be special. Anyone who said otherwise didn't have a good time on their first… But yeah, I can't speak for everyone but that's what I feel about it…"

"R-Really? You think I should wait?"

"It's totally up to you but if you still want to do it with me, we'll lay off a bit on foreplay—"

Edith cut in, "I-If you don't mind me a-asking… Was your f-first time with Kaley?"

"Unfortunately, no. And her first time wasn't with me either…"


"But that's not a problem at all because we always have an amazing time together and even if we both know what we want, we're still discovering more and more things about each other. It's special in its own way and—"

Nancy cut in once again, "B-But… H-How long should one's first time be?"

I chuckled as I scratched the back of my head, "It depends. I'd recommend at least two hours if you want to experience at least the usual stuff at your own pace—"

"H-How long was your first?"

"No comment."

"Wha— Why?!"

"Because it's embarrassing?"

"You disappointed her, huh?"

"W-Wha— No one's a fucking sex god the first time but—"

"Hmm? But what?"

"Let's just say as fast as I did my first time, I was as quick from recovering for several more rounds later… It was also the same night I discovered it was a mind thing… I can get hard as fast as I can cum—"

"Pfft…" Edith turned around to contain her laughter but Nancy just straight up lost it.


At this point, everyone heard Nancy's last outburst but the way Sebastian pressed the wrong key on the piano sent shivers through her spine. It looked like she was so fucking afraid of pissing Sebastion off, she started running for her life before Sebastian promptly finished the current song and gave chase.

In any case, they came back after 5 or so minutes and Nancy was back to her maid uniform but some of the guests had just arrived.

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