Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 896 Chloe Mae Lopez - Watch My Stuff, Yeah?

Mimi actually talked a little about her before.

Chloe Mae Lopez was the only daughter of the motherfucker I wanted to turn into a statistic and the supposed MILF that inhabited the emergency room of the hospital, and thank the fucking nine divines for making her take after her mother—even though I haven't seen her personally—because she does not look like Lopez one fucking bit.

With that said, a quick glance revealed her natural(?) dirty blonde hair up to her shoulders, her green eyes, and her swimmer's body. And yeah, she was wearing the university's swimming uniform which was a one-piece navy blue suit that had three white strips on each side though she was wearing shorts on top of it.

I replied to Mimi, "Chloe? As in Dr. Sandara's—"

"Yep, she's—"

Chloe suddenly turned in our direction, "Are you guys talking about me?!"

"Ah. We were just— sorry, Mimi here just introduced you."

"Mimi? Oh! Mimi— but w-who are you guys?"

I gave ourselves a brief introduction before I mentioned her father, "...and we actually came with your dad, Sir Gibson Lopez."

'Weird calling that bitch "sir", but okay…'

"He— oh…"



To our surprise earlier, this Chloe person actually heard us from a distance and even though it actually wasn't that far to not hear anything, people minding their own business tend to be in their own world while thinking deeply about something in their mind. However, mentioning her dad's name definitely prompted a reaction from her face because she got even more guarded when she was about to relax after discovering that Mimi's with us.

But yeah, after she reluctantly offered to share the fire with us, I had to feel her out a bit in regards to what she knew about the whole situation and perhaps get a glance of how school life while the world has ended been doing to her.

Trust me, it was one thing to study in this place but to top it all off with everything that's been going on, it should be taxing for a college student—well, everybody else to be honest.

With that said, she fed the fire with more firewood that one of the older couple prepared for her, but seeing that there was still an awkwardness in the air, I had to break the ice with my supposed junior. But yeah, she was still trying to dry her hair with the fire but I noticed that she actually had a few bruises and scratches on her body that was barely visible.

"You're on the swim club, huh?"

Chloe shook her head, "Ah— No."

I pointed at her uniform, "I thought—"

"Got kicked off the team…"





"Why though? Sir Sanchez still giving everyone a hard time?"

Her ears just perked up, "You know Sir Sanchez?"

I chuckled, "Alumni, remember?"

"Ah— right… but no, not because of Sir Sanchez— well, not technically but…"

Tatiana cut in from the side who was trying to sharpen a stick she found, "Sounds juicy, spill."


Megan followed, "Please, let us have something to talk about. We walked all the way here after discovering we touched a bunch of trees that had bodily fluids so please—"

Chloe let out a smile as she chuckled, "Did you guys go to the softball field?"




"Huh. The Lovers' Bridge?"

"No— wait, what's that place?"

"Ugh, it's the bridge that separates the male dorms from the female dorms… It's by the cafeteria…"

Kaley nudged me, "Why didn't you take us there?"

I rolled my eyes, "Trust me, that bridge will fucking glow if we ever shine the blacklight on that—"

Chloe interjected, "Oh~ So you guys are on patrol?"

"Not exactly. My friend is the one on patrol and I just happened to bring the same flashlight."

"Ah— I see…"

Tatiana asked again, "So why'd you get kicked off the team?"

Mimi interjected, "I don't think we should force her—"

Chloe cut in, "Nah, it's fine… I don't care anymore— I mean, anyways… Our vice-captain has a huge crush on Sir Sanchez and for some unknown reason, rumors suddenly spread that I was trying to get… umm… get uhh—"

Quinn chuckled, "Just say that they thought you wanted to hop on your teacher's dick! It's that easy~"

"U-Umm yeah… s-something like that. So… jealous and insecure people tend to do stupid things and long story short, we got into a fight, she was sent to the ER because of a broken nose, and I was the one found at fault because of our 'credible' witnesses… It's so~ funny when they don't even try to get both sides of the story… even… even my m-mom didn't think about asking me what happened because the parents of the girl I got into a fight with got so mad and they attempted to get her fired or demoted—I dunno the exact wording but if she wasn't the head of the ER and Cardiology Department and the world isn't what it is… she could be starting from the ground up thanks to 'me'... so stupid…"

"When did this happen?"

"A f-few days ago— no, it's been a week, I think. Yeah, it's been exactly a week since."

Kaley asked, "And you two still haven't talked about?"

"With whom?"

"Your mom, you two should—"

Chloe let out a bitter smile, "Hah! How would we?! She never leaves the hospital and I haven't been to our house since!"

"B-But why—"

"Well— I'm neighbors with the bitch and this is the only place I could swim… Do you have any idea how hard that was?!"



"I'm sorry…"

"Ah— I… N-No *sniffles* W-Why am I venting to you guys… I b-barely know all of you— Well, Mimi's—"

Mimi waved her off, "N-No… It's okay… For the record, I believe you too and I've been trying to explain to Dr. Lopez— I mean, your mom what actually happened… she's actually beginning to see your side of the story… It's just that she's too caught up in the moment—"

"Just keeping up appearances, right?! That's all she do…"

"That's not— I'm sorry, I'm sure you two will work it out soon…"



It got unbelievably quiet for a few moments but everyone just got shocked to fuck when Tatiana started taking off her clothes.

"What are you— Tatiana!"

"What? I don't have a swimsuit and I don't wanna get wet this way so—"

Chloe tried to warn her, "U-Umm, it's really cold—"

Despite her warnings, Tatiana just rolled her eyes before diving into the lake completely fucking naked—though with perfect form—and she stayed underwater for a few seconds before she popped up tens of feet away.

She even did the hair thing where you'd whip your hair as you pop up and she shouted at the top of her lungs to everyone else who was still stunned from what she did:

"C'mon! The water's not that cold— there we go!"

To my surprise, Megan actually followed after her but she only undressed to her underwear before diving in. She wasn't able to bridge the same distance Tatiana did but she quickly made her way to Tatiana who was just waddling at the middle.

Tatiana cackled, "Hah! You should've taken it all off! What are you gonna do if it gets lost—"

"It won't— Oh, shit!"

"I just told you!"

"N-No! It a-almost came off!"

"Get closer, I'll help you with that!"

"Oh, thanks— O-Oh! T-That's— OH! AH— O-OH!"

Quinn shouted from our side, "What are you guys doing there, huh?!"

Megan shouted back, "I-It's just c-c-cold—"

"Sure, it is~ Fuck it, a cold bath's much better anyway~"

On that note, if Tatiana's body hadn't already stunned everyone else, imagine seeing a 7-foot Amazonian with all the sliders maxed out in all her glory, running on this almost creaky but not too ramshackled pier before jumping with all her might and landing like a cannonball.


If it wasn't already obvious, throwing a rock half Quinn's weight would've already made a splash so imagine everyone's shock about the amount of damage Quinn did to this lake. But surprisingly enough, she easily made her way to the other two who seemed to be doing some funny business but it didn't take long before Alexa followed after them.

But like Megan, she didn't take all off her clothes but when her body sunk into the water, she quickly tried to swim ashore.


"Chloe already warned you guys and—" I said as I turned to Chloe, "I'm sorry, but do you have a blanket, towel, or something?"

Chloe was slightly chuckling as she waved Alexa over, "Come with me. There's hot water in the place I'm staying and you can also bring your clothes."

"T-T-Thank you…"

As soon as the two made their way to one of the cabins, I turned to Mimi and Kaley with a cheeky smile, "So, you two gonna test the waters or what?"

Mimi shook her head immediately, "N-No… We're fine, right?"

Kaley nodded, "Are you crazy? Who would—"

I cut her off as I started to undress up to my boxers, "Alright. Watch my stuff, yeah?"

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