Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 928 Bonding Over Murderous Tendencies

All this time, I thought Edith knew about the shit that Sal was pulling but it seemed like she was also kept out of the loop and was made to play a role like I do. However, technically speaking, hating violence didn't mean she didn't act on it—because she already did—and Erica here who was afraid for her life after seeing this "invitation" was probably proof of it.

And she kept shaking in fear so I slapped her awake to ask the same question:

"Erica. Listen to me. What invitation are you talking about?"

At this point, the shaking stopped for a little bit because her head was now focused on the pain but before she had the chance to answer, the glass doors of the balcony adjacent to ours just shattered into pieces because a burly guy just went through it before hitting the stone railing.

Both Edith and I didn't know what the fuck just happened but we saw Sebastian stepping out of the adjacent balcony with an expression that could kill the guy several times over.


All of a sudden, Sebastian grabbed him by his collar and slammed his head on the same stone railing he hit his back on before saying something that I didn't think could've been said at that moment:

"I'll say it again: take your dirty boots off and lick them clean before I do something permanent."

That sentence didn't make a lot of sense at the moment because once I glanced at the crowd inside the main hall, everyone else was also shocked to fuck about the situation but I did see Nancy with a few maids carrying mops and was rushing to get through the entrance.

But yeah, the guy Sebastian threw was still bleeding in several places but he shakily took off his boots and licked them clean though smidges of blood were replacing the dirt he licked off because his mouth was also bleeding from his head getting slammed on the stone railing.

And at the same time, Sebastian was watching him like a fucking hawk but to his surprise, I jumped on their side of the balcony because I was umm… nosy.

I crouched down at the same railing before smiling, "Yo, what happened over here?"

He had to glance at the distance I just jumped before he cleared his throat, "Mr. Ishiyama, don't you think it's dangerous to jump such a distance? You could've walked—"

I chuckled as I cut him off, "I could jump farther but you still haven't answered my question."

"Haaa~ Very well, this man is one of the Roxas Family's… Umm… Friends? I guess, and not only did he let himself in without the Roxas Family Head, but he also dared to make a mess of the whole mansion walking in those boots purposefully covered with dirt, mud, and manure. Truly disgusting behavior…"

I nodded a few times, "Ah, I see… Y'know, you could've just thrown him off this balcony?"

For the first time, I saw him let out a smirk as he looked me in the eye, "I apologize Mr. Ishiyama but my aim's not as good this time of the night…"

"Hah! But isn't he just trespassing right about now? I don't know about the rules and regulations in this household but if someone uninvited so much crossed his damn pinky in my fold, they get shot, no warning or throwing them here and making them clean up after their mess. I could do the honors if you want—"

"The two of you, stop."

At this point, Sebastian and I just bonded over our murderous tendencies but Sal came in and had to ruin it while our uninvited "guest" was still bleeding out as he was cleaning his shoe like one would lick the whisk end of a mixer. But yeah, Sal threw me a glance that indicated that she wasn't pissed at all about what just occurred because this was the type of thing she was looking for to get back to the way things were and then some.

With that said, it was more than safe to say that the guests we have on the main hall were just as terrified as the man who was kneeling in between me and Sebastian, but Sal threw him an olive branch by sending him away to get treated.

And just like that, the party continued with an initial set of awkward laughs and glances but that scene definitely didn't help with Erica's situation. With great advisement from Sebastian, he guided me to the same place I jumped from and he eventually discovered what Edith and I were dealing with. However, he just let out a smile as he tried to calm Erica down and it seemed to give the right reaction.

"Lady Erica, you needn't worry… Our Madam would do no such thing and as I've been informed earlier, your parents and the Madam had already come to terms very much like some of the attendees she just talked to."


"Of course, I swear on it… And if you wouldn't mind, tears like that are only allowed if it is a truly sad occasion or extreme happiness… Please…" Sebastian said as he offered Erica a nice and fancy handkerchief.

"T-Thank you, Sebastian—" then she turned to us, "I-I'm sorry for causing a f-fuss too… I-I should've believed you the f-first time…"

Edith just smiled as she waved her off, "T-That's alright…"

I followed, "Just remember that Sal's that generous. If you need something, just ask."


Sebastian politely cut in, "My lady, if you'd be so kind, I believe your little brother needs some assistance at the—"

"Oh my God! Gregory spilled on his— I-I'm sorry, I'll tend to him quick—good thing I brought him a change of clothes, I-I'll be back! Excuse me!"

At that moment, the three of us saw her off but just as Sebastian was about to excuse himself to take care of the mess he made on the adjacent balcony, Edith stopped him to thank him personally.

"Thanks for that, Sebastian… You've done more than what's required of you all these years…"

Sebastian let out a genuine smile, "My lady, I thank you for those kind words but I'm still very lacking…"


"M-My lady—"

"Honest to God, Sebastian! If you weren't here, we'd be… we'd be… God knows where we could've ended up just by the number of times you saved our lives! It's just really unfortunate you're not coming with us…"

Sebastian let out a bitter smile, "I apologize, my lady, but I think I'd be more useful by the Madam's side… and beside Lady Elsa too, I suppose…"

"T-That's true, I guess… But promise you'll visit me once in a while, alright?! I-I'll visit too— as much as possible! I'll miss you, Sebastian… got it?!"

"O-Of course, my lady… I promise… So, if you'll excuse me…"

"O-Oh, please don't let us hold you for long! B-Be careful though!"

"I will, my lady…"

In any case, Sebastian's goodbye was a little awkward because he was only gonna be on the balcony next to us. But since he didn't want a lot of attention, he closed the curtain behind him—where we were the only ones who could see him work, though he did a mighty fine job of removing all of the glass shards and blocking the entryway to avoid any accidents.

But yeah, so he could show off like me for a little bit, he jumped the same distance I did back to where we were because this one hell of a butler blocked his only entrance to the main hall.

And I threw back the words he said to me earlier, "Sebastian, don't you think it's dangerous to jump such a distance? You could've walked, you know?"

He chuckled while covering his mouth, "I apologize, Mr. Ishiyama but it appears that I've fully locked my only entrance back. Forgive the careless display…"

"I know, I know~"

"Then if you'll excuse me once more—"

"If you aren't that busy tomorrow, would you mind giving us a tour?"

"Hmm? Of course…"

"Someplace where we could give each other pointers will be good too."



He let out a sigh before giving me a smile, "Of course, my lord… After I'm done assigning tasks to the household's maids and butlers, I'll get back to you—no, how about doing the tour after breakfast?"

"That's great, really great…"

"Very well, enjoy your night with the lady… Just give me a call if you need further assistance…"


"Mr lord?"

"Do you at least know how to swear?"

"Swear? You mean…"

"Yes. Swear."

"Oh… I… I swear I'll give you a tour—"

"No, I mean that is technically— do you know how to fucking curse?"

"Pardon? I don't understand— I mean, I'm afraid my Latin's a little rusty…"


"My lord?"



After that brief silence, Edith didn't know what to do but the two of us just started laughing—though I'm on the more maniacal side—genuinely. He looked to be a guy who had a stick up his butt but he's starting to grow on me.

'What are the chances I'll be able to poach him away?'

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