Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 945 Clyde Leatherworks

Chapter 945 Clyde Leatherworks

As Quinn was terrorizing the Rivas Family's workers, I saw Mauro from the corner of my eye making his way to an older gentleman working silently on a corner. He began to approach him slowly and respectfully as he tried to get the older man's attention, and once he did, he let out a faint smile and motioned a small salute using two of his fingers.

I couldn't quite see the older gentleman's facial features but they exchanged a few words before Mauro's face lit up from excitement.

He looked like a kid who was offered a ride on a tank, and he couldn't stand still when the older fella excused himself for a bit to get something from storage.

However, Quinn managed to follow my line of sight for a moment, and once she saw the old man come out with a medium-sized box, she looked like a bolt of lightning struck her body as she quickly made her way to the two. And being as how nosy I was, I quickly followed after her which she didn't even notice.

It was barely a few seconds when we reached the two but once I met eyes with the old man, he let out a warm smile as he beckoned us over.

But Mauro was prepared to fight tooth and nail as to what was inside the box.

"Hey! HEY! QUINN!"






'What's in that box anyway?'

As I was thinking to myself while the two were about to throw hands, the older gentleman let out a hearty laugh as he uncovered the lid of the box he brought over.

"Hohoho! Don't fight now, kids… I actually made plenty! You three can share. There's plenty to go around…"

Quinn suddenly turned behind her, "Three— Oh, you followed me."

"What's in those—"

"Take a look, you can't get those anywhere."

To my surprise, the box contained several dozen pairs of lifting straps and eight thick lifting belts made with premium leather though the belts were missing the lever component. The lever was made with metal but I assume that the two had their own personal levers with them or back home. It was only a matter of screwing them into these belts to be able to use them.

Mauro was touched and annoyed as fuck as he looked inside the box, "Dammit, Clyde! Why'd you have to overwork yourself again?! This is a lot! I just asked for a pair!"

Quinn followed, "Yeah, Clyde! This is good for a few years, at least!"

"Hoho! I just got some free time but young man I've never seen before, I'm afraid your waist is too small for these belt's sizes… I can probably make one for you in—"

I instantly waved him off, "Ah— That's— I-It's okay, Mr. Clyde! Really! I'm Sky Ishiyama, by the way… Nice to meet you, sir!"

"Ah! A proper one, aren't ya? Wait a minute— Ah! I believe you're the new family head, aren't ya? They said you were young but not that young! How old are ya? 17?"

Mauro and Quinn almost choked on their spit but I scratched my head and chuckled as I answered:

"Almost twenty-seven now, actually…"

"Hoho! Apologies, you're almost the same age as Mauro here but he looked way~ older, don't ya think?! I believe it's the special juice they're taking, am I right? If you're a real man, natural's the way to go! I can probably take 'im if I was ten years younger…"

Mauro couldn't believe what he just heard, "Wha— Hey! I'm right here!"

"HOH! I'm just kidding, kidding!" then he turned back to me and glanced at my right arm, "You like dragons, huh?"

I nodded politely, "Of course, they're cool."

"Hmm~ Then how about you humor an old man?"

"What do you suggest?"

"I'll make you custom belts and straps and—"

Clyde wasn't even able to finish his sentence when the two—Mauro and Quinn—blew up and almost threw me overhead.

"Come on, Clyde! What about me?!"


Clyde chuckled as he waved them off, "I can hear just fine, Quinn… And I'm talking to the young man, want me to give you those straps which I swore to never make again or not? If so, let me finish talking to him."



Then he let out a smile as he turned back to me, "Young man, for some reason these things I've made, made them far stronger in their lifts than what's humanly possible—and that involved PEDs, obviously—and it made them pursue things that put their well-being at extreme risk… I know that it's not these items' fault but it's sad to say that there's still an indirect correlation with it…"

I nodded a few times as I said solemnly, "Are you talking about Mike?"

"You know him?"

"Not personally, no. I heard him and Jackie in passing… great dudes…"

This time, Clyde was still smiling but his eyes were not, "He's one of them but there are many more who aren't even as big as him pursued size and strength like they're crazed—"

I then cut him off, "Clyde… I think I know where you're getting at right about now but even without these items, they'll continue whatever it is they're doing. We can say all we want and try a few things to get the point across but sometimes, some people are just too stubborn for their own good."


"But yeah, after whatever they're taking runs out, they'll probably look for the next best thing and then to the other until they land back on external accessories such as these straps or these belts. Then it's your job to make sure that they're of top quality."

"I-I guess…"

The old dude was starting to get more and more disheartened so I tried to change the subject a little bit.

"So… How custom are we talking about here? And what's the deal you're about to propose when I cut you off?"

"Ah! Hoho… It's nothing really but I can make embroideries by sewing some thread on that leather to make it a little more a-appealing besides its quality. But on my proposal, since you're the one here that looks… normal? Forgive the language but you know where I'm getting at, right?"

I chuckled as I shook my head, "Physically, sure…"

"B-But yeah… I just want you to give them one of those friendly taps when you notice them getting too deep on that pool once again, that's it. Quinn mentioned that she stopped months ago but she just looks happier now, not smaller!"

"Pfft…/Kek…" Mauro and I chortled at the same time.

"WANT ME TO BURY THREE OF YA, HAH?! I am happy though…"

Clyde chuckled as he glanced at me for a bit, "I could kinda understand why… but yeah, I promise to make you a full set with custom designs, and even if you wouldn't use it regularly, I hope you at least break it open and rip some shit up like Mike would say when he hits PRs…"

Mauro and Quinn cut in, "U-Us too, please! Put in something wicked!/ Y-Yeah! Us too! I'd like a cross on mine!"

"Sure, sure~ Anyway, you can take the box with you but don't forget to come back in a few days for the custom ones."

Mauro took the box before giving Clyde a fistbump, "Gotcha. Just don't overdo it, alright?"

"I could say the same thing to you! Go on now, git!"

"Wha— That's the second time— Nevermind…"

In any case, we went back to everyone else who was trying on different kinds of clothes while Quinn was trying out the straps on her hands and she just looked so happy.

To those who don't know, straps and belts could help increase one's maximum lifts aside from the support it would give them, and straps were known to provide extra grip if they're lacking while belts were known to help with bracing and back support. But yeah, depending on what you're using to lift, straps could give about a 2%-5% increase on their maximum while belts could give 5%-10%.

That's not even including other accessories like sleeves for knees and elbows, the proper shoes, a lifting suit, etc. but the accessories one's wearing should also be dependent on the type of lift involved.

You'd be laughed off the gym if you ever wear a lifting belt while doing curls or abs but please, don't get me started about lifting gloves. They're in the same league as the foam/pool noodle used to help cushion the barbell for squatting and even if they do help in a way, they're just one of those things people avoid unless they don't want calluses appearing on their body.

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