Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 254 Plan Completely Failed

Sarah sat in a park looking up at the sun which was slowly setting in, the afternoon breeze occasionally blowing her long brown hair that was left loose and touching her face, which at this time seemed to have a lot of thoughts.

Michael and Anna are not engaged.

Sarah sighed. She still had a hard time believing that she had to go through what she went through just because she thought that Michael and Anna were engaged and didn't want to hurt another woman.

Even though her life was a little better now, if she thought about how her life had been for the past six years, having to give birth and raising two twins alone, Sarah was sure that maybe it would be a little easier if someone was with her.

It wasn't that she suddenly complained about raising her two children alone. It was hard, but their angelic smiles and laughs made the tiredness seem worth it. It's just… if someone else had helped her, it would have been a little better.

Sarah sighed again.

"There's no point in regretting your decision, it's already happened," Sarah muttered under her breath.

To be honest, she had never regretted her decision not to tell Michael and chose to raise her sons alone, but that was before she found out that Michael was never engaged to Anna.

Now, she regretted it a little.

"Why did this happen to me?" Sarah asked quietly, looking at the bushes in front of her.

"Oh, right. It's all because of Mrs. Collins, because I believed that woman's words," Sarah replied with a sad smile.

If she had not believed her words, or had simply ignored her when she came to see her, then this would definitely not have happened.

"Actually… Why does she hate me so much?" Sarah asked again, beginning to wonder.

When she was still married to Michael, she always tried to be the best daughter-in-law to her and never once talked back when she heard her hurtful words.

But why did she hate her so much? Is it because she doesn't have parents? What's wrong with that? Did she ask her parents to put her in an orphanage? If she could choose, of course she wouldn't want to be left in an orphanage. It's not like it was her decision!

Without realizing it, Sarah's tears immediately flowed down her cheeks, making her surprised.

She hadn't cried like this in a long time. She didn't know if it was because she suddenly recalled the fact that she was left in an orphanage by her parents, or because Mrs. Collins hated her, or because she regretted the decision she made six years ago.

She didn't know the exact reason why her tears just flowed out.

Sarah then lowered her head, trying to let out her emotions and cried silently. It had been a long time since she had suddenly cried like this because her children knew when she was crying, so this was the perfect time to let her sad emotions out.

After a few minutes, Sarah finally lifted her head and wiped the rest of her tears. She already felt better after crying.

"Yeah, it's better to not regret it. It happened," Sarah muttered under her breath and took a deep breath.

She then immediately took out her cellphone to see what time it was. The look on her face was shocking, she didn't expect to have been gone for three hours!

Sarah then immediately stood up and left the garden. She had to go home and meet her two adorable children!


Sarah had a confused look on her face when she opened the apartment door and it was dark inside. Usually even if they turned off the lights, they would get light from the balcony, but this time it was really dark.

Did Michael take the kids out?

"Raphael? Gabriel?" called Sarah who left the door open to have light from the outside, then tried to find the light switch on the wall to put the light on.

"Mommy! Mom… hmphh…"

Sarah's brow furrowed, she could hear her children's voices calling out to her, but their mouths seemed to close again.

Sarah's hand, searching for the light switch on the wall, finally managed to find it, brightening the apartment again with the lights on.

At the same time, she could hear the sounds of her children screaming for her, and Sarah was immediately startled when she saw the children emerge from behind the sofa and run over to her and hug her legs.

"Raphael, Gabriel!" said Sarah who immediately squatted down and kissed the lips of her children immediately in turn.

"Wow... you two look very handsome," Sarah continued with her mouth slightly open when she saw the appearance of her children who were currently wearing a gray vest with a white shirt and gray pants.

A colored bow tie similar to their vest completed their look tonight,

"Do we look like gentlemen?" asked Raphael as he tucked his hands in his pants, according to what he had been taught.

Sarah nodded. Their hair was even combed neatly and they wore shoes.

"What about me?" asked Gabriel, who also wanted to show his appearance tonight.

"Gabriel looks like a gentleman too!" Sarah answered with a big smile.

If someone had said that Sarah had just been crying, it wouldn't be at all on her now happy face with a big smile on her face.

"But why do you two look like this?" Sarah asked confusedly.

She knew that her kids didn't have a vest or white shirt and pants like this, let alone a bow tie. She never bought them that.

"Uncle bought it for us!" answered Gabriel who now drew closer to Sarah and leaned against her.

"Uncle?" Sarah asked again.

She knew he meant Michael, but didn't they often call him old man?

"Yes. Uncle is hiding there!" said Raphael then pointed at the couch with it back to the balcony.

Sarah's eyebrows rose again when she heard Raphael was also now calling Michael uncle.

What exactly happened?

Meanwhile, Michael, who was still hiding, awkwardly stood up while scratching the back of his head which didn't itch at all.

"Boys. Didn't uncle already say we would hide first and surprise Mommy?" asked Michael looking awkward.

Since then, he has taught his children many times what to do when Sarah comes home. They would hide, let Sarah turn on the light, then come out from behind the couch saying "Ta-da!"

However, who would have thought that when the door was finally opened by Sarah, the two children would immediately call for their Mommy?

His surprise plan completely failed!

Michael was so flustered that he tried to cover his two sons' mouths, but they both struggled and rushed over to Sarah.

"Michael? Are you going somewhere?" Sarah asked confusedly when she saw Michael wearing a shirt with trousers, like he was going to attend some ceremonies.

Michael did not answer, and looked at his two children who were now in Sarah's arms.

"Boys, don't you guys have something to give Mommy?" Michael asked, winked his eyes, trying to give them a sign.

Tonight he had to make Sarah forget her date with the auburn attorney!

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