Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 264 See Her Grandson At School

As usual in the morning, Mrs Collins had breakfast alone with Mrs Gareth, the woman who had been the housekeeper of this house since Michael was a child.

The large dining table seemed to be very alone with only two women eating there, and it made Mrs Collins feel sad every day. In the past this dining table was very crowded with her son, and her husband.

Now, she was alone with their housekeeper.

After finishing breakfast with the housekeeper, Mrs. Collins immediately went to her room to get ready.

The old woman's face looked even more excited than before. A smile even appeared on the woman's face.

Finally, Monday has arrived!

The woman then immediately took her cellphone and saw the photo sent by her personal secretary on Friday.

It was a photo of Michael, that woman, and two little boys who looked like fraternal twins.

Mrs. Collins felt something strange inside her when she saw the two cute looking little boys! They looked so adorable, and she wanted to see them in person, up close if possible.

As if she could guess her thoughts, her personal secretary also sent additional info. It's the kids' school!

When she read the information last Friday, Mrs. Collins's mood, which had been looking down for the past few days, immediately changed to a happy one.

Her grandsons goes to a kindergarten which she often visits to donate! She even knew the Head Teacher at the kindergarten very well.

Wasn't this a sign that he could meet her grandsons?

So, today Mrs Collins was planning to go see her grandsons at school. Even though she had to look from afar, she wanted to see them in person!


The arrival of Mrs. Collins to the kindergarten made some of the staff immediately widen their eyes. It was already like there had been a sudden inspection by the superiors and they were completely unprepared for it.

"Mrs. Collins? You should have told us if you wanted to visit," said the Head Teacher over to Mrs. Collins who was sitting in the waiting room.

She then turned to the staff in the room.

"What are you doing? Let's quickly serve tea and cake for our guest," she said, glaring at the woman.

How could they not serve something to this special guest?

"Ah, that's not necessary. I've had breakfast," said Mrs Collins, raising her hand, telling the staff to do nothing.

"Then… Why did you come here?" asked the Head Teacher carefully.

"I want to see..." Mrs. Collins, who wanted to say her grandsons, immediately swallowed the words.

Now people know that her son is not married, and she only has one child, namely Michael.

If she mentioned the word grandsons, it would definitely be a question for people. So she can't do that.

Besides, she had no idea how the two little kids behaved at school. They did have Collins' blood, but they also had that woman's blood.

What if they weren't like the other kids? She didn't expect them to be smart or superior to other children, just being equal or commensurate with their age development was enough for her.

However, what if their development is slow? She couldn't imagine how people would look at her later!

"Ehem, I mean, I wonder if there are twins in this school," said Mrs Collins trying to keep her attitude.

The Head Teacher then turned to the staff who were still there, the look in his eyes telling him to find out about it

Her kindergarten had 50 children, and she couldn't possibly tell if there were twins or not.

Not long after, the staff said that last month they had twins and the only twins in this kindergarten.

Mrs. Collins nodded at that. It looks like they were her grandsons.

"How are they doing?" asked Mrs Collins curiously.

The two people's expressions changed slightly when they heard the question, and Mrs Collins caught it.

"I mean, this is the first time I've heard of twins studying here. I wonder how you guys deal with them. Are they in the same class? Is there a difference when they are in class?" said Mrs. Collins, trying to come up with an excuse.

She knew she sounded "noisy" at the moment, but she was very curious how her grandsons were doing.

"To be honest, I don't know about that, but how about we go visit the class to take a look? After Mrs. Collins said it, I was also suddenly interested," said the Head Teacher flattering Mrs. Collins as usual.

"Very well then," said Mrs Collins, still keeping her attitude. Inside, her heart was beating fast. She will soon see her grandsons.

Mrs. Collins's heart was beating faster when the Head Teacher escorted her to her grandsons' class.

"It looks like singing and dancing class is currently going on," said the Head Teacher when she could hear the children's voices and walked over to the classroom door to open it.

"Wait!" said Mrs Collins, stopping the woman. "Is this the class?"

The Head Teacher nodded.

Mrs. Collins then immediately turned to look at the window. Her eyes immediately scanned the five children in the room. It didn't take her long to find her two grandsons.

Both children were singing while following the teacher's dance moves in front of them, although she looked at their faces from the side, she could see both of them looking excited and cheerful about it.

Her heart felt strange at the sight, and her eyes suddenly started to tear up. She finally got to see her grandsons!

"Um… Mrs Collins?" called the Head Teacher when Mrs Collins remained silent

"Ah, the children are singing right now. Let's just go back and not disturb them," said Mrs Collins who had made her decision.

Although she really wanted to see them up close, this is enough for her. Moreover, her stupid son hasn't told them that he is their father. So she doesn't want to be careless by telling them that she is actually their grandmother.

She can also see that her two grandsons look happy singing while following the teacher's movements. If she goes inside, it will definitely disturb their class.

The Head Teacher looks confused, today Mrs Collins is not acting like she usually does, but she just said that in her heart and obeyed the woman who had given a lot of money for their kindergarten.

​ ***

Mrs. Collins looked at the woman who was the teacher in her grandsons' class. She could see that she looked nervous at the sudden call l like this.

"Do not be nervous. I just wanted to ask about the twins. You know, they say twins are always the same. As the teacher, what do you think of them?" asked Mrs Collins curiously.

The young lady swallowed her saliva, then turned to the Head Teacher who was currently looking at her with a look that she had to answer properly.

"I think they are both very smart. They already know how to count, and can already write. I even planned to talk with their mother to get the twins enrolled in elementary school this year."

Mrs Collins smiled with satisfaction when she heard that. Looks like her two grandsons are growing well. Well… as expected, they are Collins after all.

"Raphael and Gabriel? They are smart kids," said one of the staff who suddenly heard the conversation. They were currently sitting in the staff room and not the Head Teacher's room.

"Their names are Raphael and Gabriel?" asked Mrs Collins. It was the first time she had heard her grandsons' name

"So the woman gave a name similar to Michael's. At least she still knows that they are not her only children," thought Mrs. Collins, a little surprised by the names of her grandsons.

She thought, since they were twins, that woman would give them a name that twins used to use. Who would have thought that the woman would be sensible enough to give such a name?

"Yes, the oldest one, the dark brunette, is named Raphael Smith, and the younger one, the blonde, is named Gabriel Smith."

Mrs Collins' expression immediately changed upon hearing this. She was happy to finally know the names of her grandsons, she also knew who Raphael was, and who Gabriel was.

However, it seemed that she heard something wrong.

"What are their names again?" asked Mrs. Collins, frowning.

"Eh?" The young woman was slightly surprised to see the expression of the old woman in front of her changed. Does she look a little annoyed?

"Raphael and Gabriel," he said timidly.

"Their full names!" said Mrs Collins impatiently.

The young woman licked her dry lips, before finally opening them again.

"Raphael Smith and Gabriel Smith."

Mrs Collins' mouth opened when she heard that. She thought she heard it wrong, but she heard it right!

Her grandsons' names are Raphael Smith and Gabriel Smith!

Is that woman insane?! She had just praised her because she was sensible to name her grandsons after her son's name, but how could she name her grandsons with her last name?

Those two are Collins! It should be Raphael Collins, and Gabriel Collins!

That woman must be crazy!

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