Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 304 You Can Share With Me

"Hey, that's enough."

Sarah, who had just poured the whiskey into her glass, for who knows how many glasses it was already, turned her head when a hand was holding her glass as well as her hand, trying to stop her.

Michael's face that looked worried was immediately caught by Sarah's sense of sight.

Seeing Sarah who did not insist on taking the glass, Michael immediately raised the glass and drank its contents before Sarah drank it again.

"I know tomorrow is the weekend, but isn't it too lonely to drink alone?" Michael asked with a smile.

Sarah just kept quiet and took the empty glass on the table then poured it again and drank it.

After the glass was empty, Michael took it and lifted it and looked at Sarah. Without needing to hear what Michael had to say, Sarah poured the whiskey into the glass, and Michael drank it.

The two of them then took turns drinking the whiskey without saying anything.

"I think that's enough," Michael said, holding Sarah's hand once more. He'd been counting how many glasses she'd had since, and he thought it was too much.

Although his alcohol tolerance is good, Michael is starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. Then what about Sarah who drank first than him?

So Michael thinks it's time to put a stop to that.

Sarah was still silent with an expression that looked troubled. She didn't even say anything when Michael took the glass and the bottle of Whiskey which she was still holding and the man immediately stood up and went to the kitchen.

Not long after, Sarah's eyes caught a glass being put on the table in front of her from the right. The glass was filled with something, and from the color it looked like milk.

"It's better to drink this if you want to drink something," said Michael who this time sat beside Sarah and smiled when Sarah turned to him.

Again, Sarah said nothing and grabbed the glass. It was warm. She didn't pick it up, and continued to hold it.

"So… what happened?" Michael asked quietly and sounded worried. It was the first time he'd seen Sarah act like this after living with him again. It worried him.

Sarah's lips were still tightly shut, and the expression on her face was still expressionless when she looked at Michael.

"You… can share with me," Michael said with a smile. "You're not alone, Sarah. You can share with me," he continued softly.

Sarah's lips trembled slightly when she heard what Michael said. She's not alone. Is it true?

After giving birth to the twins, Sarah went through a lot of hardships and she just kept it to herself until she finally had to forget her problems the next day because she had to meet her kids.

"I…" Sarah parted her lips. Her voice trembled. "I'm totally screwed, Michael. I… I lost my patient, I…" Sarah didn't continue her words when finally the tears she had been holding back, finally rolled down her cheeks.

Sarah knew she shouldn't be acting like this. This wasn't the first time she had lost a patient, and she should have gotten used to it. She had done his best, but there came a time when fate had to say otherwise.

However, it had been six years since she had last lost someone like this, and it was truly like hitting her so hard.

Michael's eyes widened at that, showing that he was surprised at the reason why Sarah was acting like this.

Without waiting any longer, Michael pulled her into his arms and patted her back.

"It's not your fault," he whispered softly.

He thought back to when Sarah lost her patient and the woman overreacted by hurting herself. Michael was afraid Sarah would do the same thing again.

"She was my first patient… I should be able to cure her, I…" Sarah didn't continue her words because of the tears that flowed out of her eyes.

Today she couldn't go home on time because her patient had a sudden heart attack, and Sarah was doing her best to get her back. However, the patient still lost after all the effort she tried.

Sarah was completely numb and shaking, just a couple of hours ago she spoke to her patient and asked how she was doing, she even said that from her condition, the patient seemed to be able to go home in a few days.

However, the patient lost, and that shocked her. A nurse even had to touch her to remind her to say the time of the patient's death.

After saying that, suddenly the patient's husband and kids came into the room to see his wife and their Mommy. Sarah knew them quite well, especially her kids, who were not much different age from her kids.

Then she heard a question from the patient's youngest son who seemed to be the same age as her kids.

"Doctor, is Mommy sleeping?"

It was like a blow for her to hear such an innocent question and she couldn't answer the question at all.

Sarah couldn't help but stare at the husband and eldest son who was crying, without said anything, and only had an apologetic expression on her face. She couldn't even cry.

How could she cry when she caused that to them?

After that painful incident, Sarah somehow managed to go home and take a shower. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't. The sight continued to haunt her.

The only thing she could do was to run to alcohol, trying to forget it all, without being able to bring out her tears.

However, in the man's embrace that felt like the cup she was holding earlier, the tears she had been trying to hold back for so long, finally burst out.

The hug was warm, and it had been a long time since she had last felt such a hug.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was filled only by the sound of Sarah's muffled cries, and Michael's soft voice trying to calm her down.

Not long after, Sarah finally let go of the hug first. She felt her throat hurt from crying, and her face blushed with embarrassment when she met Michael's eyes.

"It's not your fault, don't cry anymore," Michael said softly and then wiped the last of the tears that flowed down Sarah's cheeks.

Sarah let Michael do that then nodded her head.

When there were no more tears on Sarah's face, Michael lowered his hand and looked at the woman who was also looking at him.

The atmosphere between the two of them became silent, both of them stared at each other with their eyes locked with each other.

Suddenly, the two of them could hear each other's heartbeats, and every nerve in their bodies seemed to be screaming to come closer and kiss the person in front of them.

The two of them then slowly began to lean over, following the whispers they could hear, making their hearts beat even faster.

Their noses finally met, they could feel something tickle their stomachs when it happened. It felt good.

Michael then tilted his head to make it easier for him to reach his destination. It didn't take him long to finally kiss those lips.

Michael then kissed Sarah's lips gently, bit her lower lip with his and sucked it. It is done gently, and sensually.

However, Michael suddenly felt that something had entered his mouth, exploring it and teasing his tongue which had been silent.

His tongue finally moved, devoured by the temptation, then finally it moved into Sarah's lips.

He could taste the whiskey the woman had been drinking, as well as the coldness that seemed to come from the toothpaste she had used.

The kiss grew even hotter when Michael felt a hand on his neck that pushed his head, signaling that he didn't have to let go of the kiss, and Michael did as he asked.

He explored each of Sarah's mouths then pulled his tongue and bit her lower lip lightly. A small moan escaped Sarah's lips as Michael did that, then went back to exploring her lips with his tongue.

They kissed for a long time like that, using their tongues, without tongues, then using their tongues again. Both seem to get a rhythm on when time to do it.

Until finally, they had to break the kiss because they lacked oxygen.

The two of them stared at each other with their noses touching and their chests rising and falling, trying to catch their breath. Sarah's hands were still around Michael's neck, as if holding him back.

"We… have to go to bed soon," Michael whispered slowly and softly.

Of course that's not what Michael meant. What he meant was that they should immediately go to bed in their respective rooms and stop what they were doing at the moment.

He was happy, it was a hot and pleasant kiss. However, it is a little dangerous.

He is currently under the influence of alcohol, and he may not be able to contain himself.

"Can you stay with me?" asked Sarah in a whisper with a flushed face.

Michael growled when he saw Sarah's expression which looks very sexy tonight. Her lips were slightly parted and swollen from their kiss, her eyes were droppy and her face was red.

"I'm afraid I'll lose control, Sarah," Michael whispered quietly.

"You can do it," Sarah replied quietly.

"Eh?" Michael looked surprised, afraid he'd heard him wrong.

"You can do it, Michael. Please comfort me tonight."

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