Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 368

Chapter 368: 368

The big snow-like wolf howled in despair and unwillingness as it became slower and slower .

Its legs started trembling, and the hind legs began giving in . The wolf was unable to put up much more of a fight, but no one dared to lay their guards down .

Zhang Moyun rushed to the wolf’s side . His sword flashed, and a new trail of blood followed .

The sword attack landed on the same wound that he had created before; this time, the wolf was split into two .

Blood rained down, and the Chang’an people cheered out loud . Even Xue Wei smiled slightly and approved of the way that Zhang Moyun had dealt with the wolf .

"The Scorching Flame Daisy belongs to Zhang Moyun; the rest of you can share the snow-white wolf . Liu Jingshen gets the beast core . "

Xue Wei quickly gave the items out to who deserved what and no one complained . The Scorching Flame Daisy was the herb that the snow-white wolf had been protecting .

They continued on when Luoluo suddenly stopped in her tracks . "I can sense a faint energy fluctuation," she said with a frown on her face, "but another group of people is currently besieging it . They are fighting against the guarding beast . "

"Should we go?" Wang Xiaoyun could not help but ask hesitatingly . Although she wanted items and resources, she was not so despicable that she was willing to steal them from others yet .

Unfortunately, Xue Wei had no such scruples . For him, humans and beasts were the same, killing a beast and killing a human was the same to him, so if he could kill beasts for treasures the why couldn’t he kill humans?

"We should go . " Xue Wei made a quick decision . "This realm was opened by the Vermilion Bird clan . I promised the clan leader that I would look after them the best I could . There is a chance that the ones who are fighting are the Vermilion Bird Clan, so I have to go and see . "

Hearing this, Wang Xiaoyun felt that there was some reason behind his words and was instantly tricked .

Xue Wei was not caring too much about the Vermilion Bird clan . They had made their own decisions back when Xue Wei entered the underground world .

If they really did reunite, then he would be happy, but if they did not, then he wouldn’t mind it either .

As they went closer and closer, they did nothing to hide their aura; neither did they sneak forward in an attempt of being one with the surroundings .

They were bold and straight forward as they advanced, moving right towards the fighting people, but the group which was currently engaged in frenzied battle had no time to consider them .

It was a group of experts that could rival the group Xue Wei commanded, but they had encountered a whole group of scarlet bees .

The scarlet bees were very tenacious . They would suicide without a second thought, causing severe damage to the cultivators they were facing off against .

Although their strength was not on par with the group of cultivators, their numbers more than made up for it .

"Scarlet bee honey!" Xue Wei exclaimed excitedly when he saw the beehive that was placed on a tree not far away .

"My friend, help us, and we will share the honey fifty-fifty!" the leader of the other group was quick-witted .

He knew that this newly arrived group would be able to wait for the bees and his group to fight a prolonged battle, and then finish off the both of them when they had grown tired .

Instead, he would much rather offer an olive branch and try to tempt Xue Wei into working with him .

Xue Wei, who knew that Wang Xiaoyun had a hard time killing fellow humans, was not interested in all the honey within the beehive .

It was impossible to use it all, even for their large group, so he was happy that the other group leader was so smart .

"Remember your promise!" Xue Wei said smilingly before he gestured for the others to throw themselves into the battle .

No one held back, all of them unleashed their potent attacks, raining them down upon the many bees .

Even Xue Wei, who had not attended the many battles before, was now releasing a lot of fiery attacks .

Ring of Fire!

Fire Palm!

These two attacks were very simple, the ring of fire was an attack that landed on a large area and burnt everything within the circle, while the Fire Palm was much more straightforward, just a palm that carried with it the fire attributed Qi .

The bees were not resistant against fire, and they succumbed one by one to the scorching temperatures and the oppressive power that was within the fire elemental Qi .

The bees were numerous, there were thousands of them, but the majority were around the heavenly Knight rank so that they could be killed in batches .

The group that had been fighting the bees at the beginning was feeling a significant relief when Xue Wei and his group arrived and started attacking .

They could finally breathe a heavy sigh of relief, but they dared not relax . They continued to push forward, their attacks lighting up the entire sky, which was slowly darkening .

Qi of varying colors could be seen, the silver color of the primary qi, the red qi that had the fire elemental affinity, black Qi from Hei Gou, and so on .

Although the majority did not have an affinity, a handful of the people who fought did, and the replenished light that shone from the many attacks caused many of the bees to be filled with anger and frenzy .

They attacked with wild abandon and completely ignored the consequences . At the beginning, the scarlet bees that had appeared had all been the Heavenly Knight rank; however, now even Saint ranked bees began emerging .

The Heavenly Knight ranked bees were already able to create a massive stir in the battle and had injured the people fighting, but now that the Saint ranked scarlet bees appeared, the fight once more became equal, the final winner still not decided .

Xue Wei was not taking on the shape of either the Azure Dragon, neither ha he taken on the body of the Vermilion Bird . Although he could do that, he wanted to test his limits and see how capable he was at fighting in his human shape .

Sensing that they were having problems fighting, Xue Wei did not hesitate to create a Devouring Azure Dragon, which was completely immune to the suicidal attacks of the scarlet bees .

It was rampaging on the battlefield, an entity made solely from energy, so it was not stopped by injuries, as it absorbed the life force of the scarlet bees to fuel itself and continue on its massacre .

The Devouring Azure Dragon was the skill that Xue Wei had most experience commanding this attack, but while the spiritual dragon was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws, Xue Wei was also feeling the pressure from the battle .

This battle was different from any other he had ever encountered . The battle required one to continually fight against an overwhelming number of enemies, not to mention that these enemies were tiny, so their attacks were hard to avoid .

Sting after sting would land on their bodies, and blood was drawn from the wounds .

When the scarlet bees suicided, they would explode themselves, causing even more severe damage to their enemies, and when a whole bunch of them did this at the same time, the damage could not be belittled .

Bai Tianyi and Luoluo were the ones with the most problems . These bees were not overly strong when it came to their physical bodies, but their soul was very strong, and although Bai Tianyi had his dao of sword and sword attacks to land on the bees, Luoluo had no other options .

At the end, when Xue Wei glanced at her to ensure her safety, he was stunned . Luoluo had realized that she herself was not the opponent of the scarlet bees, so instead, she had begun baiting the bees to follow her before she would rush to the Devouring Azure Dragon, feeding it with the life force of countless bees .

The Devouring Azure Dragon was not intelligent . Still, it was able to work together with Luoluo without any problems, making Luoluo smirk happily and feel that she was doing something right .

Zhang Moyun was working together with Liu Jingsheng; the two of them also slaughtering many scarlet bees in mere moments .

Even Wang Xiaoyun was using her fan to the best of her abilities, and Xue Wei was astonished to see that she had almost connected to the element of Wind .

Every attack she unleashed depended on the wind to increase the swiftness and fierceness of the attacks .

The bees were like a bunch of small boats in the stormy seas, unable to stay in the air as they were thrown here and there, completely dazed by the wind that swept them away, before they were hit by her martial art techniques, killing them .

The battle was intense, and the wounds were much more severe than any other battle they had been in before . A few had to retreat to nurse their wounds before once more throwing themselves at the Scarlet Bees .

They were lucky that no more people were within their vicinity and appeared to reap the benefits, as all the fighters were simply too exhausted .

The ground was littered with bodies of the bees, and more and more had to retreat as the Saint Bees were getting more and more engaged in the battle .

Only the Saints of the two teams were left on the battlefield, the Heavenly Saints had been sent back, and Xue Wei was the most ferocious of them all .

Flames and life force was shrouding him, his eyes glistening like the stars in the night sky, and he held a chilling grin on his face as he slaughtered bee after bee . Although not much blood was spilled when the bees were killed, he still felt the thrill of killing them .

There were so many bees, and Xue Wei was already losing his rationale slightly, unable to fully control the killing intent that was bursting through his veins .

The others were holding a decent distance from him, the killing intent he was releasing was so overwhelming that all of them were starting to feel somewhat scared, however even so, Hei Gou and the others were used to Xue Wei losing control slightly when killing numerous foes in such a frenzied battle, they knew he was currently enjoying himself, and thus they just left him be .

However, the members of the Chang’an group were all frightened by his display of cruelty and the chilling smile on his face .

Even the unknown group they had teamed up with was frightened as they looked at his display of madness .

Qi Flamestrike!

This was one of the final martial art techniques that he had gained from the heritage ring . It was already quite a strong attack, but now that he had a connection to the fire elemental qi, his attack was on a completely different level .

Hundreds of bees died in that one attack, but Xue Wei was not done . He had many martial art techniques, but recently he had been training the skills that he had gotten from the heritage ring, and some of them were specialized in attacking an area instead of just a person .

Sky’s Judgment!

Sky’s Judgement was an attack that unleashed the might of nine progressively stronger lightning strikes .

This attack required of Xue Wei to channel his Qi, and the attacks were immensely powerful, the lightning bolts that descended from the sky caused so much destruction to the bees that the rest of them started trembling in fear .

The battle lasted a full night and day; the surroundings were lit up by the reflections of the countless attacks that were being thrown out .

When the day finally ended, there was only one bee left, the Queen bee, who turned out to be a ninth layered Earth Saint . Her strength was not to be belittled .

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