Contract Marriage: Emperor CEO's Secretary Wife

Chapter 241 - Lu Qiangs complaint

Chapter 241 - Lu Qiang's complaint

"But if he didn’t commit suicide, then how were they able to kill him? People chased after him then he ran into a room and then he jumped when he was cornered. Or am I just thinking too much?" Xiu Mei expressed while trying to imagine the scenario in her head.

If someone pushed him to his death then someone should’ve seen that he was pushed right?

Lu Chen didn’t respond as he pondered about this possibility that they overlooked in this incident.

Still, the percentage of Zhu Lin committing suicide is still high, but listening to Xiu Mei’s statement, it seems that it would be safer to confirm with all the parties if there was even a little bit of possibility that this is a foul play.

Because it is so, then they’ll also need to be looking out for any traitors in the military. People who are probably in conflict with the Yu family could possibly be involved in this case if it’s confirmed to be murder rather than suicide.



"It would be better for you to stop visiting the hospital temporarily until we’ve confirmed whether it is safe for you to be at the hospital." Lu Chen suggested.

Military involvement isn’t his territory so it would be better if he hands this over to his brother-in-law instead. Even though he could actually plant someone inside, it still wouldn’t be easy and if people find out that he did something, his wife’s maternal family would definitely be caught up in the end. He’d rather not escalate it and leave it to the people who know the ins and outs of the military.

Xiu Mei didn’t want to listen to his suggestion but when she looked at his expression—his brows furrowed together and his lips pressed together showed how serious the situation was.

She sighed.

Why is it always like this for her?

She couldn’t even find it in herself to retort and defend herself when her case record for getting herself in trouble and danger makes her just want to go dig a hole to hide in.

She pulled a face but still listened to her husband.

"Okay..." She lifelessly replied. Now even the supposed to be a safe zone for her became restricted, she didn’t even need to think that Lu Chen will increase her security again.

Xiu Mei was still kind of depressed the moment they got home. To cheer herself up, she hung out with her son and their pets outside to distract herself.

She’d gotten so brave that she even fed the meat pieces to Lucia, ignoring the subtle glare from the tigress because she was too slow in feeding her.

What? Did this human woman think that she’s a dog that needs some kind of slow feeder?

Luckily, Lu Qiang noticed that Lucia was getting impatient and reminded his mother about it.

"Mom, I think you can just let Lucia finish that on her own. I think she’ll bite your hand any moment now if you don’t give it to her soon." He pointed to the squinting tigress.


Xiu Mei:...oh.

She quickly dropped the meat on the ground and Lucia immediately devoured it in seconds. Then the tigress looked at her and rolled her eyes as if saying ’look, I can eat it on my own.’ then turned away from her.

Xiu Mei:....

She scooted over to Lu Qiang’s side who was comfortably lying down on the lion’s belly, treating it as a pillow. She took a peak at what he was doing in his tablet and saw a bunch of random numbers that she couldn’t understand.

Somehow, her gut feeling knew that he was up to something that didn’t sound good.

"What are you doing? Playing?"

Please let it be playing. At least, say that he was building a game that’s why she’s seeing that.

But Lu Qiang heartlessly shot down her thoughts.

"Hacking Dad’s laptop."


What is the matter with this father and son?

Is this the fate of having a genius father and a genius son?

"Lu Qiang, are you having any issues with your father lately?" Xiu Mei seriously asked. She usually passed off their small arguments as some kind of their own way of expressing their love for each other but it seems like she was wrong?

Where do you even find a son hacking his own father’s laptop to express his love for him?

Lu Qiang pondered for a second but his hand didn’t stop tapping on the screen as he fought with his father online.

"Not exactly."

She got more confused.

"Not exactly?"

"I don’t hate Dad but I’m really annoyed with him lately."

"...And why is that?"

"Because he always steals you away."

Lu Chen does? Really?

Xiu Mei’s brows furrowed as she got more curious. Why did her son think that his father was stealing her away ah?

"Why do you think your dad is stealing me away? Aren’t I always with you?"

"Yes, and no. Mom is always with me at home but Dad even takes you away from me more often lately. Now you both don’t tuck me to sleep too. It’s unfair. Dad already gets to take you with him every day at work and I’m alone at school. And now, Dad even steals you right away after dinner."


Can she say that it was because her father’s beastly side was just recently activated that’s why he’s still at the peak of his excitement????

Of course, she couldn’t say that.

Xiu Mei got embarrassed knowing the reason why Lu Chen often dragged her away early to sleep. On the other hand, she wasn’t even aware that her son was already, in fact, very well informed of what the two a.d.u.l.ts are doing after finding out that small colorful package his mom left in the car.

So to compensate Lu Qiang after listening to his complaints, she decided to stay with her son tonight much to Lu Chen’s annoyance.

"Wife, do you not love me anymore?"

Lu Chen tried his best efforts to look pitiful while holding his wife’s hand. Xiu Mei looked at him with a ridiculous expression.

"I’m just going to sleep in our son’s room."

"But you already accompanied him yesterday. Isn’t it supposed to be my turn tonight?"

Xiu Mei was flabbergasted.


She didn’t know the two were taking her on shifts every other day ah.

"Aren’t you supposed to be more worried that little Qiang is angry with you?"

"He can be angry for as much as he would like to be, I still won’t give you up to him."

Xiu Mei:...Is this man a kid?

"It’s just for tonight."

"That’s what you said yesterday. Now you’re going to stay with him again."

"Then just sleep in Lu Qiang’s room with us. His bed is so big, us three can fit in there."

"Wife, do you want the kid to witness what a.d.u.l.ts do at night?—Ouch! Wife, don’t hit me." Lu Chen exaggeratedly complained when he was immediately pinched and slapped by Xiu Mei as soon as he finished his first sentence.

Xiu Mei looked at the man in disbelief.

This rogue! He wants to be beaten up so badly, huh?

"I think I need to knock some sense into your head. How can you even think of doing that right now?! Huh!!"

"But wife..... I want to hug you tonight."

"Stop lying. I know it’s not a hug."

"It is a hug. It’s just, not only a hug but als—"

Xiu Mei immediately covered his mouth before he could utter even more vulgar things.

Lu Chen knew that he won’t be able to convince his wife right now so he started to tease her instead. He licked the palm of her hand and nibbled on her skin while she covered his mouth.

Xiu Mei was stunned by his bold actions. She took away her hand and glared at him.

"GOODNIGHT!" Then she stormed away.

A glint appeared in Lu Chen’s eyes.

If his son thinks that he already won... then he’s making a big mistake.

Lu Chen returned to Xiu Mei’s bedroom, which is now their shared bedroom, while Xiu Mei started tucking her son to the bed.

Two hours later, the door of Lu Qiang’s room opened. And then the person skillfully got across the room and stopped on Xiu Mei’s side. He looked over at the small figure lying beside the woman and smirked.

Xiu Mei suddenly felt like she was floating in the air. And then she smelled some kind of flower scent. Seconds later, she felt something soft and warm constantly raining down on her face that slowly woke her up.

She could clearly feel a paw touching her in some places that shouldn’t be touched so she instinctively caught that misbehaving hand and glared at the culprit after realizing the situation.

"Hello, wife."

Very good. This man is too bold ah. Like literally.

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