Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 196: Carelessness.

Chapter 196: Carelessness.

It didn't take long for Jen to also finish her shower, and she too got into the tub with Lucas and sat next to him since the tub was designed that way. Lucas had placed a towel on his headrest and had leaned back with his eyes closed to relax in the tub.

"Lucas" Jen called, checking on whether he had fallen asleep.

"Mmmh" Lucas answered but did not open his eyes.

"We were careless today," Jen said, reminding him that they had slept with each other without protection. Lucas' eyes flew open when she said that. It had skipped his mind once they had started their conversation when they were in the bedroom.

He turned his leg to look at Jen who was sitting upright next to him with her chin on her folded knee and her hair spread around her, moving with the currents that were made with the jets in the bathtub.

"I got carried away," Lucas said as he sat up. "I'm sorry," he said and when Jen looked at him he looked like he was reflecting on himself. She smiled at him and touched his arm.

"I'm not blaming you. It's not like I helped matters anyway" Jen said with flushed cheeks. It was uncertain whether it was caused by embarrassment from remembering when she had tightly wrapped her legs around Lucas, or if it was because of the warm water in the tub.

"How are your legs so strong? I've never seen you work out" Lucas asked. As a victim that had to go through wanting to pull out but not being able to, he felt like he should at least know where all her strength had come from.

"I don't know, It was a heat of the moment thing," Jen said. In addition to that, she had been getting a lot of practise whenever she was forced to hang on to Lucas when he decided to spontaneously carry her. She even thought that she had gotten fitter recently. It was truly strange.

"That's beside the point though. What if I conceive?" Jen asked seriously. She knew her ovulation would come in about ten days, so there was already very low risk of getting pregnant, however, Lucas did not know that and she was curious about his take on the matter.

She was not taking any birth control because she was worried she would ruin the way her hormones operated. The side-effects were also pretty scary, besides the weight gain, she might have trouble getting pregnant once she was ready to have children.

She was not ready to risk all that just for something that was not permanent yet. But even so, protection was not full proof, they could tear in the process, and there were also chances of something like what had just happened to reoccur.

Lucas thought hard about her question. It wasn't like he could say that he was ready to be a father. He was still 23, and even though he looked like he had his life together, which he did. He hadn't really thought about having kids yet, but at the same time, it was not an unpleasant thought at all.

"I'll listen to you," Lucas said after coming to a conclusion. Whether she wanted a child or not, he was ready to listen to her decision. Even though he wouldn't mind it, Jen was still getting her life together, he didn't want to be a cause for resentment in the future.

Such conversation really made seriously think about a life with her beyond dating, it was too early to think about marriage, even though they were already cohabiting. On top of everything, Jen still had unresolved issues with her mother.

If they were to get married, he thought that it would be best if all these small issues are resolved, since, at the end of the day, marriage isn't just about two people.

Jen was not expecting him to give her such an answer. She had honestly thought that he would have beat around the bush for a while before telling her that he was not ready to be a parent or something along those lines.

"If I want to keep it?" Jen asked as she tilted her head cutting his racing thoughts short.

"Then we'll keep it" Lucas answered as if it was something obvious, even if he was not ready yet, he would prepare himself. The thought of a daughter with big brown eyes like Jen really didn't sound unappealing at all.

"What if I don't want it?" Jen asked completely unaware how far Lucas had already gone with his thoughts of having a family. After she burst his bubble, Lucas was silent for some time.

It wasn't like they wouldn't be able to afford a child right? He didn't think she could casually make such a drastic decision that could put her life in danger.

"We would need to have a discussion about that" Lucas said, it was a life anyway. Jen thought about for a bit before nodding. It was a reasonable answer, and even if it did happen, she would want to keep it. 

"Fair enough," Jen said while nodding. Lucas leaned over to her side and pulled her towards him, lifting her in the process and placing her on his lap. Jen was face to face with him since she was straddling him.

The water barely covered her breasts and since it was moving around a lot, it did not really leave much to the imagination. When Jen noticed that Lucas was staring, she leaned forward and rested her head on his chest. Now Lucas could only feel them against his abdomen but he could not see them.

"Are you shy?" Lucas asked as he pushed a wet strand of hair away from her face. Jen shook her head but did not answer him and instead rested one of her hands on his chest.

"Why are you hiding then?" Lucas asked. The one thing he would never get tired of is teasing Jen.

"I'm not hiding," Jen said as she followed a droplet of water that was running down his chest her finger brushing against his nipple.

"Are you teasing me then?" Lucas asked and lifted her chin to look at him. He did not wait or her answer and instead leaned down and kissed her.

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