Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 139 - 139: 139 Jiamu being skinned! 1

Chapter 139 - 139: 139 Jiamu being skinned! 1

Translator: 549690339

Skin Peeling House was a gathering ground for gossip lovers.

Apart from always releasing some surprising news, the most common activity was a crowd guessing the abilities of a certain Guardian Beast of a Battle Network host.

They would accurately guess the skills and unique traits of the Guardian Beast!

This left many Battle Network hosts feeling as if they had been stripped naked.

Of course, no one would bother guessing about a Guardian Beast without any distinctive traits.

The Guardian Beasts that got guessed were either extremely powerful, or the Battle Network hosts were overly secretive about them.

Occasionally assistants, or even real Creators and Spirit-smithing Masters would join the guessing games.

No rules stated that Creators and Spirit-smithing Masters couldn’t gossip!

Guessing about spiritual instruments would not be as popular as guessing about Guardian Beasts, but that depended on the caliber of the instrument.

A diamond class spiritual instrument could stir up a frenzy in the Skin Peeling House forum. Not to mention a Sequential Spiritual Instrument!

Especially when the owner of this Sequential Spiritual Instrument was a youth who had just turned sixteen!

The quick spread of this news can be attributed to Huan Wang’s live audience giving the event a sufficiently eye-catching title.

“Shocking! Someone with a Sequential Spiritual Instrument finally dominated the age-framework! ”

Moreover, it was not just one person who posted this duel on Skin Peeling House.

In the world of Beast Masters, people would specialize in contracting a type of Guardian Beast for a particular profession.

Scavengers played this special role.

However, the Guardian Beasts contracted by Scavengers were not unconventional.

After all, these Guardian Beasts had decent combat capabilities in the wild.

Many Beast Masters contract Guardian Beasts that can enhance their power through sacrifices since childhood.

And many would contract several of these beasts and become a nuisance in the ranking district through them.

Basically, if you contracted four sacrifice-type Guardian Beasts, you can develop a sacrifice strategy on the Battle Network.

You would start by sacrificing your four Guardian Beasts – if you couldn’t kill the enemy, you lose!

Many Beast Masters, due to family reasons or adolescent rebelliousness, contracted “vase” Guardian Beasts that were of no use apart from being aesthetically pleasing.

These Beast Masters who contracted “beautiful waste” had to invest resources to maintain the Guardian Beast’s appearance.

But these types of beasts could not bring resources for them.

This led these Beast Masters to become journalists and commentators on the Battle Network.

These people flooded into the commentary circle, and for a time, large competitions are commented by them hugging a cute creature, becoming the symbol of a professional commentator.

These kinds of Beast Masters made a living off the Skin Peeling House forum, spreading popular news to get traffic and attention so they could get advertising opportunities.

Many journalists were not keen on finding popular news in various Battle Network forums all day.

But these journalists had other methods, which was to pay attention to several colleagues.

Once a colleague released related news, they would just steal it themselves!

After all, other Battle Network journalists also stole their news from the original posters.

This caused a situation where once a journalist got some popular news, other journalists would quickly follow suit.

That’s why the duel between Fang Mu and Huan Wang spread almost entirely through Skin Peeling House in just two hours.

Because of the explosive attention, this news was bumped to the top of the hot search on the Skin Peeling House forum.

[Fly Pigeon]: Owning a Sequential Spiritual Instrument at sixteen! When I was sixteen, I didn’t even have a bronze spiritual instrument! So jealous!

[Big Mummummu]: Same here, so envious! The age-framework is getting more and more lively! Even a Sequential Spiritual Instrument has been brought out, I always feel that such behavior is somewhat disrespectful to the Forging Spirit Grandmaster who made this spiritual instrument!

[Once Maple]: Surprised to see a respect monster! Whether this person called Jianmu respects the Forging Spirit Grandmaster or not, I don’t care, I just want to know why he would go to the age-framework with a Sequential Spiritual Instrument which can automatically protect the owner! Is he there to flaunt his superiority?

The public opinion in Skin Peeling House was quickly stirred up.

Of course, there were more discussions about the Purple Ice Crystal Ring and the Thunder Leopard Bracelet itself.

The abilities and Beast Spirit of the Thunder Leopard Bracelet were quickly revealed.

However, when it comes to the Beast Spirit and abilities of the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, the onlookers could not make a reasonable guess.

Firstly, the promotion sequence for the Beastmaster embarked on a unique path, which was difficult for people without a certain level of mastery to understand.

Furthermore, Fang Mu did not utilize the powers of the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, instead, it naturally formed a shield to fend off the attack.

Even a Forging Spirit Grandmaster couldn’t guess the abilities of the Purple Ice Crystal Ring based on such a small amount of information from the video.

Liu Tiantian usually frequents the Battle Network as well, but unlike those three-nothing journalists who only report gossips and trending news.

Liu Tiantian is a specially invited journalist hired by the Beastmaster Alliance dedicated to discovering popular incidents on the Battle Network.

If it’s just a youngster showing off their Sequential Spiritual Instrument in the age segment, Liu Tiantian wouldn’t pay much attention.

She has no intention of writing a special news report for this.

However, she saw something unusual in the combat video.

This young man, Jianmu, his points in the age division were zero.

If this boy relied on his Sequential Spiritual Instrument for battle, his points would undoubtedly be much higher than that of the host called “Huan”!

Excluding this Sequential Spiritual Instrument, this young man only wore two silver, dual-attribute spiritual instruments.

This suggests that he normally battles with these two dual-attribute silver spiritual instruments within his age division.

Therefore, many of the discussions on the forum were going off track.

A young man who can make a Marrow Pact with a Sequential Spiritual Instrument, but only fights with silver spiritual instruments, deserves recognition for this kind of mindset alone.

Additionally, as a beginner Spirit-smithing Master, Liu Tiantian also wanted to peel back the layers on this Sequential Spiritual Instrument.

As a beginner Spirit-smithing Master, and a novice at that, Liu Tiantian admits she lacks the ability to unwind Sequential Spiritual Instruments.

However, Liu Tiantian can use her special status as a journalist appointed by the Beastmaster Alliance to inquire of the few Advanced Spirit Forgers within the alliance.

After logging out of Star Web for half an hour, Liu Tiantian returned to the Battle Network.

While looking at the image of young Jianmu, the look in Liu Tiantian’s eyes completely changed.

Liu Tiantian carefully began to write.

[If we hadn’t accidentally run into someone brandishing a diamond spiritual instrument that could be activated across ranks in the age division, we might never have seen this Spatial, Ice dual attribute Sequential Spiritual Instrument!]

[The Beast Soul is a pterodactyl, a Space-type Dragon Spirit from the dinosaur species; using a Space-type Dragon Spirit as a Beast Soul, instead of choosing the more attack and defense focused Ice-type Sequential Beast Spirit as the Beast Soul(Spirit), suggests that this Sequential Spiritual Instrument likely possesses storage abilities!]

As a special correspondent for the Beastmaster Alliance, Liu Tiantian has to take responsibility for every word she writes in her report.

She cannot fabricate stories as those journalists who only chase page views and hot topics can.

As an official reporter, Liu Tiantian cannot include too many subjective directives in her reports.

However, the users of the Battle Network, especially those who frequent Skin Peeling House and other forums.

Can easily identify the crux of the matter with a little hint.

Those three-nothing journalists pay attention to their competitors and pay even more attention to official reporters like Liu Tiantian.

The news that Liu Tiantian releases often represents a certain trend.

Those three-nothing journalists immediately understood the hidden message Liu Tiantian wanted to subtly express in her report after reading it once, and their hearts were filled with shock.

Damn it! This Sequenced Spiritual Instrument is not only among the rarest of all jewelry class Spiritual Instruments but also a space series Sequenced Spiritual Instrument used for storage!

The production of a Sequenced Spiritual Instrument requires a Sequenced

Beast Soul, which can directly add a new attribute to the Sequenced Spiritual Instrument based on its own attribute.

This results in Sequenced Spiritual Instruments often being of dual attributes.

Even some Forging Spirit Grandmasters occasionally create top-quality items with three attributes!

Therefore, the dual attributes of the Sequenced Spiritual Instrument are not surprising in any way.

However, adding a space attribute to the dual attributes is entirely different!

A Sequenced Spiritual Instrument with a storage function can undoubtedly provide a large storage space.

However, its other abilities definitely fall short in comparison.

A Forging Spirit Grandmaster would only create a Sequenced Spiritual Instrument with a space attribute under two conditions.

Either the Forging Spirit Grandmaster makes it specifically for their own descendants, or they have received a special order.

Otherwise, creating a space-series, storage-capable Sequential Spiritual Instrument is not a worthwhile investment.

It’s just like using gold to make a hairpin, but you use gold as a footstone to prop up a table..

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