Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 42 - 42: 42 “Scumbag” Fang Xiaomu!_l

Chapter 42 - 42: 42 “Scumbag” Fang Xiaomu!_l

Translator: 549690339

Within this workroom, the most emotionally flustered, and the most dazed one Would definitely be the attendant.

Being the attendant of the Creator’s Guild, Lu Xiaoyin had interacted a lot with Lu Yuyu.

Lu Xiaoyin had always thought that Lu Yuyu was of a serious and taciturn nature.

Having taken the initiative to befriend him at several banquets.

Lu Yuyu didn’t show him any regard whatsoever.

Yet now, Lu Yuyu was all smiles, warring a grin as big as a chrysanthemum in full bloom.

The wrinkles on his face formed a pattern similar to that of the chrysanthemum’s petals.

At the same time, Fang Mu’s words made Lu Xiaoyin realize that he had unexpectedly come across an opportunity to get in touch with a Master Creator.

If he could truly reach out to Fang Mu’s teacher through him.

Perhaps his Flame-winged Lion Scorpion could have a chance of evolving into the Glory Lion Scorpion!

If he got the Glory Lion Scorpion, he would become eligible for a transfer to the headquarters and become the head attendant.

However, Lu Xiaoyin could only fantasize about such possibilities.

Leaving aside whether Fang Mu’s master was a seasoned Master Creator.

A fire elemental potion with eighty percent purity was something an apprentice Master Creator absolutely couldn’t concoct.

Even assuming it was, such a high-level elixir cannot be measured in terms of money.

He couldn’t afford it even if he wished to buy it.

The silver-haired old man was accustomed to the surprise on people’s faces when he introduced himself.

If the young man before him hadn’t been a disciple of a Master Creator.

Lu Yuyu thought, perhaps the other would have been surprised at the situation of his family.

Keystone Construction was a top-tier architectural and decorating corporation.

The Lu Family was a centuries-old craftsman family, with a heritage spanning five to six centuries.

The family had many Master Craftsmen and even a Grandmaster Craftsman.

However, whether they were Master Craftsmen or Grandmaster Craftsmen, they seemed insignificant in front of a Master Creator.

So, his own identity in front of the other didn’t give him any reason to feel proud.

Lu Yuyu explained,

“My name is Double-mouthed Lv, ‘Lv’ as in ‘to live together until old age’, ‘yu’ as in ‘fish in harmonious waters’.’

Upon hearing this, Fang Mu immediately realized his misunderstanding.

He stretched out his hand and clasped Lu Yuyu’s hand in his own.

And casually called him Brother Lv like they were old friends.

Upon hearing this, Lu Yuyu capitalized on the momentum, added Fang Mu’s contact, and then said.

“Since you’ve called me Brother Lv, then from now on, you are my little brother!”

“If in future, little brother wants to send goods via the Beastmaster Web, shoot your big brother a message and I’ll personally come over to help you inspect and send the goods!”

One should always hear both sides of the story.

Lu Yuyu had two objectives in saying this,

Firstly, to better befriend Fang Mu.

Secondly, to find out what goods Fang Mu would be sending via the

Beastmaster Web in the future.

In this way, he could make a more accurate judgement of the caliber of the Creator behind Fang Mu.

What if Fang Mu’s master just happened upon the Coagulated Jade Camellia by some stroke of luck, and wasn’t really a Master Creator at all?

The possibility certainly existed.

As for the Grandmaster Creator, neither Lu Yuyu nor Lu Xiaoyin had given any thought to this.

How many Grandmaster Creators were there in the Dragon Rising League?

Such a pillar of society wasn’t met so easily!

Fang Mu anticipated Lu Yuyu’s thoughts, and straightforwardly said,

“Brother Lv, I’m going to mail a hundred bottles of sixty percent purity Life Elixirs tomorrow.”

“I’ll have to trouble you to make a trip again tomorrow!”

Snapping out of his astonishment, Lu Xiaoyin was surprised, opened his mouth in shock.

Even though a sixty percent purity Life Elixir was considered of low purity for a Master Creator,

Producing so many would still take a considerable amount of time!

Lu Yuyu’s face also displayed an astonished expression, but he quickly recovered.

In his heart, he was sure that Fang Mu was indeed a disciple of a Master Creator.

Lu Yuyu originally wanted to invite Fang Mu for dinner at JA City’s most famous restaurant, the Sea Banquet Palace in the evening.

The ingredients used at the Sea Banquet Palace, at the very least, come from Silver Stage Guardian Beasts.

It’s a very high-class place!

However, Fang Mu declined Lu Yuyu’s invitation without any hesitation.

Lu Yuyu’s interest is in the Creator backing me, not me personally.

He doesn’t genuinely like me and want to befriend me.

So in this relationship, Fang Mu could afford to be a “heel”.

It’s enough for Lu Yuyu to maintain the relationship single-handedly.

Fang Mu had important things to do tonight, namely, temporarily shedding his younger brother’s identity and playing the role of an old father.

He had to soothe the hooked Fang Xiaoyuan.

Also persuading Fang Xiaoyuan to take a calming pill!

So that even if he doesn’t reveal his identity as a Grandmaster Disciple before the return of Fang Qin, Fang Yuan, and Yan Wood,

He could still offer maximum assistance to them in this wav.

To let his little family enter a state of rapid development.

All fathers experience the joy of hoping their sons will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes.

Fang Mu also wanted to experience this secretly, hoping his brother becomes a dragon, and his sister becomes a phoenix.

Seeing that Lu Yuyu had successfully added Fang Mu to his contact list,

Lu Xiaoyin also plucked up the courage to ask to add Fang Mu to his contact list.

Fang Mu was always accepting of such requests.

As long as you’re not after my body!

Oh, no!

You’re not after my blood!

Whoever wants to add Fang Mu’s contact information, Fang Mu would not refuse.

Snakes have snake paths, and rats have rat holes.

Each person added my contacts, contributes to my comprehensive network of relationships.

They are all new threads added to my relationship network.

Now on Fang Mu’s network, including He Qing,

There were already four threads altogether.

After Lu Yuyu and Lu Xiaoyin left, Fang Mu also left the Creator’s Guild.

When Fang Mu returned home, he hadn’t even had a chance to drink water,

When he received a call from Hu Tao.

“Fang Mu, I saw Teacher Cui at the school library today!”

“Teacher Cui said you’re already on vacation.”

“If I knew yesterday, I could have invited you to the seafood restaurant in Lingshui District.”

“My parents want to take advantage of the holidays to sign me up for a group trip to the Overlapping Stone Cave.”

“To see if I can chance upon some insights from Mysterious Runes.”

“By the time I get back, school might have already started.”

“When school starts, I’ll invite you then!”

Upon hearing this, Fang Mu raised an eyebrow.

The level of the Overlapping Stone Cave is quite low, and the benefits gained from contemplating there aren’t significant.

But what it lacks in quality, it makes up for in duration.

Even so, joining a tour group to contemplate in the Overlapping Stone Cave for half a month would cost at least 1.2 million Dragon Rising Coins.

Hu Tao’s parents are really willing to invest in Hu Tao’s education! “Good luck! Strive to gain some insight into a Mysterious Rune!” “When you get back, I will invite you to the seafood restaurant in the Lingshui District!”

“Consider it a welcome home feast!”

Fang Mu found that Hu Tao was very keen on inviting him to meals.

Having meals in the cafeteria is one thing, as we can take turns inviting each other.

But going out to eat is more expensive, it’s better if I invite Hu Tao.

Also, I had gotten used to eating breakfast cooked by Hu Tao’s mother for almost a month and a half last semester.

So it’s indeed time for me to show some appreciation to Hu Tao.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Mu turned on the faucet in the bathroom.

He let a skill [Garbage Recycling] condense water element crystals.

Following that, Fang Mu took out the thirty-six poison crystals of various effects, preparing to strengthen the Clean Water Spirit..

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