Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 65 - 65 Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen!_l

Chapter 65: Chapter 65 Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen!_l

Translator: 549690339

Fang Mu, with an unwavering face, turned to look at Shui Miao. He appeared calm and composed.

But in reality, Fang Mu was stunned!

However, Shui Miao standing beside Fang Mu didn’t think so.

Fang Mu had not taken the Purple Ice Crystal Ring from his own hand, which Shui Miao thought was an indication of his composure.

Otherwise, if he was an ignorant, restless young man,

He would have been impatient and taken the Purple Ice Crystal Ring from his own hand by now.

At such a young age, he could resist such temptation. It seemed that [Stellar Start] truly treasured his disciple, Jianmu.

If Fang Mu knew what Shui Miao was thinking at this moment, he would definitely give Shui Miao a big thumbs up.

The powerful’s ability to comprehend is indeed stronger than ordinary people!

Damn impressive!

Shui Miao originally planned to prepare a gift for [Stellar Start]’s disciple.

Since Fang Mu didn’t reach out to accept it, Shui Miao simply handed it over.

“The Purple Ice Crystal Ring incorporates the soul of the Pterodactyl, so it can store living creatures for a long time.”

“Once you can use the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, you can use the dragon soul of the Pterodactyl to seal the space and investigate the foreign objects in space.”

“When under attack, the self-defensive ice crystal cross shield, when actively cast, can provide group protection.”

“Among the sequencial inferior treasure instruments, the Purple Ice Crystal Ring is definitely a good one!”

Fang Mu, recovered from his shock, saw that Shui Miao had handed over the Purple Ice Crystal Ring to him.

As Fang Mu took it from him, he put it right on his right index finger, Preparing to make a Marrow Pact with it as soon as possible.

Holding the sequential inferior spiritual instrument, the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, is like having a higher-level defense measure.

For Fang Mu, who currently has no hard power to rely on, this is like a timely succor.

Fang Mu’s action deepened the smile on Shui Miao’s face.

He put it on his finger immediately after receiving it, showing that Fang Mu was very satisfied with his gift.

Shui Miao then took out a Brocade Box and handed it to Fang Mu, saying,

“Inside this Brocade Box is a Queen of the Servant Soul Ant.” “You could nourish this Servant Soul Ant Queen with your soul.”

“Since this is a new Queen, you will soon be able to make it develop an attachment to you and inhabit your soul.”

“Building a nest in your soul.”

Upon hearing Shui Miao’s words, Fang Mu surreptitiously licked the corner of his mouth.

His excited toes curled up, and he almost dug a three-room apartment on the stairs of the Creator’s Guild.

It is the Servant Soul Ant Queen, this kind of Guardian Beast!

The Servant Soul Ant Queen, like Ghost System Beast, does not require spiritual power, but uses Soul Power for contracts.

However, unlike the Ghost System Beast which occupies Soul Power, the

Servant Soul Ant Queen

The Servant Soul Ant Queen creates larvae as it builds its nest.

Each time larvae hatch, they nourish the soul.

When the Ant Nest in the soul reaches a certain scale, it can help the contractor resist attacks and intruders to the soul.

Moreover, the Servant Soul Ant Queen can coexist with the Ghost System Beast.

Fang Mu saw something like this in the rare book he had borrowed from the “Scavenger” Merit Hall just a while ago.

This Guardian Beast is not produced within the Dragon Rising Federation, it is only from the public regions of all Federations, producing in Disaster Insect


It is said that the Disaster Insect Valley was a relic artificially created by a powerful Beast Master controlling insect swarms in ancient times.

While Fang Mu was feeling excited, he heard Shui Miao continue.

“I wonder if your master has ever told you, in the ancient times, Beast Masters were able to comprehend the Will Runes.”

“When they swore an oath through the Will Runes, they had to abide by it completely.”

“Otherwise, they would face consequences equivalent to death.”

“So, to control subordinates, they only needed the subordinate to swear an oath. ”

“However, the current mystic symbols do not possess this ability.”

“In the future, if you have a subordinate, you could let them accept the larva produced by the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen.”

“The larva, nourished by their soul power, would in turn nourish the Ant Queen and protect their soul.”

“Of course, the most important point is that you could use the larva to control their life and death.’

“Assuring absolute loyalty!”

There was some information about this in the books of the Merit Hall, but Shui Miao detailed it even further.

Fang Mu hadn’t hired anyone up until now, even a private butler was hired temporarily.

That’s because Fang Mu knew that without a solid foundation, he couldn’t afford the consequences of any betrayal.

In his past life, despite the legal constraints, many people had their companies split and went bankrupt because of the 25th Boy Company.

In the Beastmaster world where power is supreme, the consequence of betrayal could well be death.

But now with the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen, Fang Mu can confidently recruit subordinates and stay behind the scenes.

This way, he wouldn’t have to show his face for everything which would help to maintain his social status.”

Fang Mu carefully took the brocade box containing the new Ant Queen of the Covenant Servant Soul Ant.”

In this process, Shui Miao specifically instructed.

“This brocade box is tightly woven with the silk of the Spirit Leading Silkworm, which can limit the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen.”

“So, before forming a contract with it, never open the brocade box.”

“After opening the box, it is best to bring the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen into your soul to form a contract and nourish it within five minutes.”

“Otherwise, after five minutes without restrictions, it will become tricky to contract the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen!”

Shui Miao figured Fang Mu would definitely tell Grandmaster Creator [Stellar Start] about the gift he gave him as soon as he got back home.”

[Stellar Start] would advise Fang Mu on how to form a contract with the

Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen.”

But Shui Miao likes to explain everything in detail, even if it makes him sound a bit talkative.”

That way, a lot of unnecessary trouble can be avoided.”

If Jianmu got curious and opened the brocade box, not only would the

Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen most likely escape.”

Fang Mu’s soul could be attacked by the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen.”

In this case, not only would Shui Miao be unable to form a bond with [Stellar

Start] through Fang Mu.”

But most probably he would be held accountable by [Stellar Start] when the council begins.”

Just as Fang Mu thought he had received all the gifts from Shui Miao and was about to move on.”

He casually mentioned.”

“Currently in Starwheel, there are nine official members sitting on the golden chairs, representing the nine main constellations.”

“Each person’s code name is named after a constellation.”

“Besides, there are seventy-four people sitting on the bronze seats, representing the minor constellations of North and South Sky.”

“Your master is the only Grandmaster Creator in the organization.”

“If you wish to obtain resources for Grandmaster Creator in the future, you can trade with your master instead of looking elsewhere.”

“Some of the members sitting on the North-South Sky Constellation Chairs might be willing to give up their freedom in exchange for resources of a Creator.”

“I’ll help you reach out to them when the time comes.”

“Maybe, you can soon have a subordinate who willingly submits to being controlled by the Covenant Servant Soul Ant.”

“I forgot to mention, the basic criterion to sit in North-South Sky Constellation

Chairs is to possess a Sequential Type Beast..”

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