Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 71 - 71: 71: Fang Mu’s Generosity! _1

Chapter 71 - 71: 71: Fang Mu’s Generosity! _1

Translator: 549690339

Based on Fang Mu’s understanding, when any new ant queen successfully sets up a simple nest that she can live in, she will immediately lay a few ant eggs.

Then, she’ll do nothing but wait for these eggs to mature.

She nurtures herself through the juvenile ants she hatches.

Under the care of the ant tribe, the queen only needs to lay eggs to expand the tribe.

The Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen is nourished by Fang Mu’s soul, so it doesn’t need to be fed by juvenile ants.

Therefore, Fang Mu was worried that the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen might not be too enthusiastic about laying eggs.

However, it turned out that Fang Mu’s concern was somewhat unnecessary.

Fang Mu had already left his Soul Mark on the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen.

Firstly, through this Soul Mark Fang Mu can issue orders to the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen as a Contractor.

Secondly, the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen can enhance its own quality through laying eggs.

As the size of the controlled tribe increases, the quality of the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen will also improve.

Without Fang Mu’s push, the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen had already sent a request to him.

Hoping to absorb more of Fang Mu’s soul energy to expedite the formation of the ant colony.

Given the state and quality of Fang Mu’s soul, he can generate a fixed amount of soul energy each day.

When the soul energy is eaten up by the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen,

Fang Mu will fall into a blackout and enter a dormant state.

Only after the soul energy is replenished will he wake up again.

Through scholars’ research, it is found that after the soul energy is exhausted,

it will somewhat increase when replenished, which will also enhance the tenacity of one’s spirit.

Many youngsters from powerful clans, under the guardianship of their elders, would enhance the overall strength of the spirit through soul overdraft.

In order to not be affected by the Ghost System Beast in case there might be a chance to sign a contract in the future,

And to avoid letting the Ghost System Beast take the lead in the contract relationship because the strength of one’s own spirit is not sufficient.

Overdrafting Soul Power requires very professional means.

If you ask a Beast Master who knows how to do this for help, each time would cost no less than 5,000 Dragon Soaring Coins.

Therefore, letting the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen drain his soul energy every day has great benefits.

It not only saves Dragon Soaring Coins, but also enhances the tenacity and

quality of Fang Mu’s soul.

However, during the time when Fang Mu’s soul energy is overdrafted and he enters a dormant state,

He can’t guarantee his own safety.

Having powerful servants for protection becomes a necessity for Fang Mu.

The crystal-like ant nest structure, which the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen creates using her Soul Power, is intricate and vibrant.

After securing a place large enough for the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen to stay, she curled up her abdomen and laid her first egg since becoming a queen.

After the first ant egg came out, the second and third were sequentially produced by the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen amid great struggle.

After laying the fourth egg, the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen was exhausted.

She again sent a request to Fang Mu, wanting to absorb soul energy.

Fang Mu had other things to do that day and couldn’t afford to fall asleep in the working room.

However, without the supplement of soul energy, the Covenant Servant Soul Ant Queen’s recovery and egg incubation would take even longer.

In the end, Fang Mu called Lu Xiaoyin again.

He directly told her his purpose.

“There should be soul-related materials in the guild, right!?”

“I want to buy these soul-related materials.”

“Also, could you use these five elixirs to hire a Senior Creator for me?”

“Have this Senior Creator help me prepare a potion that can increase soul energy using soul-related materials.”

“Also, can you post a long-term purchase requisition in the guild for me?” “I want to buy potions that can supplement soul energy for a long time.”

The five elixirs Fang Mu gave to Lu Xiaoyin were Life Elixirs with a purity of 80 percent.

Only a Master Creator can concoct a Life Elixir with a purity of eighty percent.

This kind of purity for a Life Elixir pales in comparison to the ninety percent Fang Mu had previously produced.

If it hadn’t been for Fang Mu’s recent encounter with Miao Tian, where he recognized the value of a high-purity Life Elixir,

Fang Mu might not have been so conservative in exchange for resources at this moment.

Nevertheless, Fang Mu’s conservatism still left Lu Xiaoyin stunned.

Soul-Related Materials come from Guardian Beasts of the Soul System.

Guardian Beasts of the Soul System are pitifully rare, therefore, their Soul-Related Materials are naturally very scarce.

However, the vast Creator’s Guild still has some in stock.

As the team leader of the attendants, Lu Xiaoyin can exchange for high-level resources.

The few bottles of Life Elixir with the purity of eighty percent that Fang Mu had given her clearly met the standard.

Lu Xiaoyin was really hoping that Fang Mu would ask her for help.

By asking her for help, Fang Mu was giving her an opportunity to prove herself.

If Lu Xiaoyin handled the task well, she could prove her value to Fang Mu.

Lu Xiaoyin was no longer surprised that Fang Mu’s teacher, who was a high-ranking creator, sought other creators to concoct Spiritual Liquid.

Even high-ranking creators need time to formulate elixirs.

Therefore, high-ranking creators usually devote their time to crafting advanced elixirs.

Tasks that a Senior Creator could do, a Master Creator would not take on. Just as Lu Xiaoyin was preparing to nod in agreement and make her promise, she heard Fang Mu continue to speak.

“These three bottles of Life Elixir are just my initial deposit for you.”

“You can reimburse me later based on the cost.”

“I will pay you equivalent value in Life Elixir with a purity of sixty to eighty percent!”

“I won’t make things difficult for you!”

As a team leader of the attendants, Lu Xiaoyin had dealt with many creators before.

However, even those low-level and intermediate creators were not as polite as Fang Mu.

Senior creators sometimes came to the guild, but they wouldn’t bother with her.

As for Master Creators, there is only one stationed in the Jing Hai Army in the entire JA City.

Such a person of importance can only be met by the President and Vice President within the branch.

As an attendant who has contracted a Flame-winged Lion Scorpion in the Creator’s Guild, after completing her daily work, she can do other jobs outside.

She can also choose to be employed by other trade unions or companies.

After resigning from the guild position, even though she is still part of the

Creator’s Guild,

she needs to repay the resources used by the guild to train her when she resigned.

The Creator’s Guild encourages attendants it has trained to join other forces.

The Creator’s Guild can easily train attendants.

Creators, after all, are the minority who create resources.

The Creator’s Guild treats its attendants extremely well.

When attendants leave to join other forces, it expands the influence of the Creator’s Guild.

Lu Xiaoyin’s goal has always been to get into the headquarters.

Many trade unions, companies, and even some Beast Master High Schools have invited Lu Xiaoyin.

However, she has turned them all down.

At this moment, a thought crossed Lu Xiaoyin’s mind.

That is, if she followed this young man, she might have a brighter future than if she were stationed at the headquarters!

When people confront an opportunity, and they want to seize it, they can’t help but get excited.

It’s like professing love to a girl you like.

“Sir Jianmu, do you need a newly classified Four-pointed Star Beast Master as a guard?”

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