Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 74 - 74 – How Can He Be So Young!?_l

Chapter 74: Chapter 74 – How Can He Be So Young!?_l

Translator: 549690339

The voice on the other end of the phone seemed natural, but it was too fluent.

There was virtually no hesitation in between.

It was much like a new student who had memorized a speech and was delivering it as a freshman representative during orientation.

Feng Chenhao must have rehearsed this over many times in his mind already.

This conveyed two messages to Fang Mu.

One was that Feng Chenhao was very nervous.

The other was that Feng Chenhao was extremely intent on cooperating with Fang Mu.

Upon realizing these two points, Fang Mu raised an eyebrow.

He discovered that ever since he began to perform dual roles and act, he was able to discern other people’s mental states and thoughts based on their tones.

Feng Chenhao had traveled a long distance to meet him and Fang Mu certainly wouldn’t snub a potential partner.

From Fang Mu’s perspective, ever since the holiday break, he had become busier than he was when doing academic research alongside Cui Ruochen.

It was high time he relaxed!

The waste produced from the Beast Taming Base did not decompose as quickly as Alien Beast corpses.

Leaving it for a day wasn’t a problem.

The area of the factory was large enough to accommodate three days’ worth of waste.

Improvements in stock quality and grade meant that two nights was enough to deal with three days of waste.

Fang Mu decided not to go to the factory tonight.

Instead, he would entertain Feng Chenhao, his potential partner who had traveled from Qing Cang Province.

The restaurant that Hu Tao had mentioned earlier was an upscale establishment considering Hu Tao and Fang Mu’s status as students.

But for Feng Chenhao, who was willing to spend more than a million Dragon Rising Coins on Condensed Jade Dew and who had established a cosmetic brand in Qing Cang Province, it might seem a bit shabby.

Lu Yuyu had tried to invite him to dine at Sea Banquet Palace more than once, suggesting the restaurant was of high prestige.

“I’m available now. Let’s meet at Sea Banquet Palace in an hour!”

On the other end of the phone, Feng Chenhao nervously awaited Fang Mu’s response.

But when he heard Fang Mu’s voice, Feng Chenhao was taken aback.

What’s going on here!?

Why does his voice sound so young!?

If he were to judge based solely on his voice, the person on the other end was definitely much younger than him!

Yet, Fang Mu’s age did not cause Feng Chenhao to look down upon him. On the contrary, it made him even more nervous.

The fact that someone so young could bring forth so many resources for cooperation indicated that Fang Mu’s background was even more profound than he had initially thought.

This realization made Feng Chenhao nervous, but he was also quite pleasantly surprised.

After all, who wouldn’t be pleased if their potential partner turned out to be stronger than they thought!?

Feng Chenhao had just arrived in JA City.

However, he had indeed heard of the renowned Sea Banquet Palace.

Feng Chenhao enjoyed surfing the internet and followed several food forums.

In “Langya Biology,” even though Feng Chenhao was a direct descendant, he wasn’t particularly outstanding considering he had older siblings and younger siblings with extremely high talent.

Therefore, surfing on forums and tasting various delicacies became Feng Chenhao’s ways to unwind and alleviate stress.

More than once, Feng Chenhao had heard people on food forums mention the Sea Banquet Palace in Jinghai Province.

The Sea Banquet Palace in Jinghai Province was ranked among the top ten restaurants in the entire Dragon Rising Federation.

Rumour has it that even the least exquisite ingredients in the Sea Banquet Palace are from Silver Stage Guardian Beasts.

Fang Mu’s choice to entertain him in such a place showed that he highly valued their potential partnership.

This eased Feng Chenhao’s anxiety a bit.

Feng Chenhao wasn’t worried about wasting his trip.

After all, there would be many details to discuss during the negotiation process.

It was perfectly normal if they couldn’t reach an agreement!

Yet somehow, Feng Chenhao harbored many ambitions and hopes in his cooperation with Fang Mu.

He saw this as a way for him to gain a higher position within his family.

Feng Chenhao feared that his hopes would be dashed.

“Mr. Jianmu, I’m not sure how far I am from the Sea Banquet Palace right now.”

“But I’ll get there as fast as I can!”

After hanging up the phone, Fang Mu returned home and put on a slightly more formal outfit.

However, Fang Qin and Yan Wood never really acknowledged Fang Mu as an adult.

The clothes that Fang Qin and Yan Wood bought for him, formal as they might be, still had a youthful air.

Before changing, Fang Mu took a quick shower.

After handling the alien beast corpses at the “Scavenger” branch, it was inevitable that there would be some smell lingering on him.

To meet his cooperating partner with such a smell would be rather disrespectful.

From Fang Mu’s dwelling to the Sea Banquet Palace, it only took thirty minutes by car.

When Fang Mu arrived, there were still five minutes left until the time he had agreed upon with Feng Chenhao.

The Sea Banquet Palace maintained a customer-first policy.

Regardless of whether it was a private Beast Car or a hailing Beast Car, they could be parked right in front of the entrance.

If it’s a private Beast Car, an attendant from the Sea Banquet Palace would help drive it to a designated parking area.

And they would also tend to the guardian beast pulling the car.

When it was time to leave after the meal, the attendant would bring the Beast Car back and wait at the door.

Before Fang Mu had a chance to get out of his vehicle, he saw another Beast Car parked next to him.

Inside it, a slender young man with naturally curly hair and golden-framed glasses kept glancing at his wristwatch.

There was an anxious expression on his face, as if he had an important event to go to and was fearful of being late.

The young man asked the driver for confirmation.

“Driver, are you sure this is the Sea Banquet Palace? You haven’t taken a wrong turn, have you!?”

When he heard this familiar voice, and the Qing Cang accent coming with it, Fang Mu knew that this man was Feng Chenhao who had just called him.

The driver, feeling helpless, turned back to take a look at Feng Chenhao and said.

“Though I don’t come to the Sea Banquet Palace often, I do bring people here at least seven or eight times a month!”

“If I were to deliver you to the wrong place and spoil your business, wouldn’t you file a complaint?”

The driver’s tone was full of resignation. Obviously, Feng Chenhao had asked him this question more than just once.

Seeing this, Fang Mu raised an eyebrow.

Observing Feng Chenhao through his dress code, and the faint golden glow blooming in his left ear-stud.

Fang Mu could know that Feng Chenhao was from a wealthy family, boasting abundant assets.

Otherwise, Feng Chenhao couldn’t afford a gold sub-grade or medium-grade jewelry spiritual instrument!

Those born into wealthy families are used to the grand scenes and are always calm during events.

But his current anxiousness indicated that meeting Fang Mu meant more than just a simple face-to-face meeting!

It was clear during this encounter that apart from wanting to cooperate with Fang Mu, he must have had some other intentions.

If Feng Chenhao’s ulterior motive could benefit him or prove helpful, Fang Mu wouldn’t mind helping him out.

But if Feng Chenhao’s motive had nothing to do with him and required Fang Mu to contribute resources, Fang Mu wasn’t going to play the fool.

In Fang Mu’s view, the most basic quality for a disciple of a Grandmaster Creator was respect for the resources of high-star creators.

If he lost respect for high-star creator’s resources, his status would also be undermined.

Seeing Feng Chenhao’s gaze once again returning to his wristwatch, Fang Mu said outright.

“You’re five minutes early, we can go in together.”

Fang Mu and Feng Chenhao were on the phone just fifty minutes ago.

Fang Mu was familiar with Feng Chenhao’s voice, and likewise, Feng Chenhao knew Fang Mu’s voice just as well.

Upon seeing Fang Mu, Feng Chenhao looked slightly bewildered.

Because he realized, to his surprise, that Fang Mu was even younger than he had expected!

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