Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 122 Shocked World Government! The devastating battle continues!

Chapter 122 Shocked World Government! The devastating battle continues!

Creating Manga Of One Piece On Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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In Pangea Castle, in the meeting room of the highest ranks of the world government, there was silence.

High positions such as Commander-in-Chief of the World Government, Kong, chiefs of cipher pol agencies including Spandine, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, chief of science base Vegapunk and chief of the new agency, manga printing and publishing agency, and many more.

(A/N: The manga printing and publishing agency is a new agency of World Government Press Agency, the same agency that makes and publishes wanted posters, but it is an independent agency created to make manga, not found in the original story.)

But five people sat higher than everyone here.

Their pressure alone almost prevented them from breathing, let alone talking.

Breathing in the presence of these five men seemed very difficult.

This is because these five men are in the eyes of the world the number one ruling authority, there is no one above these five.

The Five Elders or Gorosei.

Their expressions were dark at the moment.

Why was this?

For among the elite men of their world government none of them could give them a proper explanation of what is happening now.

And what was happening now?

Of course, a lot has happened in the past four days.

A lot already.

Four famous anime from planet Earth invaded the pirate world and was watched by nearly a billion people!

Each episode of the four anime disrupted normal life for nearly two hours in many regions of the world, and the four seas were the most affected.

They could say that they had completely lost all four seas in favor of the sky sword, Rob.

At least in terms of popularity. Rob's Art Company had completely swept the World Government's reputation away!

(A/N: Yes indeed, Rob has started his own company.)

This was unacceptable to the five elders.

Especially with their lord's recent orders, this was completely unacceptable!

They haven't even started competing yet, they haven't even released the first chapter of their manga!

So why were they in such a terrible situation?

They knew the reason in their hearts but refused to admit it.

The live shows or as the sky sword calls it, the anime.

This anime came very surprisingly in just 5 days from the trailers show to the first episodes, and it's competing with the manga in popularity and reputation!

The manga has been around for almost a year!

But since when did the anime appear?

It hasn't even finished its first week yet.

How can they compete in such a market?

They painstakingly got the manga basics from that damned Rob after he emptied their annual harvest of Devil Fruits, but now if they wanted the basics of anime what would he ask them to do this time?

"Gorosei sama, Rob has an unknown high technology so he can promote his products with this quality, that's what beats us in it."

The only person who could speak without feeling any oppression from the Five Elders was Vegapunk.

He started studying art stores about half a year ago and got so much information from it that the World Government completely re-evaluated Rob.

There are even theories that Rob is not of this world, or more specifically not of their civilization but a civilization more advanced from outer space.

It was Vegapunk himself who made this assumption.

This stupid idea was rejected by the five elders, how could someone from the D clan be from another world?

They could all be from another world, but the members of that cursed clan couldn't.

This is because in this world there is no one more authentic than the members of the D clan.

The Five Elders' knowledge of the origins of the world was much greater than Vegapunk so he obediently accepted that and no longer discussed this idea.

But with the arrival of anime and advanced video display technologies that can deliver sound and video to everyone on the island, many ideas began to return to the meeting table to be discussed vigorously, including the rejected Vegapunk idea earlier.

They were greatly amazed by this technology.

But what they saw caused their astonishment a hundred, no, but a thousand times!

One Piece.


Hunter X Hunter.

Attack On Titan.

Which of these shows did they not like?

All of them were excellent, carrying within them a whole world of infinite possibilities.

In fact, the five elders were secretly excited to see more of these shows just like any new viewer who started watching the anime for the first time.

But since they are in a very sensitive situation and close to the time of publishing their manga to the world, they showed a firm stance and heavy expression to scare the shit out of those lazy people who are eating the money of the World Government for nothing.

Look, he's one person but he does things that big entities can't do.

"Go and announce to our affiliated countries to start building the headquarters of our manga printing and publishing agency. If there is a case of refusal of orders, you don't need to return such news to us. Just demolish the refusers and carry out the orders."

The bald Gorosei spoke in an indifferent tone.

"Understood, Gorosei sama!"

The only person wearing a mask at today's meeting stood up and said in an obedient tone before leaving the meeting room.

This person was the chief of CP0!

"Continue to study the new anime and let us know any useful information you found in it. We want three detailed reports on all the new anime worlds except for One Piece."

The long-bearded gorosei who had to speak this time.

"Understood, Gorosei sama!"

The chief of the manga printing and publishing agency also said before leaving.

"Kong, you have the authority to use force if a Celestial Dragon tries to out of Mary Geoise by sneaking back again."

This time the gorosei with birthmarks on his forehead and a large mustache talk.

Kong hesitated for a while before finally obeying.

Apparently, the gorosei were pushing him into the crater this time with this ridiculous order, but what could he do about it?

He can't do anything.

"Sengoku, your navy should be ready for any military intervention, the sky sword Rob has become a dangerous sword on our necks, and it can't be avoided. If he shows something offensive about us in his upcoming shows, I'm afraid we will face popular anger."


Sengoku didn't hesitate at all, since Rob told him that they would face a lot in the future and he was mentally prepared for an upcoming disaster, but he wasn't the only one, the Five Elders weren't stupid.

Imu sama wasn't!

Rob wasn't the only one with the means to see the future anyway.

The future that everyone is working to change will be even more interesting.


New World, Ring Hell Island;

While Mary Geoise was having a fateful meeting this small island was constantly shaking.

The sound of thunder continued to shake the sky as the sound of an earthquake continued to split the ground.

Veteran Pirates of the new world ran everywhere to take cover from this catastrophe.

Just why did they come out of the safe art store to witness this devastating battle?

Are they tired of living?

The answer is definitely no.

But why the hell is this fight still going on?

Do they want to flood this island?

Every Roger, Rayleigh, and Oden had a wide smile on their faces as they watched the devastating battle.

While the rest of the Roger pirate and Whitebeard pirates were either running around like headless chickens or watching the battle in utter amazement.

Rob transformed into a ten-meter blue giant, who looked like a lightning god!

His current form was somewhat similar to that of Luffy in the 4th gear but more size!

While Whitebeard was smiling heavily even though much of his flesh had been charred.

Two terrifying giants stood facing each other and let out an earth-shattering battle cry and collided again!

No one knows where this devastating battle for the islands is headed.


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)












Chapter 123: The end of the battle! Level 10 of the system!

Chapter 124: New Bleach Arc: Arrancar vs Shinigami

Chapter 125: The change in Hiriluk's life! Golden Lion on Drum Island!

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