Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 137 Amazon Lily Empress Wants To Be A Waitress? Kaido? A glimpse of the exciting last year.

Chapter 137 Amazon Lily Empress Wants To Be A Waitress? Kaido? A glimpse of the exciting last year.

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

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"This is for you, Rob sama, enjoy."

A hot blonde woman with a tray of drinks in her hand came to Rob, who was sitting in the open space with the children who were playing nearby.

This Amazonian blonde is exactly the lookalike Marguerite from that time when she stopped Rob way to entering Amazon Lily two years ago.

Rob later learned that she was called Marlin.

She approached Rob shyly, her cheeks red from shyness, when she left the tray on his table she seemed to sigh with relief because she had done nothing wrong. like most Amazons women, Rob was her secret crush.

"Thank you, Marlin."

Rob smiled sweetly and took a sip of the famous Amazon Lily fruit juice, drinking it in one go because the first sip only made him drink more.

"No need to thank me, Rob sama... You're welcome. Hebihime Sama made us take special care of you."

Marlin gracefully bowed before turning to leave with a tray in her hand.

Rob was not surprised to hear this, Gloriosa was madly in love with him that's what everyone knows, even Olvia knows it, Rob puts on an 'uninterested' facade whenever he's next to her just to make her understand that he can't be with her, but the more time passed, the more she fell in love with him, and it seemed like she was desperate to be with him.

Even Olvia stopped complaining about it after noticing how dedicated Gloriosa was.

Rob shook his head in resignation, not wanting to think about it any longer.

"Robin! Hancock! Sonia! Marie! Come here, it's time to go somewhere else."

The children stopped playing as soon as they heard Rob's voice.

"Oto-san! Shall we go get Makino-chan?"

Little Robin was the first to arrive at her father's side, while Little Hancock was the second, while Sonia and Marigold still lag behind with inconsistent strides, their age was like Robin, though their body sizes seemed abnormally larger than Robin, they still less on basis of maturity and strength compared to Robin who had the best genes from her parents.

But Hancock was an exception, she was over two years old, and she stood steadfastly before Rob, waiting for him to praise her kindly as each time, though she didn't manage to access to his side before Robin she still wanted to experience the feeling of warm praise from the kind father in her heart.

Rob noticed that.

For Rob, he was not stingy in taking care of the children, especially such cute children who were his daughter's friends.

Before even they could interact, the four of them found themselves in Rob's arms, Rob picked them up easily, while Little Robin laughed happily and ran to sit on his shoulders, her favorite place.

"Girls, we're going to pick up Little Makino and then go to 'candy paradise, but I won't let you override the set amount of cookie and candy to eat, no matter how much you beg."

Little Robin: "Papa is stingy as usual."

Little Hancock and her sisters: "We'll do what Rob sama says."

"Don't call me 'Rob Sama', okay my little children? Just call me Father Rob or Oto-san like Robin."

Robin laughed happily when she heard that.

"I told you sisters, my dad is serious about making you his children, and my mom as well, together we will be the best family."

Hancock's eyes became hazy after hearing this, and tears were threatening to roll from her eyes, the same for her little sisters.

From the side the Amazon women noticed this and felt warmth in their hearts, this wasn't the first time Rob tried to pull these orphaned children with him and make them his own.

But they felt that this time the outcome would be different, they felt that Hancock and her sisters would not be so dismissive this time.

"What are you doing here? Go back to your works."

"Understood! Hebihime Sama!"

The sternness on her expression just a little while ago melted the moment she turned around to see Rob carrying the children.

It was this man that caused her to change completely, she loved this man deeply since that day, even though she didn't find a chance with him, that didn't stop her from loving this man even stronger every day.

She didn't mind the fact that he was married and he have children, she just wanted to enjoy his love every day, even when he refused her love.

Such was the curse of the empresses of the Amazons, even if she died of this love, she couldn't hate him.

Rob noticed her arrival but wasn't alarmed, in fact, he wasn't totally dismissive of her love.

"Hello, Gloriosa."

She was unnaturally similar to Rouge in her youth, though not young anymore, being exactly 40 years old. She was starting to lose her youth, and Rob was sure that she would quickly begin to drift towards her future old-dwarf-like form.

In fact, he wanted to avoid seeing this, in the future when he would see her again when he was still young whereas, the woman she once loved him had become an old woman and on the brink of death. That's really would be seriously painful.

Now, she looks like a very hot typical milf.

Even Rob was seduced to push her down, he wasn't a saint, he was a man of culture, although his former soul was influenced by Rob's soul from the pirate world and became more afraid of disturbing Olvia. but that didn't stop him from planning his future harem, which Olvia would be its core.

"Hi, Rob sama, did you have a pleasant stay in my humble country?"

"Everything is great as usual, you don't have to treat me like a guest, I'm no stranger to this place."

"Yes, yes, you are not a guest at all."

"That's fine then, I guess you want to say something, right? You can say whatever you want, I'll listen."

Gloriosa started to get tense and Rob noticed her tension. her nervous body language was suggestive of everything, so it wasn't surprising that Rob noticed it.

Gloriosa: "..."

Little Robin looked with intelligent eyes at the beautiful and tense woman in front of her father.

She quickly jumped off her father's shoulders and ran towards her.

Before the Empress could react, she saw a little girl holding onto her long leg like glue.

Little Robin raised her head with a gentle smile gracing her oval face.

Her dark blue eyes were shining like the night sky.

"My father said, you can ask anything from him. If he said that, you could really ask for anything."

When Rob heard this he almost fell on his bottom.

Who said she could ask for anything? Does his daughter think he is Shenron from Dragonball or R.O.B himself?

Gloriosa gently held Little Robin in her arms, and Robin enjoyed tucking her little head between her huge breasts.

"Thank you, Little Robin, since you gave me a guarantee I could really ask for anything."

Rob swallowed nervously this time, if she asked for something too much and he couldn't accept it he would be in a really difficult situation, which means he would have to refuse his daughter for the first time.

"Rob Sama, I'd like to officially join your staff at the art store... Is that okay?"

"Huh? That's all?"

"Yes, I love working with the girls from your staff, I find their outfits very beautiful, and I envy them for the time they spend with you, I really want to work with you and help you."

Rob thought for a few seconds before speaking.

"What about Amazon Lily? Aren't you an Empress?"

"I've been thinking about this for a year now, there won't be any problems, your stores' teleportation ability has solved this dilemma, and I will also only stay the empress for a while because the next candidate is currently in a testing phase."

After hearing this, Rob sighed in relief, it's good that he didn't have to reject her down.

"Okay, you're accepted, you're going to be the new waitress at the art store."


Rob walked out of the art store in Foosha Village with four children.

In just two years the small village turned into a town, and perhaps in another two years, it will turn into a big city.

All because of the art store, this divine store attracted more people from everywhere.

The village expanded day by day and became the second largest town in the Goa Kingdom, and it also got an official municipality from the kingdom.

The same goes for the gray terminal, which is no longer the same as in the past, even Goa people stop throwing garbage in that place, as it turned into a huge town for the poor, because of the art store too.

The Dawn island alone had 2 art stores, even the main capital of Goa kingdom did not have one, so many people moved to live near the art stores, and the map of this kingdom turned into such a sudden situation.

Foosha Village, No. Foosha town is now the most famous town along with Loguetown in the east blue.

The people most shocked by this change were its natives. Before an art store showed up here, Everything was so quiet in this place, it was just a small and peaceful village, but who would have thought that such a small village would become such a big town? Woop Slap, the village mayor, had become a town mayor now.

The moment Rob appeared in the eyes of the townspeople, discussions about One Piece Episode 53 stopped.

It's not every day they get to see Rob after all, so they salute him.

Rob didn't refuse their greeting, even Little Robin helped him to salute the people, for she was accustomed to seeing her father greeted everywhere with a standing ovation.


They soon pick up little Makino and they are transported to the new world, Whole Cake Island.

Makino's life was also more wonderful than the original story, her father is still alive and in good health. In addition to that, her father remarried her beautiful nanny at the time, Camella, which became her new mother.

Rob added both of them to the bar of his art store in place of their personal bar, which is already deserted and replaced by a wonderful house that used to be the bar and the house of the happy family previously.

Like Hancock, Makino is currently two and a half years old.

The five children had a wonderful day on Whole Cake Island, exactly in the Rob area he got from Linlin, this place had a river of orange juice running through it.

And a castle built of white and black chocolate, and a theme park designed by Rob from his previous world, Perospero helped build with his candy fruit as per Rob's instructions.

This place was the entertainment paradise that he designed especially for his daughter.

It later became a paradise for all the children his feisty daughter would invite every time she got permission from her mom and dad.

This time also Rob had to trick Linlin into not finding him and causing trouble with her endless temptation. Big Mom was still chasing him, she still want to make him pollinate her with his seeds. No, it seemed like this desire was getting crazier year after year.

Her power has also gone crazy in the past year, she has caused a lot of chaos in the new world with her and new rookie Kaido.

Kaido who was expelled by Rob from Onigashima where he intended to build his base.

Onigashima has been forbidden to the Hundred Beast Pirates, ever since Rob announced it.

Even Kaido didn't dare oppose it after eating dirt, either in dragon form or in his majestic form, Rob had caused him a real phobia last year.


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)











Chapter 138: A glimpse of Naruto and Hunter!

Chapter 139: Manga of One Piece is back! Is the inevitable disaster about to hit Alabasta?

Chapter 140: Baroque Works Saga: Alabasta Arc (Part 2: Alabasta War)


BlackStar_BH NOTE:

This chapter had 2000 words!

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