Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 144 Hide a huge kingdom above the clouds!

Chapter 144 Hide a huge kingdom above the clouds!

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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The day of Alabasta became so bright, that the usually wandering clouds were trapped within the island's atmosphere with no room to escape again.

It was all because of the golden barrier that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The only people in the kingdom who were expecting something like this were king Cobra and his wife.

But even them, they couldn't have foreseen Rob's next move.

Because, to say the least, can describe it as "Impossible!"


The King Cobra looked at the golden barrier in the sky that seemed to extend endlessly. The current king's shape was a far cry from what it had been days before, immense fatigue could be seen weighing down his youth face.

Since reading the cursed volume, he couldn't regain his usual calm, because most of his fears had already been fulfilled, except for revealing the origin of the kingdom that refused to become one of the twenty founding kingdoms of the world government in Mary Geoise.

In the manga, his kingdom has reached the point of life and death, they only survived from it by luck, the Straw Hat Pirates, and the bravery of his unborn daughter.

In the manga, his wife had died a long time ago, even the direct cause of her death is not mentioned.

And the most terrifying thing is that the history of Alabasta has become like an open book for the world to peruse.

No one discussed the fact that the manga was just fiction anymore because what was presented in the manga was ridiculously real, leaving no doubt that its contents aren't fact.

Most of all, the inner greed of the pirate world's villains has overshadowed common sense since the ancient weapon's name "Pluton" appeared from Crocodile's mouth as well as how amazing it was and its ability to rival the power of the world government, it sounded like a devil whispered in these aspiring people's ears. even the people who didn't know anything about ancient weapons and heard about them for the first time felt extremely greedy for possessing such a weapon that could wipe an island off the map with one shot.

Even if these people didn't come to destroy Alabasta, the kingdom would be destroyed under the influence of fierce battles against each other, since each of them would want the weapon for himself, would they let the others take it? This is impossible! The only solution to fix this conflict is to fight to the death. and what is the appropriate place for such battles? Sure Alabasta... But above all, will the World Government allow these people to search for ancient weapons?

This is impossible! Ancient weapons are among the most important secrets that the world government is trying to hide from the world at any cost.

"My dear, do you think that this golden barrier will be enough to stop the thousands of monsters in this world?"

Queen Nefertari was sad as she watched her hopeless husband who had seemed like an empty shell of himself a few days ago.

"Why don't we trust to Mister Rob? I think he won't let the kingdom be destroyed."

"However, the world government will not let us out easily! The mere fact of concealing the weapon of their eternal enemy is enough to wipe us out of this world. If we didn't disappear from their field of view... we have no way to live."

This is because the One Piece manga had scattered their papers just like that, only now, was the World Government reminded of what true phobia the D clan was, if the manga had not been published at the world level, the World Government wouldn't have had to do such crucial things as activating the fifth level of buster call!

Rudes D. Rob, this guy got the guts to talk about ancient history in his manga.

They gave Rob so much freedom that never seen before in history, and this came back to bite them very quickly.

But what can they do now?

The only weapon in their hand to fight Rob at the moment is the 'Heir of the World' manga, which has a much greater gain than expected.

But since One Piece returned, it was inevitable that they would return to their normal place.

They had no other choice but to restore their true face and show who the world government really was.

Since their lord gave them her orders, it would not matter to Alabasta's former status as a founding nation of world peace (20 kingdoms), or an ancient kingdom with a great role in the prosperity of the world, or a present-day member of the world government...

All this does not matter, because the Alabasta kingdom has already been decided its fate.


Hundreds of warships came out from the Justice Gate of Enies Lobby, the scene was so solemn that the judges and government officials as well as the Marines in this place inadvertently swallowed their saliva.

The huge fleet quickly bypassed the Enies Lobby and walked straight in the direction of Alabasta.

On the first ship in the fleet, Sengoku and Garp were stood up seeing at the calm sea in front of them.

This was the fifth-level 'buster call', the highest level available in the Destruction Order.

100 warships equipped with the latest and most powerful cannons, each ship equipped with 10 of them, in addition to the presence of two power of level-admirals in the fleet, and dozens of Vice-Admirals.

A force like that is enough to send a shiver down every pirate's spine.

On the same ship stood the new Vice-Admirals, Borsalino and Sakazuki. Sakazuki's expression was cold as always, while Borsalino's funny face was hard to read, this man looked old even though he was a young man in his twenties.

On another ship, Kuzan was the person who became a captain in his first upgrade from the elite camp, the new navy monster. Kuzan was studying the freeze techniques of the captain shinigami Hitsugaya in his current fight against Quincy and was unconcerned with the noise around him.

These were the familiar faces of the people who had been called to erase Alabasta from the map and history.

In addition to the terrifying Navy Fleet, there were 10 ships of the government agency Cipher Pol, sure to contain the most powerful people in CP0.

A collection like this would bring desperation to Cobra if he knew they were coming for him.

The world government had not mustered a force like this to destroy one kingdom in hundreds of years, this alone was enough to show just how much the new One Piece volume had affected the world situation.

But that wasn't all, for in the meantime hundreds of bubble-covered pirate ships appeared from under the sea of the Sabaody Archipelago, as well as the ships that chose to take the calm belt path. Some ships were destroyed between the teeth of sea kings and some successfully passed, but the Sabaody Archipelago was the departure point for hundreds of pirate ships towards Alabasta.

Even some aspiring pirates from the Four Seas had enough courage to enter the Grand Line due to the news of the ancient weapons.

The world was really boiling.

But at this moment, all the eternal log poses of Alabasta in the world broke down and their needles started spinning crazy, unable to locate a fixed place.

All the pirates who came from the New World were relying on the eternal log pose to reach Alabasta, but now, that has gone useless for some unknown reason.

The eternal log pose can no longer be used to locate Sandy island!


"What's going on here? Why is every log pose pointing to Alabasta broken?!"

Sengoku spoke in an angry voice to the ship's navigator.

"I don't know, sir, I've never encountered such a situation before, I think something or someone is using a magnetic field-related ability to shade the log pose that points to Alabasta."

Sengoku clenched his fist tightly while thinking of a specific person.

"Use eternal log pose for Karta Island, the closest naval base to Alabasta there."

"Understood, sir... It's working smoothly."


Scenes like this happened on every ship that was targeting Alabasta on its trip, almost everyone got the same assumption that someone was intentionally perverting Alabasta's magnetic field.

Some even gave up because they couldn't find solutions, since the sea was so big there was no way to reach Alabasta without determining its direction by log pose.

But some have found alternative ways, such as accurate maps or eternal log pose for an island closer to Alabasta, such as Jaya, Drum, and many others.

But no one thought that the island could disappear from the face of the earth.

But this is what actually happened.

In the place where Sandy Island used to be, a frightening abyss over 50 kilometers long formed and sucked up the water fiercely, in this place, the day turned into night and the night into day. Terrible tornadoes tied the sky to the sea. A deterioration in the magnetic field and a frightening vortex sucked all forms of marine life and non-marine life into the area.

From the sky, a gigantic vortex of size can be seen at the former location of Sandy Island.

This place is clearly not going to settle down over the next several years.

Sandy Island is no longer in this place.

The only people who could describe this hell if they somehow survived later were those spies, rioters, and marines who were kicked out of the island a few minutes before it was moved away.

Thousands of people were still on their ships trying to investigate how to get past the golden solid barrier and other people were trying to survive the sinking.

But the moment the island disappeared the apocalypse began for them, that was the moment when all the eternal log poses of Alabasta were broken.

And also the exact moment Rob chose to move the island to its new location.

When the navy fleet that was ready to destroy the island arrived, they found no island to destroy.

Alabasta had truly disappeared from the sea, all that remained in its place were terrifying tornadoes and a chaotic magnetic field that could tear apart anyone trying to get in.

"This...! Someone explain to me what the hell is going on here."

"Fleet Admiral, I'm afraid Sandy Island has disappeared from the map."


A few hours before the arrival of the Navy fleet.

Alabasta became strangely quiet after the rioters were expelled, it looked like the calm before a storm.

Everyone knew that the golden barrier was the reason for expelling the people who were causing chaos in their kingdom.

Also, everyone knows that the art store is the source of the golden barrier because its center is the art store itself, everyone can see a golden beam rising from the beacon of the art store and weaving its lights in the sky like a spider web.

Having the art store and its owner by their side gave them some sense of security.

But before they could even comprehend the situation... A white light appeared on the bodies of millions of Alabasta people as well as Alabasta animals, whether they were desert animals or marine and river animals. The sacred sea cats of the Alabasta people and some of the sea monsters that live and thrive in the Alabasta seas have been pulled into the inland rivers from the sea.

All of this happened suddenly when everyone's vision became blurry including the king and his wife.

And when their eyes regained their light again, they were ridiculously shocked at what they saw.

The golden barrier became translucent and didn't prevent them from seeing the vast blue sky. As for those closest to the coastal cities, they fell into an absolute daze, because the blue sea had been replaced by a sea of white clouds!


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)











Chapter 144: A miracle! Alabasta Sky Island!

Chapter 145: The Historical Alabasta Sea Battle (Part 1)

Chapter 146: The Historical Alabasta Sea Battle (Part 2)


BlackStar_BH NOTE:

Hello guys, I'm sorry for the delay, it wasn't a stunt hand, I was very busy today. Well, you don't have to wait anymore, here's today's chapter.

In the latest news, I opened Twitter and Instagram to communicate with you guys, I hope you will visit my accounts there, from now on I will update the latest news regarding my current and upcoming novels.

My Instagram: /blackstar_bh1

My Twitter: /Blackstar_bh


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