Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 173 The World Government, Navy, Shichibukai.

Chapter 173 The World Government, Navy, Shichibukai.

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

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{Holy Land, Marijoa}

Gorosei with hat: [What...?]

Gorosei with hat: [What did the Red-Haired do...!?]

Marine: "Yes, he's making moves that don't bode well..."

Gorosei with hat: [But he didn't go himself, right?]

Marine: "No, sir... He sent a messenger instead of him, but... the mere idea of Whitebeard and Red-Haired communication is dangerous in itself!

Gorosei with hat: [Hmm... You're really right... If we don't try to stop Red-Haired's dangerous behavior, we'll have a hard time containing the consequences. but he's still a man who doesn't seek to change the world.]

The mustached Gorosei: [Let's watch the situation for now instead of rushing.]

Gorosei with samurai sword: [More importantly, we have to appoint another person to replace Crocodile within Shichibukai. We shouldn't lose sight of even a single loophole.]

Blond Gorosei: [A crack within the "Three Great Powers" will lead to an earthquake that will shake the entire world. We have to maintain balance.]

{The supreme power of world government. "Gorosei" (The Five Elders)}

Marine: "Yes, an invitation has been sent out to all members of the Shichibukai for this purpose, but... It's difficult to know how many will attend... After all, they are fickle-minded and hard-to-control pirates...

Gorosei with hat: [Crocodile... You put us in trouble... And the man who defeated Crocodile... Monkey D. Luffy... We shouldn't let him roam free for too long...]


(Navy Headquarters informs Marijoa: by the arrival of an Oka Shichibukai two member.)

(Donquixote Doflamingo.)

(And...Bartholomew Kuma...!)


In Marijoa, inside Pangaea Castle, the five elders looked at each other in astonishment, they couldn't even say a word since they arrived at this part.

They were utterly shocked, perhaps the biggest shock of their lives.

"Gorosei-sama! Gorosei-sama! We have an emergency! We have an emergency!"

The cipher pol officials as well as a messenger from the navy ran to the government chamber, where the five elders spend most of their time.

Their expressions were terrified as if they had seen a ghost and they were holding the new manga volume in their hands.

The five elders' cold gazes turned to the newcomers who felt the blood in their bodies freeze because of it.

"Ah! Gorosei-sama! We are sorry but you need to see this. your pictures have been drawn into the manga with every detail. this is something we cannot handle, so Commander-in-Chief Kong has ordered us to come here to see how to act on this matter, Your Excellency."

The five elders' eyes darkened even more after hearing that.

A government organization's members and don't know how to deal with this.

Gorosei with a hat looked again at himself in the manga and felt a different kind of emotion this time, instead of the initial anger, he started to analyze it more rationally.

"I can see the effort made by the sky sword to show the greatness of the Five Big Stars in such a majestic way, don't you agree with me, guys?"

The entire time Gorosei with a long beard was looking at the manga page, exactly to his character, the scene he was standing without saying anything. He shook his head heavily from the thoughts of admiration that filled his head before he said.

"All our lives we've kept away from the lights and kept our existence as low as possible, the sky's sword hit all that against the wall, but now,... Can you remind me why we were doing this, guys?"

"We are the supreme authority of the world. Why do we need to come out in public? Isn't the knowledge of our existence enough?"

The expression on Gorosei's mustached face was very frightening to the government officials.

"Keep in mind that he drew us without any permission to do so... Well this is expected of a criminal with a reward of 4.5 billion on his head."

"Well, what are we going to do about it?"

The five elders looked at each other for a while without saying anything, they completely understood what they needed to do.

"You may leave now, we will inform your chiefs of our decision later."

"Understood Gorosei-sama!"

Just as they came they left in a hurry.

"We need to visit the lord again… Her wisdom can enlighten us on this."

"You are right."


"If you considered One Piece manga to be a regular book to enjoy before, then I think today's volume changed that attitude a bit, right?

In the empty throne hall, the voice that spoke was so hypnotic and tender, that it could be considered the perfect female voice.

"You're right Im-sama, we were stupid."

"Well, you're not stupid only but he's smart too... He played his cards very cleverly after lowering your guard. He still relied on my protection to do whatever he want and he was able to use this card I gave him with all its potential."

The five elders squeezed their hands tightly, this was the reason for all that, but they couldn't tell their lord that she was wrong.

"What are we going to do now, Im-sama? He showed us to the world, I really don't see much problem for the world to recognize us, but if he starts getting out of control and destroying our reputation and inciting our people against us, it will be fatal."

"Fufufu, haven't you figured it out yet?... I also thought you were stupid, but I take it back...You are so stupid."

The Five Elders didn't show any dissatisfaction with their lord's insult to them, as if they were satisfied with it and not the other way around.

"We are so stupid, enlighten us, my Lord..."

"You lost... He's already won, now, he's already putting the barrel of the gun on your heads."

The five elders' bodies shivered after hearing this, they finally realized the situation. Yes, they really lost, what can they do now? The volume had already come out half a day ago and millions of people had read it, so it would be a joke if they wanted to raid art stores now and remove the volumes from there.

"You have two alternative solutions, there is no third for them, either you accept the situation and consider it good, or you reject it and declare war."

"What's your decision?... I won't interfere this time, as long as you don't cause One Piece manga to stop being released."

The five elders' eyes opened wide in shock, they finally got the green light to do something!

"So what is your decision?"

The five elders looked at each other as if they were talking with their eyes. "We will summon him to speak, we want to know what he intends to do, if he doesn't want to come we will fight with him."

"Do you think you can defeat him... That man is stronger than you think."




Inside the Fleet Admiral's office, Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru looked at each other in astonishment before bursting into laughter, even Tsuru who had always been calm couldn't contain herself and laughed so hard that tears came out of her eyes.

After the shock and fear brought on by the appearance of the Five Elders in the manga, they saw themselves next.

After Garp appeared, Sengoku was expecting to see himself in the manga one day, but it came faster than he expected, as for Tsuru they almost didn't recognize her, because she was different from the mature woman in front of them... She looked like an old woman, which is why they laughed.

"Doflamingo, that's what you did, right? Be an obedient boy now, and stop this... Bwahahaha! Tsuru-chan You're so cute even when you're old."

The air around Tsuru froze when she heard that... Which woman would want someone to laugh at her old version?"

Garp and Sengoku stopped laughing and took a defensive posture... They didn't want to be cleaned by Tsuru's ability."

But she forgot that and wondered about the important thing. "I wonder who this Donquixote Doflamingo is... It sounds familiar."

"He is the son of the Celestial Dragon who gave up his title two years ago."

"Ah! Now, I remember, that's why he looks familiar."

Sengoku sighed before speaking again.

"I heard they are under the protection of the sky sword in Ohara, I don't know what they gave him to get his protection, but I think it's a very valuable thing, perhaps a government secret."

"This Doflamingo looks like a malicious pirate from this scene, I wonder what happened in the manga to make him become like this... I prefer Bartholomew Kuma, he seems very calm and receptive to dialogue, he deserves his identity as a king, I also don't know why he became a Shichibukai and gave up his identity as a king in the manga."

Sengoku looked at the manga page with narrowed eyes before saying too. "My future self treats Mihawk with obvious politeness means that he will become very powerful in the future, and it is obvious why he is interested in the Straw Hat Pirates. Crocodile's fall in the manga means that they will replace him with a new pirate, the same Blackbeard who wanted to capture your grandson, Garp."

"Finally, all I can say about this book, is that the world inside is really interesting, using pirates as government weapons, what a crazy idea. But its negative effects come to light with Crocodile that Akainu is still chasing after him."

After Sengoku stopped speaking, Garp asked what was on his mind. "Ah, yes… why would the World Government want to capture Crocodile so seriously, is it because he had the intention of getting Pluton in the future?"

"No, but for the same reason that for it they would chase your grandson if he existed."




In the Donquixote family home, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

"Did you ask your teacher to draw you, Doffy?"

Matriarsh asked her son the first question that came to her mind after a long time of shocked silence... Seeing the future version of her mischievous son was so shocking... Not to mention he was a Shichibukai!

Even Donquixote Homing lowered his ear to hear his son's answer, he had heard a lot of theories about the One Piece manga, as one of the archaeologists now, he heard from them who consider One Piece a book that holds the future in its pages. .. and he heard who consider the world in One Piece it's a real parallel world like their world, and all this with evidence, after all, the appearance of real characters terrified every reader of this manga.

14-year-old Doflamingo looked young, and his looks were close to his look in the manga, so he was too excited.

"Wonderful glasses, cool clothes! Mom, please buy this for me!"

He didn't even hear his mother's question, for he was overwhelmed with admiration for the look of his future version.

Matriarsh looked at this with a helpless look, her son was really mischievous.


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)











Chapter 171: Whitebeard interacted with his appearance in the manga!

Chapter 172: Red Hair Pirates Now!

Chapter 173: Opening an art store on Jaya Island!


BlackStar_BH NOTE:

From start to end, we finished the week in second place! What a huge advance, it shows your love enough.❤️

Thank you all for supporting this book. my efforts were not wasted. That's why I found the time to update the chapter for you guys although the holidays, I hope you had fun!

Don't go out before you leave your stone.❤️


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