Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 194 The manga truth confirmed!

Chapter 194 The manga truth confirmed!

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

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High in the sky, an extremely vast white sea, a flat-snake-like sea king suddenly jumped out of the cloud sea soaring into the sky, and then returned to the White Sea after a few seconds in the air.

The strange water cloud shook and with it, a huge ship shook too, no, it was a huge galleon.

(A/N: The galleon is a large, multi-deck sailing ship.)

The strange thing is that ship wasn't on the White Sea!

But rather on a single cloud, barely enough for the size of the ship...

The cloud was circling with the ship in the air over the sea of clouds.

This cloud was called the drifting cloud, which is considered a classic method of execution here on the sky island.

It's clear that this ship was going through the drifting cloud punishment for hundreds of years so far.

The huge ship seemed very ancient, no, it would be more correct to call it a wandering ghost ship.

It has two sails, the one in the front was torn but still has an emblem on it, at the top of the emblem, written in bold, St. Briss!

Yes, this was the St. Briss ship, and S-class mission target.

It's been 5 days since Rob announced the mission, but apparently, no hunter has found this ship yet.

The hull of the ship was destroyed by a lot of arrows. It is clear that the last thing the passengers of this ship faced was a rain of sharp arrows that pierced their bodies and ate their bones.

Some of the skeletons that the arrowheads are still stuck in can be seen!

Not far from the ship the bad-tempered young Doflamingo was flying through the air in a manner that looked like he was walking on air, but was actually jumping over invisible strings he had made with his Devil Fruit ability.

Since his teacher taught him this method of moving he became an expert in it, so despite his young age he did not feel daunted when flying over the sea in this way.

His pink robe flew with the wind, as he continued to accelerate into the air, but suddenly...


Something caught his attention, it was exactly what he wished to see in this white desolate place.

"Finally, another shipwreck... I hope it's St. Birss ship... But why the ship on a floating cloud?"

Doflamingo approached excitedly to the ship that caught his attention, as he drew near, the ship's features began to reveal to him little by little.

"This… It's definitely not a small ship… Maybe!"

On the opposite side, Mihawk and Ishou's boat was also approaching the ship, but the first to arrive was Doflamingo.

The moment he saw the ship's emblem, the name St. Briss in bold, he started laughing hard like a madman.

"Real, everything is real! Everything the manga has shown up to this point is real!"

In fact, Doflamingo, like everyone else, had his reservations about the manga.

He was still a kid approaching 13 years old after all, in this timeline he had not lived any of the harsh experiences that made him the same Heavenly Rakasha from the (One Piece) manga.

Neither in strength, nor in terms of experience, nor in terms of world knowledge, he was still far inferior to the original Doflamingo.

For this exact reason, he has been keeping his reservations against Rob all along, this was a trait common to all innate villains.

When he first learned about a few of his teacher's goals and desires, he felt very excited and impatient, but he was still conservative and cautious.

He couldn't say 100% that his teacher was a prophet or a God, as most (One Piece) readers believe.

Now only, he know that what his teacher had done so far was so great that the mind couldn't imagine.

An enemy that his teacher fights are not something that anyone can even think of trying to fight.

The world government or what lies behind the world government of earth-shattering secrets.

This was the thing that the (One Piece) manga was fighting against and exposing one by one truth about it to everyone in the world no matter how ordinary person it.

After getting off the ship, Doflamingo laughed loudly and put his hand on his forehead.

He was still absorbing everything he had experienced so far.

"Fufufu, would I have become that malicious and manipulative Shichibukai as you portrayed me if you hadn't saved us that day? Sensei."

"I am looking forward to seeing my true past, what happened without your intervention?"

"Because, seriously, I start to feel like this world is an illusion."


"Hmm? Looks like someone is already ahead of us, Hawk-chan."

Ishou's relaxed expression turned into a tense one after detecting the breath of a living person on the ship.

"Didn't you say that you might be the fastest Hunter to get here?"

Mihawk can see the huge galleon getting closer and closer as the seconds pass. But he couldn't sense anyone on the huge ship, his Observation Haki wasn't at that level yet.

He didn't feel the familiar presence of Doflamingo until after they got close enough.

"I said I might… but the leader's disciple was faster."


"Hmmm? Fufufu...!"

The young Doflamingo stopped laughing and talking to himself after feeling the arrival of the guests.

"Who do we have here? The world's strongest swordsman and Ishou senpai… What a surprise! But you arrived too late, Ishou san."

Doflamingo respected Ishou simply because he was at a higher level in the guild, and he knew him well and knew what this seemingly weak blind man could do.

"Kahahaha, so that's you, Doffy Kun."

The purple glow on the boat that Ishou and Mihawk were on had disappeared, the boat stopped near St. Briss's ship and the duo jumped from it towards the huge ship.

"I didn't expect to see you here, since you found the ship first that's really unfortunate, you're right, I lost on this mission."

Doflamingo relaxed after hearing that Ishou didn't intend to make things difficult for him, still wishing to have the S-class mission carried out on his guild record.

"You used your mother's authority to get here, didn't you, kid?"

Mihawk's hawk eyes met with Doflamingo's red glasses as if the sparks were flashing between them.

"What if I use my mother's authority? You are not even a member of the guild so your justifications are rubbish to me."

"Calm down, guys, no fight, okay? You're going to destroy what's left of the St. Briss ship if you fighting here, Kahahaha."

Ishou tried to stop them before they forgot themselves and started fighting each other again."

"Hmph! I don't like that clown outfit, your sense of elegance is as disgusting as your smile."

Veins appeared on Doflamingo's forehead after hearing Mihawk's mockery, but he took Ishou's words into account, it wasn't the right place and time to fight that annoying swordsman."

"You are really lucky to be with Ishou senpai or else…"

"And what else?"


"Oooy! Doffy, you really found it!"

Suddenly, another ship appeared near the St. Briss ship, it was the ship carrying Rosinante and Enel.

"Ah! What are Hawk-chan and Ishou senpai doing here!?"

Rosinante and Enel are both surprised to find other people near Doflamingo.

Enel was curious about Mihawk and Ishou who seem close to his friends on Rosinante's tone.

Rosinante vanished from his previous spot at a speed that could not be traced to the naked eye and appeared beside Doflamingo like a mirage.

Then at lightning speed, he explored all parts of the St. Briss ship.

When he returned the next second he was holding in his hand the picture of the Queen of Saint Briss and a jeweled crown.

"That's what appeared in the manga if I'm not mistaken, right?"

The trio's interest was immediately drawn to the items in Rosinante's hands.

When they saw the same picture that Sanji held in the manga, they felt a familiar feeling that turned into awe and affirmation.

Only now do they realize that this ship is the indisputable physical evidence of the truth of the manga they have been able to obtain.

"So... the (One Piece) manga is real after all."


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)











Chapter 191: A lesson in emotions! And the end of the ant king! (Part 1)

Chapter 192: A lesson in emotions! And the end of the ant king! (Part 2)

Chapter 193: Meruem and Komugi's last scene! The end of the best duo!


New Week! It would be great too!

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