Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 207 The Shocking Truth!

Chapter 207 The Shocking Truth!

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

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Wyper: You said earlier that... Your "MANTRA"... Aisa, You said two "sounds" became silent. Correct?

Aisa:...Um... Yes, at the same time... Probably Gan Fall and... One of the priests...

Wyper: This is our chance! The true GOD has answered our prayers...!!

If we are to succeed, we must move now!




LuffySanji: ("!")

Ussop: HURRY~~~!!!

Sanji: OH... Isn't that Ussop? It seems that guy is alright.

I thought he was blown into bits because he disappeared after the explosion. Heh.

Luffy: OH!! He said something about the boat!! Let's hurry and get there!! He actually found it!!

Good job, Ussop!

Ussop: This is bad...!! That upward road must be the exit!!

Hey, you two! Grab on my body! Hurry!

Sanji: Body!?

Ussop: You're not running away from me!! 'KARASU-MARU'! "USSOP A~~~ AAH~~~~"!

Alright~~~! I got it!!

Luffy: Way to go Ussop!!

Ussop: Now that you have witnessed the amazing power of my " USSOP A~~~ AAH~~~..."

LuffySanji: AHHH!!

Ussop: AAH?

(PAH!!... BAH!!... PON!!... DON!!)



Ussop: S'all good... S'all good...

Sanji: You punk... I'll remember this...

Luffy:... It was easier... If I'll just stretch my arms... You know...?




In Syrup Village;

Yassop and Banshina's embarrassment became much more than before...

This kid who made them proud used to make them embarrassed too.

But in Lvneel County the atmosphere is made livelier because of Ussop's hilarious technique.

"Hahahahah... Haha!!"

When he got to this part of the manga, a young man burst into laughter, unable to stop no matter how hard he tried.

Seeing the bumps on the heads of the three, Sanji, Ussop, and Luffy when they crashed into the trees made him laugh out loud.

After all, Ussop's new move was so stupid, Luffy said that he was could only stretch and they'd avoid all that pain.

"Pft... Hahahaha! That's so funny... Ussop is really an idiot!"

Not only did the manga affect young people, but even middle-aged people laughed so hard.

"Sanji and Luffy are idiots too, Hahaha! They were beaten up by the trees that got in their path."

"That's fun! Luffy and his buddies are so funny!"



In Lvneel County, One Piece manga readers were having a great time, they discovered a lot of important things that they previously thought were just legends, but as they progress in the story they have already passed the question of accepting the truth of things or not, it has become an indisputable reality.

And as usual, they went with the flow of events and considered the existence of the Sky Island, and the Skypieans a tangible reality.

The fact of the Straw Hats' adventure in this place is proof of that.

It was interesting to see how the Straw Hat crew overcame hardships of all kinds to get to this point.

But the most interesting are the challenges and trials that Luffy and his friends faced on Sky Island.

They've become level II criminals, then their ship (Going Merry ) was taken away by a huge crab, with Robin, Nami, Zoro, and Chopper on board, to the altar of sacrifice on the God's Island.

While Luffy, Sanji, and Ussop were directed toward the trial grounds.

Such a suspenseful game-like scenario was especially fun for One Piece fans.

But after a few minutes, the flow of the story was no longer particularly pleasant to the inhabitants of Lvneel, but an eerie silence enveloped the whole island, even if a pin was tossed in the ground, because of this silence, it could be heard.

Even seeing a scene more comedic than before didn't change that silence, no one here laughed this time.

The scene was where Luffy meticulously imitates his crew members' faces while Ussop laughs to death and Sanji gets angry to death too.

In an instant, because of what Nami found at the end of the Upper Yard, the manga readers' laughter turned into absolute silence.

The gasps of astonishment could be heard from all over the world, but only two islands were affected too much.

Jaya Island.

And Lvneel County.




Nami: HAA... HA... Look! Haven't we seen this before?

Zoro:... What the...? Wasn't that on the ground...? Is it the same one?

Robin:... No, it isn't! This is the other half of the one down there. Which means that this island used to be on the ground... It was strange that this island wasn't made of clouds...

Nami:... I was wondering at first because that house was two stories high... But there were no stairs to get to the 2nd floor... And there was no reason to build a house on a seaside cliff like that... Unless that cliff by the sea is the point of connection with this island!

Nami: This is the other half of the island. This island... Was originally JAYA!


(CHOH~~~~!! CHOH~~~~!!)

(WAH~~~~!! WAH~~~~!!)

Chopper: Such huge South Birds!! How did they get here?!


Luffy: NO, NO, NO! It's like this, Ussop! {OH!? It's the morning... ZZZZZ...}




Zoro:... So for some reason... That island split in two... And this half came to the sky.

Nami: (....)


Huge south bird: (CHOH~~~~~!!!)


Nami: It was on the ground... But the golden city that Noland found... Didn't sink.....!!! For 400 years... Jaya had always been floating in the sky...!!




On Jaya, after reading this part of the chapter countless times without advancing to the next, tears flooded the manga page but didn't get wet it at all. The tears continued to flow across the page and fall towards the sea below.

"S-so then... l-I understand now..."

Mont Blanc Cricket looked at the half of the building overlooking the cliff because he was sitting next to him.

In the back, he could hear the crying sounds of his two bodyguards and some thugs in this place who had become loyal to him in the past months.

After the reality of the divided island of Jaya appeared in the manga so suddenly, it seemed as if a thunderbolt had been struck directly in their heads.

They couldn't comprehend the situation at first. But as the minutes passed, and noticing the difference between the half of this old building in front of them, and the other half in the manga, they felt that everything was real.

"The Gold City… Did not sink to the bottom of the sea but rose to the sky… And became the Upper Yard!!"

"H-huh, unbelievable!"


Cricket cried bitterly, unable to stop... His ancestor's luck was as good as shit.

If the One Piece manga hadn't revealed this truth, maybe no one would have known and it would be hidden forever.


On the other side of the island, in Mock Town;

The pirates and thugs in this place looked up at the sky in astonishment, unable to wake up from their extreme shock.

It was only after hearing the shouting and exclamations of some people who were mentally strong that chaos began to permeate the place.

Previously, everyone walked out of the art store, after all, after confirming the reality of the existence of Sky Island, many unexplained phenomena in this area had become very logical.

The falling of ships from the clear sky.

The sudden night in a specific area at broad daylight.

The appearance of huge human shadows.

Many sea creatures, sea kings, and even drifting ships rise to the sky by the rising currents, but they never come back.

All of this became a logical explanation after confirming the truth of Sky Island.

So it seemed as if their worldview had been completely overturned.

But all this is very small in front of the fact that part of their island has risen to the sky!

The question is, how did that happen?!


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)











Chapter 204: The Worried Five Elders!

Chapter 205: Sky Island Arc Effect

Chapter 206: SHANDORA

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