Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 210 SHANDORA

Chapter 210 SHANDORA

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

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Skypiea, Art store 'Angel Island';

"Well... It's clear that you and Enel in the manga are the same person."

"Let's get out of here, these people are looking at you with hateful gazes..."

"Doffy, Enel-chan, sit down, no need to leave, I'll talk to them until the little misunderstanding goes away."

"No, mom, you know it's not just a misunderstanding, you don't have to worry about us, we'll be outside."

Doflamingo dragged Enel and ran out of the art store while Rosinante followed behind them.

Everyone now realizes that the God of Skaypiea who will seize authority in the future and enslave so many Skaypieans to build his 'Maxim' ship is the same young Enel who was just in front of them... Who just dragged out.

Although they also realize that he is still a kind child, what appeared in the manga honestly frightened them.

In the manga, their situation was very miserable.

Their situation was no different from that of slaves.


"So this is Upper Yard? Let's stay here, for now, when we're done reading the manga, let's go explore."

"I… Is what the manga showed, real?"

Even though they had moved from Angel Island to Upper Yard, Enel was still dumbfounded and confused.

"Don't ask me, ask my teacher later."

"He's always vague about this, but in fact... He's doing this for a specific purpose, don't hate him for that, if it wasn't for the teacher, you'd be the main villain of Skypiea in the future, and your ass would be kicked by Luffy."


Fish-Man Island;

"What do you think of today's volume so far, Neptune?"

On Fish-Man Island, Roger's pirates' group was still there, but now, they are gathered in the sea forest in front of two poneglyphs, one red and the other grey.

"Hmm? I think it's interesting, none of my people would have thought that there would be an island in the sky... Such a shocking fact, there are still a lot of my people who didn't believe it yet."

"Wahahaha! What is unbelievable about that? Fish-Man Island is 10,000 meters below sea level."

From this fact, it is not surprising that there is a sky island 10,000 meters above sea level."

What Roger said made a lot of sense to Neptune and the others, so they nodded in understanding.

"So what do we have in those two poneglyphs, Oden?"

"Well... There are two, so I thought we might get a lot of information, but one of them isn't that important."

"It's a letter of apology from a guy named Joy Boy."

"Unbelievable! He can actually read texts!"

Neptune is surprised after hearing poneglyph content from someone who previously thought he was just a pirate.

"Yes, he can read the poneglyph. After all, his ancestors are the creators of so-called poneglyphs in the first place."

A smile appeared on Roger's face after he said that.

"What! Don't tell me… Is he from Kozuki clan?"

"My name is Kozuki Oden... Nice to meet you, great knight Neptune - De Guzaru."

Oden bowed in a samurai Wano Kuni salute which made Neptune really sure of it.

"Oden... Did you say it was an apology letter from Joy Boy? To whom?"

Roger wanted to confirm the truth of something.

"Ah! He says... It's a mermaid princess who was called a sea goddess... He's apologizing for not keeping his promise."

"This looks more like the 'Heir of the World' manga scenario, doesn't it guys?"

"Is this 'Joy Boy' possibly the King of Giants Nika?"

"Guys, I think you should keep reading the manga without stopping… Something amazing has come out..."

Saying that, Gaban went back to continue reading the manga with an interesting expression.

"Really!? Did you just say Poneglyph?"

Roger took back the manga book and continued where he left off.

He didn't care about what was called the sky battles, in his eyes, they were too boring, that's why he was reading the book very slowly. He was more interested in Poneglyphs and historical information.





Robin: A tombstone... For the city...?

It was probably constructed by the decedents after the city fell...


Is that the name of the ancient city...?

XX Year 400... That's 1100 years ago... The time of destruction is... 800 years ago...!!

That falls into the period when there was no record of history anywhere in the world, the "Blank Century..."

Maybe this island... Containing part of what became exting on the ground... The "History that is not passed on"...

(This should be the map of Shandora... If I go to the city square, I can probably find out more... Maybe even a clue to "the history that is not passed on"...)




"Once again he put his daughter in the fore to explain history... What's your target with this, Rob...?"

"The Blank Century! So the so-called Shandora or Cyandora was part of that era! Unbelievable..."

"This raises the alarm for the World Government... Guys, there will be no truce anymore, I think there will be a war inevitably coming."

Roger and his crew did not care about the battles of the Shandia tribe against the so-called priests or the battle of Luffy against Wyper or the battle of Zoro against Braham, because their strength level was too low in their eyes.

Even the so-called God Enel who was apparently a Logia Lightning user and had a high level of Observation Haki proficiency was nothing in their eyes.

All he really cared about was the important information that had surfaced so far, that was what was worth looking forward to.

"Captain... We need to hurry, we have to get to Skaypiea, isn't our next destination?"

Oden looked at Roger saying.

"You're right, come on guys, get ready to set sail."

"Our next destination is, Skaypiea!"




"The history that is not passed on... The Blank Century! Oh my God!"

The contents of what Robin found caused an outburst of astonishment for Ohara archaeologists.

Despite being a manga character, Robin was the first archaeologist to find such a rich relic in a place all the archaeologists had not imagined its existence, let alone going to it.

"Shandora! The fragrance of history in this place is too strong!"

"Quickly! Record it all, don't forget the dates, maybe the Shandora civilization has a certain connection to the ancient kingdom!"

"Understood, Clover-san!"

Clover took out an ancient manuscript from a certain locker and opened it.

In the manuscript appears a faint picture of an island containing incredibly massive buildings and highly advanced geometric shapes.

The island looked very rich and resembled a skull in shape.

On the manuscript page, it's written in bold:

"The Great Kingdom"


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)











Chapter 207: The Fierce Archaeologist Robin!

Chapter 208: The Navy prepares for the coming chaos!

Chapter 209: Reviving the memories of Noland and Kalgara!

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