Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 239 Getting A Character's Template!

Chapter 239 Getting A Character's Template!

[🎉A New Volume🎉]


💙Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!💙


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(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

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Back to Rob, he was locking himself up in his personal section inside the 'Ohara' art store.

Only here could he escape the senses of that crazy stalker, that was how he felt.

Since he had been feeling extremely threatened recently, he decided to use the ultimate feature in his hand.

If he could get a good character template from Bleach, as well as his own strength and his immortality, he wouldn't feel so threatened by Imu at that time.

He hasn't harnessed this ability yet because it has strict requirements.

If he wants to obtain a character template from one of the mangas he draws, the condition for using this feature is to finish the manga, and unless he finishes it, he will not be able to activate the feature no matter how hard he tries.

In addition, to activate this feature it takes 10 billion art points.

But for the anime, it is a little different, he can activate this feature once one season of any anime ended, and pay 10 billion art points, but of course, he will only get a template of the characters that appeared in that season only.

Rob looked at the system window and couldn't contain the increasing enthusiasm of the Gacha within him.

[Character's Template (Gacha): Level 14 Feature]

[Luck plays an important role in this feature. Once you get the rights to activate it on a specific story world, you can get a weak character template or a strong character template. Everything depends on your luck!

Once you get a template from a particular story you can't get another one from the same story.]

[The stories that you can use the feature on:

-Attack On Titan anime (Season 1)

-Bleach manga (Completed)]

He can only try his luck on these two, but once he finishes HXH soon he will get another chance to activate this Gacha feature.

In addition to Naruto as well, he can get a decent character template even though it's only the first season.

But One Piece, neither the anime nor the manga will end anytime soon, and he himself was the best character template in this world so he didn't really need to try his luck in the One Piece story.

He wanted the powers of a different world!

This will make him reassured!

"Let's give it a try."

Rob chose the Bleach manga to try his luck, and that's obvious.

Although there are titans in AOT, most of the other characters are completely ordinary and even the character templates that have the strength of the titan, are not really strong for Rob.

That's why Bleach is the best choice.

Of course, he still has a chance to choose a character template from AOT (Season 1) and he will definitely use it when the time comes.

This is because there is no problem with stacking the templates, this will only make him more strong.

After paying 10 billion art points, he didn't even shake his brow because of the huge expenditure... Compared to the unbelievable amount of art points in his pocket, 10 billion seemed like a drop in a bucket.

The moment he activated the [Gacha] feature, appeared in front of him was a book like Bleach volume.

This book, except for him, could not be seen, because it was nothing but a projection from the system screen.

Rob opened the manga book but it was completely empty, but suddenly a circular shape resembling a gambling game appeared in the middle of the manga book.

Rob took a closer look at the strange gambling game, it appears as the famous Gacha game!

Here, he can experience the sensation of winning or losing!

At this point, Rob's blood was already boiling.

On the sides of the Gacha game, as Rob called it, several colors indicate the levels of templates he can get.

The white color indicates the template of an ordinary human, but a little talented, of course, any character that appeared in Bleach, no matter how ordinary it is, has some talent in different walks of life.

But that's not what Rob wishes he had because it would be a huge loss.

Yellow indicates a stronger character than the ordinary human, Kon (lion doll) can be categorized at this point.

Orange indicates a character cast with spiritual power, it could be Quincy, Shinigami, or even Hollow.

Then comes green, red, purple, and gold, respectively.

If Rob could guess well, only characters of the Soul King and Yhwach level would be at the gold level.

Any character from this level can rule the world with their terrifying power.

Of course, this part is only the first stage of Gacha, in which he will choose the level of characters that will be available to him to obtain a template.

Only in the second stage, he will get a character template.

Rob looked at the arrow that wasn't pointing to any color, once activated it would eventually stop at one of those colors.

"What level of the template will I get?! I wonder?"

(System, activate the first stage of Gacha.)

Rob can't wait any longer, whatever template will get won't affect his character in any way, even if it's a female template, it will only enhance his strength, isn't that what he wanted in the first place?

Increasing his strength, and future prospects, if he obtained a good mold, even if it was just a red mold, he would benefit greatly because he would get the reiatsu!

That's the best of it.

The ghostly arrow started spinning at an incredible speed like the clock arrow out of control and didn't stop at any color, not even Rob could see it because of its speed.

This was an element of the system, so wanting to look through it was just wishful thinking.

(System, slowed down for a few seconds, then... Stop.)

Responding to the host's order, the ghostly arrow gradually started to slow down until Rob could see it again, but even so, he had no idea where it would stop, even extrapolating the future with the observation haki didn't help.

In Rob's future vision the arrow was still spinning.

"Sigh~ I can't see through the system in any way…"

The arrow started to slow down as if it would stop at any moment causing the three Rob's hearts to slow down as well.

After a few seconds, the arrow finally stopped.

When he saw where the arrow had stopped, Rob's eyelashes did tremble and he couldn't help but curse out loud.


"Just a little push and I was going to hit gold!!"

On the game board, the arrow appeared to stop at the end of the purple color, just a small push and it will enter the gold color!!


(System, turn on the second stage of Gacha.)

After swallowing the bitterness of not being able to ascend to the sky in one step, Rob moved to the second Gacha.

"Well, the purple level isn't bad either…"

In front of Rob, the Gacha board turned into a different shape, where it was completely covered in purple and many strong characters that Rob knew: Shinigami captains, Quincy leaders, Espadas, and many strong figures appeared! Getting the power of any of them would be a huge boost for Rob!

The second game has already started to spin, this time Rob wished to get the power of people like Aizen or Yamamoto or a member of Squad 0... For Ichigo even if he wanted to get it, he wouldn't get it because Rob saw Ichigo's figure as not as bright as the others, obviously not able to get the protagonist character template.

The arrow started slowing down again until it finally stopped.


"Not bad."

A big smile appeared on Rob's face because the character template he got is actually quite good.

Espada No. 4 in Aizen's army.

[Congratulations: You have obtained the character template, Ulquiorra Cifer!]

[Would you like to absorb it now?]

"F*ck! Great!"



















[🎉Eid Mubarak to all Muslims.🎉]



I have something to say for the Arab brothers who read my novel, I am re-translating this novel into the Arabic version on the website (, I have updated about 100 chapters so far, if you did not enjoy reading it in English or with automatic translation. You can read it there with a good translation. And thanks for your support.


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