Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 299 Water 7 Saga: Enies Lobby Arc! (2)

Chapter 299 Water 7 Saga: Enies Lobby Arc! (2)


Sorry for the shortness in the last two chapters, I was been organizing my writing ideas so well, as you know, guys. This isn't easy at all. I'm trying as hard as I can to not drop the level. In this arc I want to write as best I can!

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

*Discord Link*:

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

*Pa treon Link*: /BlackStar_BH

(There're 18 chapters ahead Webnovel!)

As people began reading the new volume, everyone fell into absolute silence.

A Silence when it's over, many things will be different from what they were before.

On the Judicial Island, also known as Never-Night Island, Rob sat on the roof of a building without being detected by anyone from Navy marines or Government officials.

He was sitting alone smoking a cigarette and quietly reading the manga book, from time to time his eyes falling on the flag of the World Government that flapped proudly over the tallest building on the Judicial Island.

Behind his eyes hides endless darkness that is enough to swallow the whole world...

Rob put out his cigarette and before lighting another one, he entered the chat rooms and he banned interactions in them temporarily.

He didn't forget to leave a global announcement of the reason behind that.

[Global Chat Room]

[It's not possible to post or interact in the global room today. The ban will be lifted starting tomorrow.]

[Regional Chat Room]

[It's not possible to post or interact in the regional room today. The ban will be lifted starting tomorrow.]

[Local Chat Room]

[It's not possible to post or interact in the local room today. The ban will be lifted starting tomorrow.]

[Private Chat Room]

[It's not possible to post or interact in the private room today. The ban will be lifted starting tomorrow.]

Of course, the majority of users found this move very impressive, but users who enjoy spoiling events on other users deplore this ban.

Rob didn't care what people thought, he didn't ban chat rooms just because he wanted to stop the spoiling, but this is a much bigger move that would shock the world.

The main reason for his coming to this weird place.

"I've always been wondering why the night doesn't come to this place even though it's not a polar region... So that's why, huh?"


Rob sighed and sat near the government's flag before opening the One Piece volume again.

"Let's get the party started, World Government... Let's see who will come out smiling from this storm..."




"The CP9 sure are great. They solved the government's 20-year-long problem, just like that."

"Nico Robin... What... A beauty..."

"Open the front gate!!!"

Franky: WOW!!! I've never seen anything like this before...!!!

A... Waterfall!!?

A hole... In the middle of the ocean!!?

What's up with this island!!?

Kaku: Shut up and keep moving...

Franky: I can't see the bottom... What the hell!?

Kaku: Shut up...


Spandam: Looks like they're back... Lucchi and the others... And they brought us the best present possible!!

It's been five years since all 8 of CP9 have been together!!!

Zambai: Hurry up!! Go faster!!

Kiev: What!!? So, our bro, Franky, sacrificed himself!?

Sanji: Yes, to try to save Robin.

The Frankies: Woo Woo Woo... Bro's such a great guy...

Sanji: We'll be too late if we don't hurry!

Kop: Hey! The never-night Island!!!

Enies Lobby!!!

Sanji: Never-Night Island!?

Kiev: Yeah! It's always daytime there. It's also known as picture island. That's the Judicial Island!!!


Luffy: I see them!!! Huge Yagara~~!!! Hey, ~~~!!!!

The Frankies: Look!! Over there!!

Sanji/Soge-king: Luffy!!

Luffy: Ah!! Sanji~~!! Eh...!! Who's that!?

The Frankies: Captain Straw Hat!!!

Nami: They all look so energetic! Ready to siege the front door of the World Government!!

Zoro/Paulie: Enies Lobby is in sight!!! All crews, prepare for battle!!!!






In the government hall, one from the Gorosei slapped the tea table and smashed it to pieces.

He was angry!

He was so angry that he couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

How could he have all their plans over the past weeks to prevent the volume from being published have failed?

In the end, Rob managed to publish the volume without any problems.

Not only that, this does not end here. but all their plans returned with counterproductive results, and many readers were excited to eagerly await the new volume.

"It looks like the battle between CP9 and the Straw Hats has been decided What do you think its consequence will be?"

"The Cipher Pol No. 9 are Rokushiki's masters. I don't think they will lose against junior pirates Maybe Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji will be small threats on the battlefield but nothing more."

"We all know what it means to be a Rokushiki master after all."

"But Luffy is the protagonist. Isn't it obvious that he will win in the end?!"


"We have Rob Lucchi..."

"But Luffy, he's the protagonist..."

A silent moment fell. The rest of the five elders didn't know how to react to the situation anymore.

"Why all the fuss? Read the manga and enjoy its events, what's supposed to happen will happen even with your intervention... Remember. You are no longer a threat to that man."

Suddenly, a very beautiful woman appeared from a black hole next to the five elders.

As soon as she appeared, the five elders knelt respectfully.

"Hear and obey. my Lord!!!"

"Fufufu~! Don't worry. Just enjoy One Piece, this world no longer needs to burn our brain cells for... A much more interesting person has appeared than our eternal enemy."


Ohara, the tree of knowledge;


"I've never seen Enies Lobby Island before... But I didn't expect it to be like this... That's really surprising... I wonder how the ordinary people will react about it?"

"Why is there no night here?"

"Does this island have anything to do with that legendary battle of 800 years ago?!"

Professor Clover couldn't hold back his curiosity after seeing the strange island.

Enies Lobby!










Chapter 292: Pirate King Crew In Drum Island!

Chapter 293: The Giants: Oimo And Kashii!

Chapter 294: The Chaos In Enies Lobby!


New great fanfic from BlackStar_BH!

Title: King Of Beasts In Against The Gods!

(Available on Webnovel go and read the first chapters!)

Add it to your library. It is so good.

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