Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 311 Ohara Backstory (3)

Chapter 311 Ohara Backstory (3)


For those who ask me how many chapters are supposed to be in this novel, I would like to assure you, dear reader... This novel will be a +1000, and at the very least there will be 1500 chapters! I will write it until I die! Hahaha! I just kidding. Well, at least I'll write it until the manga of One Piece is ended... The approach of this novel is very clear, my goal in writing it is to take the readers' memory back to all the precious moments we all lived with One Piece. I love this novel and I'll write it with all my love. You all know that I can't satisfy all the readers, but I do everything I can to satisfy as many readers as possible. The main story of this manga is One Piece only, but from time to time I add other stories. I don't mind satisfying the curiosity of my dear readers, so I hope you'll take this seriously. For those who ask about other shows, each show will have its own screen time so don't worry, this tale is going on forever!


Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

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(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters.)

*Pa treon Link*: /BlackStar_BH

(There're 18 chapters ahead Webnovel!)

Ohara's Streets;

"What the hell! This... Isn't that Uncle of Little Robin and his wife?! Why do they treat her like a slave!! ... Suddenly, I have a desire to demolish their house on their heads! If these are their true selves it's better to kick them out from Ohara!"

"Poor Robin... She hasn't seen her mother's face since she was two years old... That's sad... It is not surprising that she forget her face... But why can't I see Rob-Sama anywhere in this flashback?!"

"Look! Olvia-sama's husband has been mentioned by a certain scholar... On his tongue, it seems Rob-sama is no longer around..."

"What do you mean?! It's not possible...!"

"What the hell is going on here?! Why can't I understand anything?"

"Ah! Even the chat rooms are closed, if they were open we would have had thousands of theories and ideas that could clear up even a little bit of this confusion..."

"This isn't Robin's past... It's what was supposed to happen... But it all didn't happen because Rob-san is there... Olvia-san also didn't go to sea on Little Robin's second birthday ... That's different from what happened in the manga!"

"This giant with a weird tone, Jaguar D. Saul... I search about them and found out that he's a Vice-Admiral in the Navy... He's another real character that appears in the manga."

"This giant is very gentle If he also has the will of D, then no wonder..."

If there weren't such intense discussions among manga readers, everyone would have finished reading it a long time ago, but that's what everyone is already used to.

Everyone in Ohara discussed the flashbacks with enthusiasm, after all, their island was featured in the manga... How can they not get excited?

But this enthusiasm soon turned to tremble and fear.

A sudden silence descended upon the people of Ohara.

Even those who don't read the manga felt an extraordinary atmosphere enveloped all of Ohara.

In an Ohara hotel.

"The Void Century, huh? Anything about this hidden history scares the shit out of the World Government, Heheehee~!" When he remembered the World Government, Crocodile got very angry... Yes, it was Rob who was responsible for his previous ordeal, but the people who chased after him and tried to kill him were from the World Government and the Navy, that's why he hated them so much.

"It has begun... A massacre... That's to be expected from Sakazuki... But I never expected this from Kuzan..."

Dragon's expression froze as he saw the dark scenes in the manga.

"No, that is expected from the government." He added.

"So that would have happened had it not been for that man's intervention?"

"I'm a blind man, can you describe what's going on? Or just let's go to the art store."




Saul: You don't even remember your mom's face, right?

Robin: ...Yup, but she's my mom after all. So I want to see her.

Saul: Yeah... I see...

Robin: Saul, did you know...? That we have a whole century that was voided in this world? A history that nobody knows about.

Saul: ... Ah. The so-called ''Void Century''? I'm Interested in it, but the government forbids people from researching it.

Robin: Yep. I heard my mom's traveling around the world, studying it... But please, don't tell anybody about this! It really is a crime.

Saul: ...Eh...!? That-... That means she's looking for stones called ''Poneglyphs,'' ain't she!?



Saul: Robin, do you know your mom's name?

Robin: Olvia.

Saul: ''!!?'' Then, you mean... This island is called ''Ohara''!?

Robin: Yep.

Saul: Wah!!! No good...!!! Holy Crap!! Holy Freaking Crap!! I...!! I drifted all the way to Ohara!!!



Saul: Robin!!! You'd be surprised but listen to me carefully...!! Marine warships are heading toward this land, Ohara, like... Right now!!

Robin: Marines? Why...?

Saul: To wipe out the scholars on this island!!!




Marigoa, Domain of the Gods;

Inside the art store ''Marigoa''

The uproar inside was a little bigger than usual.

"The hell Why the Navy would wipe out Little Robin's land?"

"Don't tell me they destroyed Ohara in this flashback?!"

"No wonder, after all, they study history... They admitted it with their tongue in the manga."

"Studying the void history is a terrible crime... I think the Gorosei will take urgent action against Ohara."

"But... That's bad..."

The Celestial Dragons fell into the pit of confusion, not knowing which side to support anymore.

The world government is the basis of its power and its existence.

Or, Ohara side who gives them the best entertainment all the time.

This was really, the worst situation they could imagine.

No matter how stupid the Celestial Dragons were, at this point, they could see upcoming bad events caused by this arc.

Pangaea Castle.

Inside the government hall...

"Clover, Oh, Clover You confessed the crime with your mouth!"

"The manga revealed that, so don't blame us for relentlessly taking comprehensive measures!"

One of the Gorosei broke the armrest support on the chair without realizing it. After all, he's been so angry since this flashback started.


"First, Spandam... And now his father, Spandine... Those scum is going to give me a stroke!"


''This giant... Is a vice-admiral in the Navy, right? So what brings him to Ohara? And why isn't he wearing his navy uniform?

"Weird... Looks like he's befriended, Nico Robin."

"Huh!! Why is she talking about the void history and the Poneglyphs again!!"

"The Navy is on its way to Ohara for... What?"

"Look Getting his daughter into this wasn't enough for him He got his wife into this, too This bastard, Sky Sword, just what is he planning to do!"





Ohara's Scholar: If you need to take care of your child, don't come!! We'll take care of your husband's unfulfilled wish...

Olvia: No, I'm coming. I'm a scholar of Ohara. I cannot forfeit my predecessors' will!!!

"I'm sorry, Robin. Once we solve every mystery, I'll come back to you, I promise.

Robin(2 years old): Where~~ Is~~ Mommy~~!?

Nico Oran: Your mommy went to the sea for her work. You'll stay with us for a while.

Roji: I said shut her up. Or I'll smack her!!!




"So this is your wife, Rob-chan? Fufufu~"

"In a world where you don't exist, she left your child behind to a family that didn't take care of her in the first place, all that for her research about worthless history~ What a great wife~"

When she read up to this point, IM found this scene very interesting.

Like most readers, she thought Rob was Olvia's husband who was mentioned in the manga as having an unfulfilled wish... This means that Rob is dead in the manga.

And this, of course, is true.

But they are wrong about the identity of Rob who died in the manga... That person died of his illness... But at this time he died because Rob swallowed his soul.










Chapter 304: Unexpected Move!

Chapter 305: Professor Clover!

Chapter 306: Touching Scene


New great fanfic from BlackStar_BH!

Title: King Of Beasts In Against The Gods!

(Available on Webnovel go and read the first chapters!)

Add it to your library. It is so good.

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