Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 148 - 105: Indulgence_2

Chapter 148: Chapter 105: Indulgence_2

Translator: 549690339

So it was that the distance between them became so close, not even a sliver of space was left.

Miss Xin Shisi closed her eyes, her body tensed up, and she pressed herself to his side, like a thief in the night.

After staying so close for a while, finding that Xu Yang still had no reaction, the little fox finally began to relax, trembling as she parted her eyelids, cautiously sizing him up.

He lay there quietly on his side, still deep in sleep. His features were not particularly handsome, but from inside out, he exuded an air of bravado, deep and lofty, stable and powerful, giving one a sense of peace of mind.

Gazing at him like this, the nervousness, indecision, and unease in Miss Xin Shisi’s heart dissipated in an instant, leaving only a sense of safety, warmth, and calm—as if at that moment, even if the heavens were to fall and the earth to split, it would have no effect on her.

She relaxed, no longer shy, and looked over him as a matter of course, this man who lay on the same couch and slept by her pillow.

Compared to ten years before, when they first met at Li Mansion, he had hardly changed at all, still with the appearance of a young man, even lacking any sign of a beard; time seemed to leave no trace on him, without any hint of aging.

Miss Xin Shisi even had the illusion that he was not only immune to aging but seemed to become even younger with time, like the Immortals of legend.

Perhaps, he was an Immortal—how else could he possess such skill to vanquish the Chu Family Wolf with such an air of ease?

But if he was an Immortal, what was she?

A mere little fox Spirit Monster?

Ten years had passed—had she grown old?

While the lifespan of Spirit Monsters might be long, ten years was not a short time.

The little fox, whose appearance had not changed and still seemed like a young girl, began to feel aimlessly adrift.

In the midst of this…

“What are you thinking about?”

A gentle voice arose, breaking through the muddle of thoughts.

Miss Xin Shisi’s heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly closed her eyes, burying her head like an ostrich, curled up in the crook of his arm, pretending to sleep.

“Stop pretending.”

Xu Yang opened his eyes and, seeing her all stiff, couldn’t help but smile a little as he reached out to tease her nose.

Only then did Miss Xin Shisi face reality, opening her eyes to see his narrow expression and feeling her own state, her face blushing once again.

Xu Yang smiled, reached for the blanket beside them, and covered her body, fair as white jade, “You’ve just recovered from your injuries, rest well.”

Having said that, he was about to rise and leave.

“Young Master!”

Seeing him about to go, Miss Xin Shisi, who had been too shy to control herself just moments before, found strength from somewhere, and flung herself into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Though separated by layers of clothing, he could still distinctly feel the touch, warmth, and breath of the young girl’s tender and fragrant body.

Xu Yang fell silent for a while, and in the end, he didn’t force his way out but simply sat down, his arm hanging at his side.

This unsettled the girl somewhat, making her anxious, yet she stubbornly held on to him, unwilling to loosen her embrace.

After an indeterminate time, Xu Yang was still silent.

Miss Xin Shisi looked up at him, her eyes slightly dim, a bit downhearted, but still forced herself to ask, “Young Master…do you have someone in your heart?”

Xu Yang was silent again for a while before finally answering, “There is one.”

“Is that so?”

With her guess confirmed, the girl’s complexion turned slightly pale, but as she saw Xu Yang’s expression, a flicker of hope and luck surged in her heart, “Then why doesn’t Young Master keep her by your side?”

Although she was asking, she already had an answer in her heart.

Knowing the character and style of her young master, if that person were still in this world, he would surely keep her by his side, even if he had to take up his sword and fight his way into the capital to take her back from the emperor himself.

But now, here he was, alone.

That could only mean that she was no longer in this world, no longer in this realm.


Xu Yang shook his head and spoke softly, “Some things are beyond the realm of human capability.”

Even though she knew she shouldn’t, Miss Xin Shisi still felt a surge of surprise and joy upon hearing these words. For a moment, guilt and luck conflicted within her, leaving her indescribable.

Yet even so, she was unwilling to let go and mustered the courage to say, “Yun Er does not know who that sister is, nor dares to hope to replace her in Young Master’s heart, but I just hope… Young Master can give Yun Er a chance, even if it’s only for a while, just a moment.”

Having said that, she looked up at him with eyes full of hope.

Confronted with her expectant gaze, Xu Yang fell silent and then gave a wry smile, “You and I, belonging to two different lives, cannot have a future!”

“Yun Er does not seek a future.”

Upon hearing this, Miss Xin Shisi still refused to give up. She clung to him and said, “Even if it’s only for a while, I will have no regrets in this life. If that sister returns in the future, back to Young Master’s side, Yun Er will leave on her own, without any entanglement. All I ask is for Young Master to accept Yun Er for now, even if, even if only as a substitute!”

After speaking, she pressed herself against his chest and began to sob, somewhat lost and helpless.

In the eyes of others, she was the only fox woman who had managed to enter Li Mansion, keeping company every day in great happiness.

But only she knew in her heart that she had never entered his, not even qualifying as someone exceedingly close. In terms of closeness, there were at least a few hundred true disciples in Li Mansion who were closer to him than she was.

Otherwise, why, after so many years of companionship, did she still know nothing about him, even foolishly trying to stop him from easily killing the Chu Family Wolf?

This barrier filled Miss Xin Shisi with fear, anxiety, and relentless unease, like a fox that could be abandoned by its owner at any moment.

Looking at the frightened and confused Miss Xin Shisi, Xu Yang shook his head, once again feeling the weight of “the greatest burden is to be loved by a beauty!”

With a sigh, he lifted his drooping arms and gently embraced her.

The strong arms and warm embrace gave the scared and helpless fox a sense of support and protection.

“Young Master!”

Miss Xin Shisi looked up at him, her eyes glistening, yet filled with joy.

Xu Yang smiled and asked softly, “Are you truly without regret?”

“Without regret!”

Though still tear-streaked like pear blossoms in the rain, Miss Xin Shisi’s face broke into a smile, and looking into Xu Yang’s eyes, she said, “Even if it’s only for a while, Yun Er is without regret.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Yang shook his head, “If you wish to pursue, then seek perfection, forever and ever, for eternity. How could you be content with just a moment?”


Miss Xin Shisi gazed at him in a daze, not quite understanding the meaning of his words.

Xu Yang smiled and said, “Though there are many hardships, the challenge of overcoming obstacles is one of the great pleasures of life!”

After speaking, he didn’t bother to explain further and simply leaned down to kiss the girl’s soft, delicate lips.

Parting with tears wrapped at the crossroads, the greatest burden is to be loved by a beauty!

Throughout Great Zhou and Great Tang, ruling as emperor twice, he had seen countless beauties with skin like ice and bones like jade, but he took none into his palace.

The first reason was Zhuanzhou Mengdie; using another’s body always left him somewhat reluctant.

The second was that he walked the Great Path alone; beauty fades, and affairs of love inevitably end in regret, which he truly did not want to be involved in.

But now…

With Divine Travel Through Worlds, a thought becomes reality, and the current ‘me’ is me, just as the ‘me’ in dreams is also me.

There is no difference between the two, nor is there any need for reluctance; it is a dreamy union of hearts and spirits.

As for walking the Great Path alone.

He sought immortality not for the sake of immortality itself, but for transcendence over all, to master fate, and to live without regret or remorse.

If his journey was filled with regrets and remorse, then what meaning would there be in seeking the path?

When life is joyful, one must revel in pleasure, do not let the golden cup face the moon in vain!

Since he possesses the Ability of Reincarnation, it’s not only in dreams that he can live a life but also in this current world.

What is there to fear?

Xu Yang simply cannot believe that on this Great Path, he cannot take his child’s hand and walk together!

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