Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 219 - 157: History_1

Chapter 219: Chapter 157: History_1

Translator: 549690339

After the national college entrance exams, another three months passed.

It was the ninth month of autumn, the season for school to begin.

“Wandao School, here I come!”

Chu Nan was filled with excitement, about to leave his home.

“Be careful, watch out for Flying Swords when crossing the road. Do you have everything? Did you check your Storage Bag again?”

“Find a cultivator partner and start a family early. Your mother and I are waiting to hold our grandchildren.”

Chu Zhan watched his son leave, then wrapped his arms around his wife and sighed, “This kid actually got into Wandao School. He truly is my son, Chu Zhan. Back in my day, I also almost made it.”

His wife gave him a glare, “Then why aren’t you going to work? Our son will be piloting Spirit-Treasure Mech Armor in the future. If you don’t work hard, where will he get Spiritual Treasures from, and what Mech Armor will he pilot when he graduates?”

At this, Chu Zhan could only smile wryly, “Alright, alright, I’m going now. A wife’s command cannot be ignored.”

Chu Nan left his home and arrived at the stairwell, where the cityscape immediately unfolded before him.

Skyscrapers rose like dragons of steel, and towering buildings shot up, piercing the skies.

Between these buildings flowed streams of light, countless Flying Swords and Flying Boats, and clouds and glows reminiscent of horse carriages shuttled back and forth, dazzling the eyes and too numerous to take in at once.

On the surfaces of the buildings, holographic images broadcasted various news and advertisements.

“Galloping Flying Sword, four generations meticulously crafted—your best choice for travel!”

“Divine Domain world, Red Flame Guild, your dream home, inviting masters from all walks to join!”

“Thunder Method of Roaring Sky, far ahead of others!”

“Encourage multiple births, benefit the nation and the people!”

“Yuan Spirit Skill, bright future ahead, small investment, huge returns!”

“Latest version of Ghost God Mech Armor, the ninth generation grand release—Yin Mountain Mansion will hold a new Mech Armor unveiling on October 15th.”

“Newest Spirit-Treasure Mech Armor, Xuanyuan Divine Ship grand release—Wandao School will hold a new Mech Armor unveiling on October 11th.”

“The 983rd Luotian Dajiao will start in January, the following is the list of main and secondary positions…”

“Congratulations to our Lofty Mountain True Man from our Academy for passing the Wandao School assessment and obtaining the title of True Monarch…”

Chu Nan arrived at the stairwell entrance, only to find many people already gathered, his neighbors from the same floor.

In a world of Taoism, Cultivators did not require horse-drawn carriages to travel; one could simply fly out from atop high buildings.

Thus, each stairwell entrance served as a transportation hub, where those with Magic Artifacts could travel independently, and those without could wait for public Magic Artifacts to ride.

As a newcomer who had just been admitted to Wandao School, Chu Nan’s Cultivation was not high. If he were to control a Magic Artifact alone, it would take a long while to arrive at Wandao School.

Even his parents, both fifth-realm Cultivators, would spend a considerable amount of time on the journey.

Luckily, every year as new students enroll, Wandao School and all major academies dispatch large Magic Artifacts to various regions to pick up new students. He did not need to trouble his parents to send him; he only needed to gather at the high school and wait.

Three days later, within a sea of clouds, a rainbow light rapidly darted through.

Within the rainbow light, impressively, was a Flying Boat, a large Flying Boat marked with the words “Wandao School.”

Inside the Flying Boat, resembling a classroom, Chu Nan sat upright, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

On the podium, a young man addressed the crowd, “Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Chen, your senior, and also your first teacher as you enter Wandao School.”

“I presume you all know what the first lesson at Wandao School is, right?”

“That’s right, history!”

“To read history is to be wise, to know the old to understand the new!”

“Regardless of whether you’ve entered Wandao School or any other college branched from it, your first lesson is always history.”

Ye Chen smiled and asked the crowd, “So where should this history start from?”


The majority of the crowd exchanged looks, clueless, with only a few maintaining composed smiles.

Ye Chen was unbothered, “We need to start from the creation of heaven and earth.”

“Before the endless eons, the heavens and earth were unformed, the world was in chaos, everything was void, and there was only ‘Tao’.”

“The Tao refers to the ancient Sage, who by opening the heavens created the world.”

“This world has passed through epochs such as Hongyuan, Chaos Yuan, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, Chaos, Jiugong, Yuan Sovereign and so on, collectively known as Ancient Times, also called the Era of Immortal Gods.”

“In Ancient Times, immortals and Buddhas filled the heavens, Ghost Gods roamed the world, and ordinary people lived alongside them—a true golden age of Cultivation.”

“However, for reasons unknown, a calamity befell, the Yuan Spirits perished, Ancient Immortal Gods took their domains and vanished, leaving behind a languishing world, a fractured mundane realm, the decline of Tao, and an arduous path for Cultivators.”

“This marked the End of the Epoch Era!”

“In the End of the Epoch Era, with the Yuan Spirits vanished, although there were methods of Divine Soul, imitating the false for the real, it still couldn’t fill the ravine in people’s hearts, not to mention Demons’ insatiable greed, hence Evil Cultivators and Demons continued to emerge.”

“During this troubled time, a massive Demon emerged, calling itself Pudu Cihang, deceiving people with the techniques of Demon Buddha, plotting to take over the world, and initiating a calamity that brought untold suffering to all living beings.”

“The Demon was powerful, possessing Mana Points, bringing the world to the brink of danger. Qiankun hung upside down, on the verge of life and death.”

“At the peak of this crisis, the founder of our Wandao School, Accumulated Thunder Heavenly Master, Mingxiao Taoist Master, Guo Bei Sword Cultivator, and Liuxian, the Immortal Ancestor, sacrificed themselves for justice, combating the Demon and restoring unity to the world.”

“From that point on, all Ten Thousand Dao pathways converged upon North City. Guo Bei Academy was transformed into Wandao School, heralding the current golden age of Cultivation!”

“Ancient Times, End of the Epoch Era, the present age!”

“This is the history from ancient to modern times.”

Ye Chen narrated with a light laugh. Though it was a tale often told, his vivid portrayal prevented any sense of tedium.

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