Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 43 - 26: Beggar_2

Chapter 43: Chapter 26: Beggar_2

Translator: 549690339

“Hand it over!”

“Hurry up and hand it over!”

“Otherwise, you’ll suffer the consequences!”

“I saw it, that little girl was wearing a mink coat, very luxurious; she must have rewarded you with plenty of silver!”

“Hand it over!!!”

A few people’s eyes were frenzied as they shouted threats menacingly.

Xu Yang looked at them, said nothing, and silently lay down on the ground, hugging his head and curling up his body.

“Playing this game with us?”

“You’re seeing things!” “Get him, beat him up!”

“Search him for that silver!”

Seeing this, the others were also infuriated, cursing and ready to come forward to beat him.

But unexpectedly…

“Swoosh swoosh swoosh!”

In the midst of wind and snow, several sounds of cutting through the air resonated, and before the beggars knew what had happened, they were struck to the ground, howling in pain.

Xu Yang huddled on the ground, hugging his head. He peeked through the gaps in his arms and saw a figure appearing at the entrance of the alley.

It was a woman, dressed in white, transcending the snow, her face veiled with a light scarf. Though her appearance was not clear, her ethereal aura alone revealed a beauty out of this world.

The downed beggars also caught sight of her and immediately understood the situation. They quickly propped themselves up and knelt, knocking their heads on the ground like garlic pounding: “Mercy, fairy, mercy, we will not dare again, will never dare again…”

“Get lost! ”

The woman, seeing this, spoke no further and with a cold shout, ordered

everyone away.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“Leaving right away, leaving right away!”

As if receiving amnesty, the people supported themselves up, crawling and rolling to flee.

What is most important for a beggar?

The skill to beg, the power to shout, the art of playing pathetic?

None of these, it’s the ability to read people, to be shrewd in situations!

Without the skill to go with the wind, a beggar wouldn’t live long.

All of them were old beggars, with sharp eyes and shrewd in times of crisis. They knew this woman was no ordinary person so they promptly begged for mercy and escaped disaster.

As the beggars fled, Xu Yang, who was cowering with his head hugged, also sat up and looked at the woman with “uncertainty and astonishment.”


As expected, behind the woman emerged a small figure, the little girl from before.

She trotted over to Xu Yang, not minding how dirty his body was, and reached out to help him up: “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

Xu Yang nodded, indicating he was alright, and then turned his gaze towards the woman, performing an odd bow: “Thank you, fairy, for your rescue!”

The woman’s face was veiled, her expression unknown, only her indifferent eyes were seen as she stepped forward to Xu Yang: “Do you know where Jing’an Temple is?”

“Jing’an Temple?”

Xu Yang thought for a moment, then said, “Yes, yes, it’s the largest temple in

Xuzhou City. Does the fairy need me to lead the way?

“No need.”

The woman shook her head, took out an envelope, and placed it in Xu Yang’s hand: “Take this letter to Jing’an Temple, they will give you refuge.”

Then, without waiting for Xu Yang’s reaction, she turned to the little girl and said, “Xuan Er, let’s go!”

With that, she turned and walked away.

Seeing this, the little girl could only glance back at Xu Yang: “Take care of yourself, be safe!”

Then, she turned and followed in the footsteps of the woman, fading into the wind and snow.

Watching the two figures disappear into the distance, Xu Yang fell silent for a while, and eventually, turned towards Jing’an Temple.

In the midst of wind and snow, two figures—one tall and one short—both seemed unearthly, as if celestial beings had descended upon the mortal realm.

The little girl holding the woman’s hand occasionally turned her head back, hesitating as if she wanted to speak.

The woman’s gaze was indifferent as she calmly said, “Don’t worry, that little beggar is quick-witted. Jing’an Temple isn’t far from here. If nothing unexpected happens, he should arrive soon.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Only then did the little girl’s anxiety ease slightly. Still, as she gazed at the blustering wind and desolate surroundings, she couldn’t help but furrow her brows, asking with puzzlement, “Master, didn’t you say that the current Emperor of the Great Sui is a wise ruler you appointed to govern the world? Why then…”

The woman’s expression remained unchanged, and she prompted, “Why what?”

After hesitating for a while, the little girl finally lifted her head and voiced the doubt in her heart, “Why, under his rule, are there still so many beggars? Why are there so many people who can’t eat their fill, can’t keep warm, who collapse and die on the streets from cold and hunger? Shouldn’t everyone be free from worry about food and clothing?”

This question rendered the woman silent for a long time before she replied softly, “Even a wise ruler has his difficulties. To achieve a world where the harvests are abundant and the Four Seas are prosperous takes gradual effort; it cannot happen overnight.”

“Is that so?”

The little girl nodded slightly but then doubt surfaced again, “Then why are some people so cold and hungry they barely have clothes on their backs, while others are wealthy and luxuriant, with more than they can ever enjoy?”

Hearing this, the woman was silent again for a while before she said, “That is because in this world, people are selfish by nature, placing themselves above all else. It is impossible to achieve complete harmony and equal distribution across the Four Seas. This is a timeless truth about human nature that cannot be changed!”

Upon hearing this, the little girl seemed to understand, muttering, “The way of heaven is to take from what has surplus to supply what lacks. The way of man is to take from what lacks to supply what has surplus?”


The woman nodded and spoke solemnly, “It is precisely because of this that we must spread the Buddhist Law, to enlighten human hearts, to guide human nature. Only then can there be the possibility of a harmonious world with equality for all beings. Do you understand?”

“I understand,” the little girl replied, nodding half-knowingly. But soon, she couldn’t suppress her doubt, “If the Buddhist Law can lead to a harmonious world, then why doesn’t the Emperor of the Great Sui promote it widely? Doesn’t he wish for a world where all beings are equal?”

The woman fell silent again and after a long time said, “It’s not that he doesn’t wish to but rather that he cannot. The Buddhist Law is indeed being promoted by the Emperor, but there are obstacles in the way, and that is why we must aid him, to quell the chaos across the land!”

“Not that he doesn’t wish to, but rather that he cannot?”

The little girl was somewhat incredulous, puffing up her cheeks as she said, “I think it’s not just that he cannot; he probably doesn’t even want to!”

The woman stopped in her tracks, turned her head, and a hint of surprise emerged in her indifferent eyes, ‘Why do you say that?”

“Because the Emperor is also a human.”

The little girl said as if it were a matter of course, “Just as Master said, people are selfish by nature and the Emperor above all seeks only his own interests. Naturally, he would not wish for a world of harmony and equality for all, right?”

The woman was silent, then she laughed softly, “Xuan Er speaks the truth. The

Emperor is human and also subject to selfish desires of the heart.” “Then, Master, why should we still support such an Emperor?”

The little girl was even more confused, “Can’t we just become the Emperor ourselves and, with the Buddhist Law, universally enlighten the people, creating a world of harmony and equality for all?”

The woman shook her head; her words were soft yet firm, “We cannot!”

“Why not?”

“Because we, too, are human!”


The little girl lifted her head to look up at her master, who seemed otherworldly, beyond the mundane. As if understanding something, the confusion in her eyes cleared and turned into resolve. With a naive and tender voice, she said to the woman, “Master, when Xuan Er grows up, I will surely choose a wise and enlightened Emperor to help him govern the world well!”

The woman smiled, reached out her hand, and affectionately patted the girl’s head, “Master believes that Xuan Er can certainly do it.”


The little girl nodded, her expression hopeful, “By then, there will no longer be people dying from the cold or hunger. Everyone will be able to eat their fill, keep warm, and live happily ever after…”

“Then Xuan Er must grow up quickly.”

Amid the wind and snow, the two figures walked on, eventually fading into the distance without a trace.

Meanwhile, in front of Jing’an Temple, Xu Yang, after making sure no one was following, decisively turned and left.

If it had been in the first world, without any foothold, seeking shelter in the temple would indeed have been a good choice. It would have afforded effective protection and ample time to quietly accumulate strength and gradually grow. But that if did not stand. Having already obtained his first pot of silver, Xu

Yang now had sufficient potentiality to support him. The prestigious but strict

Jing’an Temple was no longer the best option for him.


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