Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 47 - 30: Heart-stopping_l

Chapter 47: Chapter 30: Heart-stopping_l

Translator: 549690339

She halted her speech, not because she was reluctant to part with the Longevity Jue, nor because she feared that the other party would stand by idly, refusing to treat her and letting her lose her life, but rather… All of a sudden, she thought of something, something extremely disconcerting.

She and her two sons were in Yangzhou when by a stroke of fate they obtained the wondrous tome Longevity Jue, only to be immediately pursued by Yuwen Huaji, with no way to heaven and no door into the earth, ultimately left with no choice but to fight to the death.

But Yuwen Huaji, truly deserving his status as the second greatest expert of the Yuwen Sect, wielded his Ice Mysterious Power with immense ferocity. She exerted all her strength, deploying her sword techniques, yet she was no match for him. Instead, she was struck by a heavy blow, and the Mysterious Ice cold poison entered her body.

Just as she was about to be killed by him, a group of mysterious individuals suddenly burst upon the scene and collectively held off Yuwen Huaji, allowing her and her sons to escape with their lives.

Later, while seeking medical advice, someone sent them news that there was a mystical healer in Xuzhou with extraordinary medical skills, who could bring the dead back to life and mend white bones, capable of curing the world’s most peculiar and difficult diseases. As a result, the two boys, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, carried her, who was seriously injured, and hurried non-stop toward Xuzhou.

Along the way, Yuwen Huaji and the imperial forces continued their relentless pursuit, but they were always thwarted by that mysterious force using various methods to intercept and block them. In the end, not only was Yuwen Huaji left frustrated and exasperated, but she herself was bewildered, unable to grasp the intentions of that mysterious force.

It wasn’t until now, as she looked at Doctor Xu, that she began to vaguely understand what was going on.

That mysterious force was probably related to Doctor Xu, or perhaps it was his subordinates outright. They had protected them overtly and covertly on their way to Xuzhou, all for the sake of the Longevity Jue.

No, if it was just for the Longevity Jue, why would they go to such great lengths and risk intercepting Yuwen Huaji and the imperial forces, escorting them all the way to Xuzhou?

They could have simply taken it by force; with her so badly injured, and neither Kou nor Xu skilled in martial arts, could they really put up a fight?

Could it be that Doctor Xu is a man of integrity, who, although interested in the Longevity Jue, wishes to obtain it through proper means, and does not want to take it by force?

After much deliberation, Fu Junjuan could only come to this one conclusion.

“The Longevity Jue?”


Xu Yang took the book, browsed through it for a while, and then confirmed its authenticity.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling hurriedly said, “Can you save our mother now?” Xu Yang, however, shook his head, “No.”

Upon hearing this, both were taken aback, looking at Xu Yang with shock and uncertainty.

Xu Yang explained, “Her injuries are too severe, her body too weak. Just now, exerting my power was already at the limit. If I continue to remove the cold poison, she will certainly not be able to withstand it. She must first be nourished. After that, every three days I will exert my power once, and after three times, she can fully recover.”

“So that’s how it is.”

Upon hearing this, the two of them finally relaxed, but soon they hesitated again, looking at Xu Yang with something they wanted to say but stopped short.

Xu Yang, however, didn’t care much about that. He hadn’t deceived the two of them. With his current capabilities, even the Divine Intent cold poison was not difficult to remove. If it weren’t for Fu Junjuan’s severe injuries and weak body, he could have activated the Divine Gang of Pure Yang Rebirth right now to completely eliminate the Mysterious Ice cold poison in her body.

“Get some rest, I will come to heal you after three days.” Leaving behind those words, Xu Yang was ready to leave.

“Wait a moment!”

Fu Junjuan, snapping out of her daze, hurriedly called out to stop him, “Doctor Xu, you’re not aware, this book is of great consequence. One of the four great families of the world, the Commander of the Imperial Guards of the Sui Emperor, Yuwen Huaji, covets this book and has been relentlessly pursuing us three. It won’t be long before he catches up to us here…”

Although she already had a suspicion that the mysterious force escorting them to Xuzhou was under the command of Doctor Xu before her, she couldn’t point it out directly since he hadn’t admitted it, so she could only bring up the fact that Yuwen Huaji was pursuing them.

Xu Yang, hearing this, remained unconcerned, holding the Longevity Jue and saying, “Since I have accepted this book, I will ensure your safety. Rest well and do not worry too much.”

After saying that, he didn’t wait for her reaction and turned to leave the room, with his senior disciple Su Beixuan following him.


Watching his retreating figure, Fu Junjuan furrowed her brows tightly, her heart filled with more doubt and uncertainty than ever.

Seeing Fu Junjuan distressed from the healing, Li Suwen, the youngest of the three disciples, chuckled reassuringly and said, “Don’t worry. Our master is a man of his word; if he promises to keep you safe, he will keep you safe. Not just a mere Yuwen Huaji, even if the three Grandmasters themselves were to come, they couldn’t harm a hair on your head.”

Fu Junjuan:

As a disciple of Fu Cailin, one of the world’s three Grandmasters and the master of the Sword Dao, she really wanted to refute Li Suwen’s words, but couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.

She admitted that this Doctor Xu was indeed unfathomable, especially during the healing just now, with such a robust and vigorous pure yang force that certainly marked him as one of the top masters of the era. However, when compared to her own master, who has reached the pinnacle of the Sword Dao, there was probably still a slight gap.

The three Grandmasters were universally recognized by the Martial World and the various kingdoms as the peak figures of the Martial Path, and except for unrivaled geniuses like the Lingnan Heaven Blade, who else could compare with them?

This Doctor Xu wasn’t well-known, and even if he was a hidden expert, he might still be a bit inferior to her master.

However, dealing with Yuwen Huaji shouldn’t be a problem, especially since throughout their journey, Yuwen Huaji had been intercepted several times by that mysterious force, fighting to a standstill. Now that they had reached Xuzhou and had this unfathomably powerful Doctor Xu with them…

Wait, something’s not right!!!

A thought flashed through Fu Junjuan’s mind, and her expression changed drastically, filled with horror.

She… had thought of something, something even more terrifying upon further contemplation.

That mysterious force that had been escorting and helping them, the mother and her two sons, to Xuzhou might have had more reasons than just the gentlemanly Doctor Xu’s love for wealth obtained in the proper way. They… had another target, something besides the Longevity Jue.

That was…

Yuwen Huaji!

They wanted to lure Yuwen Huaji to Xuzhou, to this place, before that person!

What do they want to do?

What do they want to do!

Fu Junjuan didn’t know, and it was precisely this ignorance that caused her to be so horrified, so panic-stricken.

Vaguely, she felt that she had been swept into a vortex, a whirlpool so profound, fiercely spinning, as if it were about to engulf the world and devour everything, and she was helpless in its pull!

This Doctor Xu…

The more she thought about it, the more terrified she became, the more she pondered, the more frightened she grew. Unconsciously, cold sweat began to bead on Fu Junjuan’s forehead, and her face turned pale once again.


“What’s wrong?” “Are you having another attack?”

“I’ll go get Doctor Xu!”

Seeing this, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were both shocked and hastened forward to check on her. The impulsive Kou Zhong even wanted to go find Xu Yang.

“No, don’t!!!”

Fu Junjuan finally snapped out of her shock and hurriedly stopped Kou Zhong, managing to show a strained smile: “Mother is fine, just thinking about some things.”

Despite her words, her eyes couldn’t help but dart to the side to catch Li Suwen’s reaction.

Li Suwen, however, seemed unconcerned, giving off a teasing smile: “You two rest well. Call for me if you need anything.” With those words, he also left the room.

Fu Junjuan: “

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