Cursed Immortality

Chapter 92 Glean Gnome

With one hand on the small tree trunk, the cloaked figure suddenly turned right in Jacob's direction, and an icy voice rang, "Now, are you going to come out or I'll make you?!"

Jacob's heart churned at this moment, 'How?!'

He was completely clueless about how this guy was able to find him out despite his carefulness and he even managed to lead him into a trap instead of his base location.

Not only this guy kept his heartbeat steady, but he didn't lose his calm demeanor which also made Jacob believe he was in control while he was foolishly walking in a trap.

"If you don't come out in ten seconds I'll activate this mechanism which will trigger another smoke trap and trust me when I say the previous smoke was child play in comparison to this one, and its range is ten miles.

"Although I don't know how you managed to escape the previous trap, I'm sure like hell you'll not be going to escape this one…"

'Bang, bang…'

Before he could finish, bullet shots rang in quick succession and they were accurately aimed at his hand on the tree bark.

'Heh, why talk so much? Since you need to press it I just need to make sure you don't, what a moron.' Jacob scoffed at the other party's idiocy.

However, Jacob was given a fright when a transparent red barrier suddenly appeared around the cloaked figure, and the bullets reflected like rubble balls the moment they contacted it!

"Hahahaha… and here I thought someone got the wind of our mission and came here to intercept us. But it's just an ignorant piggy who got lucky." A hysteric laugh sound from that person and there was a hint of relief in his voice as if the water was under the bridge now.

'Is that a particle barrier?!' Jacob finally felt he was in danger when he saw the red barrier and heard that person's hysteric tone.

He knew he had terribly underestimated his opponent this time, and he was extremely confident in dealing with him or he won't be spouting nonsense.

However, he knew there wasn't any point in regretting it now. But he had to prevent him from triggering that trap because he could feel he didn't want to activate it that was why he wanted to draw him out with threats.

Before, Jacob felt a little threatened by this smoke trap, however, now that he sees the translucent barrier. He didn't dare to take risks wantonly anymore.

"You win!" He said and walk out with a magnum revolver in his hand.

Just as Jacob thought that cloaked figure didn't activate the trap and still wait for Jacob to come out of his own accord.

"Hahaha… little piggy now you understand no matter how an ant struggle or grow it can never shake the tree! Now obediently shot yourself in kneecaps, and save yourself a world of pain, or I can let you dissociate slowly your choice." He spoke with extreme confidence as if everything was under control.

However, Jacob remained calm while his eyes were affixed to that barrier all this time, he blurted, "I'm curious, that barrier is probably made with Argon and Neon in the air, right? It's not manmade, but an auxiliary device triggered this phenomenon. Quite fascinating that you guys have such technology. Are you from Rare Region?"

"Argon and Neon? What are you talking about?" The cloaked figure seemed clueless about what Jacob just said and then he sneered coldly, "Don't play games with me, piggy. You are not qualified to even speak the name of the rare region!"

'Cursed Immortality!' Jacob quickly summoned.

The moment the floating book appeared, he commanded, 'What tier is his specie, tell me in detail!'

He knew if he wanted to turn this situation around; he needed to know what kind of monster he was dealing with. Mutual destruction was the last option.

"That's a Glean Gnome, a tier-6 specie. It had reached the limit of his bloodline and it might be a genius of its race.

"A Glean Gnome is a top-notch intelligent species when it came to gathering information or tracking and it's difficult to sneak up on them. They had far better hearing than the Bronze Goblin you encounter previously and they can hear even the slightest chance in airflow. Hahahaha… he must've seen you coming from a mile and you walk right into his trap. How interesting!"

'A tier-6, huh? Well, it seemed my luck is not bad.' Jacob didn't mind Immortika's mocking. He was silently thrilled when he read this little guy had reached his full potential.

Glean Gnome seemed to have lost his cool at this moment was about to take out something from his cloak and Jacob heard it loud and clear.

"If your barrier can even reflect a bullet as fast as the speed of sound, then I surrender." Jacob suddenly utter before the magnum in his hand vanished and two black components one meter each in size appeared in his hand.

One was a slender pitch-black barrel while the other was the exquisite body.

"W-what?!" Glean Gnome was startled when he saw those parts appearing out of thin air and he even forgot what was he doing.

Without wasting a moment, Jacob quickly connected both parts, and a two-meter-long sniper rifle, entirely made of titan iron, emerged. He named it Titan Sniper.

This rifle was his biggest trump card, but he never thought he would use this in the uncommon region.

Nevertheless, he had kept it loaded so he could use it at a moment's notice, like just now.

He quickly pulled the trigger after aiming at the point-blank range, while his opponent was still shocked by his infinity pendant.


A booming sound rang in the vicinity.

The red translucent barrier instantly shattered like glass, and the titan iron bullet blew the Glean Gnome's hand on the tree bark into smithereens.


A ghastly howl soon followed suit.

Jacob was quite satisfied with the titan sniper's prowess, but he wasn't done. He quickly closed in the slap that shrilled Glean Gnome from that tree's range.

"You nearly got me there. I should commend you for that." Jacob finally felt relieved.

"Y-you… what are you?! You can't kill me… o-or the entire uncommon region will be destroyed!" the Glean Gnome threatened while suppressing the pain.

He never thought his opponent would be a way to break past his defense. Furthermore, he knew just how powerful that barrier was. Even an ordinary A-rank mercenary was helpless against it, and the weapons that can break this barrier were even more costly than that barrier.

Besides, only someone with a particular status can purchase them, not just any random tom, dick, and harry.

The Glean Gnome could tell Jacob was just a human, and humans could never have this kind of authority in the rare region to get their hands on these weapons.

That's why he thought Jacob might've stumbled on this weapon by chance, but he was extremely confused about how it appeared out of thin air.

He decided to escape with his life first and then alert his family, he will come back prepared next time and hunt Jacob down, even if he had to turn every stone in the uncommon region!

How could a glorious genius of his race lose his arm to some inferior race? He was extremely arrogant and would not let this matter end until he tortured Jacob in the curliest way.

But first, he had to pretend that he will not seek revenge and escape with his life.

However, Jacob's next words send him the chills. "Oh, you'll be doing those worthless idiots a favor if you can really put them out of their misery. But I'm afraid you don't have this kind of authority to do so, or you guys won't be just snooping around like gutter rats.

"Let me guess, there's someone extremely powerful who is protecting the uncommon region, or you guys would never let it flourish or let it grow freely. Am I right?"

Jacob coolly stated as a matter of fact as he walked closer to the cloaked Glean Gnome.

'Lunatic!' Glean Gnome could only think of Jacob like this, but he had to admit Jacob had almost guessed the entire truth about the uncommon region.

But he can't show weakness right now, "Y-you, if you let me go. I can let you enter the rare region and give you riches you can't even dream about!" He used the biggest temptation that any uncommon specie longed for.

"I can go there by myself. After seeing you, I won't stay here for long. I'll be just narrowing my view and keep belittling other races like you. There are still many things to learn for me, you just make it clearer. If I stay in this environment any longer, I might die because of my own ignorance." Jacob sighed with deplored!

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