Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 52- Nox In The City, Part 2

Quest 52- Nox In The City, Part 2

6:34 PM in the east-southern district of Orario.

“He’s in that abandoned building, Cirrus!”

Nox was flying overhead, giving Cirrus a bird's-eye view of the people who ran away while he was dealing with the fighters.


Even from up on high, she could see Cirrus clearly; one would only have to follow the glint that comes off his antlers to find him streaking across the city like a shooting star.

“Fufu… you always shine even in the dusk.”

Nox turned to see the sun setting upon Orario and found it to be nice but rather oddly sad when compared to the grandeur the desert gives off.

8:04 PM

Nox watching from a building in her human form looking down at Cirrus giving the Astraea Familia the criminals who ran away.

“… Seems they are keeping their distance.” Nox glared back behind her.

“I’m glad that they are.”

Nox turned her head to see Astraea.

“… Hello goddess—“

“No need for pleasantries, Spirit of Nyx,” she said with a smile.

“… Hello Star-Maiden.” Nox said, turning her gaze back at Cirrus. “What brings you here?”

“I came to see if you really were a spirit of old… but I did not think you will be one of the firstborn.”

“… Did you see?”

“See what?” Astraea asked, confused.

“Did you, the Goddess of Justice, see me get sealed away by those people and their fellow spirits?”


“Save it. I have long given up that hatred. Having been in the city for so long and exploring it, I found only a fraction of a fraction of my kind here and they are all from the 5th and 6th generation at that.”

“You can tell?”

“Of course, it's like what you gods have, but far more different.”

“… Can I ask how you and Zephyr came to be? Your generation has been… no, is extinct.”



A light breeze came by, and Nox’s hair gently blew in the wind.

“… He freed me from my seal out in the deserts of Shalzard. A brave young child who broke the seal with pure brute force and strength of will.”

“H-he did that!? But he must have been hurt by breaking the seal!”

“He was. His arms were in tatters. I doubt he knew the bones in his arms were broken into pieces. One of the first things he did was laugh. After he laughed, I made a contract with him to use our blood as the medium.”

“That's!” Astraea was shocked to hear that.

“We are bonded together. Even in death, I will follow him to his next life. He is my savior, and I will follow him till the very end of his journey and even during his epilogue. Should he choose to walk the path of the demon, I shall be by his side. Should he wish to be a farmer, I will be by his side. No matter what path I will always be by his side.”

Astraea was a bit stunned, but not surprised by Nox’s sudden proclamation.

“I see. That is great for you. I hope you do well in keeping Zephyr safe.” She gave a slight bow before turning to leave. “Now I must be going. I wish to be there for my children when they return home.”

Leaving Nox alone once again, she looks down at Cirrus, finishing his talk with Alise and Kaguya.

“… Fufu that doesn’t sound so bad of an idea!”

9:31 PM

“I’m home!” Cirrus said, entering through the back.

“Welcome home!” Nox said, wearing an apron and putting down food.

“Kihihihi about time you come Cirrus, Nox here cooked this up rather fast and dangerously.”

“At least it’s not burnt!”

“That happened once!” Lenoa said, shaking her fists. “Not my fault I confused the books…”

“Well, let’s sit down and eat!”

“… Sure! I’ll go put my stuff away.”

After going upstairs, he came right down and ate her cooking.

11:41 PM

As Cirrus sleeps in his room, Nox was outside under the night sky in a meditative state.

“…. Nothing… you are all gone, I truly am the last one of my generation left… I wish at least one did…. and I hope it’s not one of Zeus’s spirits.”

She gets up and looks at her hand. She could feel her power coursing through it as she clenches it right before letting it go.

“… Weaklings. I will make Cirrus stand far above any of your pathetic legends.”

She enters the home and makes her way into Cirrus’s room and gets in bed in her owl form. Comforting him as his nightmares slowly begin to subside.

'If my name isn’t Nox, Grand Spirit of The White Night.'

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