Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 300.5- When The Opportunity Is Right

[Vol.4] Quest 300.5- When The Opportunity Is Right

The woods behind the cottage.

Ryuu and Astraea are taking a walk.

"So Lion." Said Astraea. "Since I came here, I have noticed you... have been avoiding Cirrus?"

"U-um, yes, well... I still find it surreal to see him as a father."

"Really? Could it be because you are trying to distance yourself from him now that he is a family man and you have unrequited love for him?"

"Yes, I—!!!" Ryuu’s face quickly turned red. "W-w-w-what do you mean!! I’m not—"

"I’ve seen the glance you make when Malion is talking to him; I am surprised by how brazen she is, but what can I expect from a child of Hera? So…" She turned to face Ryuu. "Am I on the money?"

"…" Ryuu looked away from her goddess. She then nodded her head. "H-how did you know?"

"Well, from Artemis. Thinking back on it in retrospect, you and her have the same way of dealing with emotions. That is, just bottle them up and do other stuff. It is rather surprisingly easy to read a tsundere’s feelings, or are you more of a kuudere?"

"R-really!? It was that easy for you to see!"

"I am sure Ai and Artemis noticed. Cirrus probably still sees you as a close friend and Familia, so he thinks your actions are from a friend and not a romantic point of view."


Her face turned as red as a strawberry.

"Aww, you have grown and changed!" Astraea said head-patting Ryuu. "Though it seems you are in a similar boat as Artemis was back then,"

"Yes…" She said covering her face. "I’ve been meaning to tell him but... I never had the chance or even a moment to say it. He is always busy with something, and I have worked at the pub."

"When was it? How did you fall for him?"

Ryuu didn’t even have to think about it for long.

"W-when he came back to Orario, he hugged me, and um… back when he helped me on the 18th floor, he um… held my hand."

"Aww!" Astraea quickly hugged Ryuu. "You are so innocent, I just wanna eat you up!"

"L-Lady Astraea, please! You're embarrassing me!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" she said, backing off. "Please go on! I am here!" She said it assuredly.

Ryuu looked away and continued to explain.

"He held me when we reunited after seven years, and it comforted me. I felt a sense of deep kinship… Then, on the 18th floor, after some stuff happened, he kind of doted on me a bit. He made sure I wasn’t hurt and even wrapped his armor around me to make sure I was fine."

"Okay, and then?"

"And then… I didn’t know what to do. Syr would tease me and the like but… When I heard the criteria to be his third wife came to light I… I kept thinking about it and realized what my feelings were. I wanted to tell him there wasn’t a good chance to. Then there was the raid on the Knossos and I figured that would be the best time after we ripped Evilus from the city for good but… then…"

"The Spirits who took them... that’s when?"

"Yes… when we go down to reclaim their bodies, I’m sure the dungeon will shake to the surface… and once we reclaim their bodies and possessions, that is when I will say it. I promised myself that."

"That could take a while, you know?"

"I know, but... now I don’t even know if I could wait that long anymore. Seeing his kids I… I feel like I am failing another promise to Alise and the others."

"Ryuu, you have the right to be selfish, you know."

"That is what Syr would say to me now and again, but... I’m scared if Cirrus doesn’t see me in that light."

"That is how it goes. But you are my child!" Astraea grabbed her shoulders. "I know I failed you on that rainy day, but know that I fully support you!"

Ryuu looked into Astraea’s bright eyes with full confidence in her.

It warmed Ryuu’s heart.

"Thank you. Lady Astraea." Ryuu then smiled, a smile that was full to the brim with her happiness and comfort that her goddess supported her.

"You really have changed, Lion, and I’m very proud of you." She leaned in and placed her forehead against hers. "My precious daughter."

They shared a moment as one would with their mother figure.

"Tell me honestly, Lion. How long do you think you can gather the courage?"

"I do not know. But… I will gather the courage and bide my time. I do not know when it will be, but... I will make my move and pour my heart out to him."

"I hope it isn’t years; I wish to see more of my grandkids, Lion!"

"Lady Astraea!!"

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