Dawning Skye

Chapter 443

443 Dance Of The Shields(Part Six)

Michael Felix wasn’t a fool, and knew that he stood no chance against the Third Prince. He wasn’t trying to beat him, just be seen as capable by him and General Skye. They were the strongest and most respected officers in the entire military, and he wanted to be on their radar in a good way..

Shasta had taken an interest in him due to his skill as a Manic, and had told him stories about both Tidas and Skye while they were away. He had already admired Tidas for years from the corner of the banquet hall, but Princess Skye’s story was new and astonishing to him.

All Michael had known about Skye were her skills as a Shaman, her unusual generosity, and that she was incredibly powerful. He had watched her victory in the Mage Trials the previous year, so he knew that she had four traits. Skye was just an overly gifted noble to him, but he learned from Shasta the truth of her father’s elevation in status.

Being too young to know the full story about Lucas Moonstone; Shasta had told him how he had earned his title by saving the king’s life, and Skye’s subsequent betrothal. Lucas had built his wealth from scratch, and brought a good chuck of Alcon out of poverty along the way. Michael assumed that Shasta’s story meant that Skye was raised like a Princess, but the surly cat woman corrected him.

She told him bits about Skye’s childhood, and how she was alone a lot of the time with Genie and Peggy. When Michael commented on her wealth, and that ‘she seemed popular enough at court’, Shasta had scoffed in his face..

“Do you honestly think any of those people are her friends? Are even really people? ..Don’t look at me like that just because you’re one of them.. Skye’s not like the rest of you. And neither is Tidas. The more you listen and watch, the more you’ll come to realize that they’re how royalty should be..”

Michael thought over Shasta’s words as he walked up to Prince Tidas and his wife. They looked like the perfect couple to him, and it made him even more nervous as he stopped in front of them. Tidas was already getting up onto a shield when he saw Michael staring at him.

The lad extended a shaking hand at him as he squeaked out; “Tis an honor to be playing with you, sir! Although I doubt my own skills without my magic, I hope you find me to be a decent opponent!”

Tidas smiled sincerely as he extended his hand to shake the nervous young man’s, and said; “Oh, don’t be harsh to yourself, lad! I’ve seen you training with Zas before we left for the Highlands. I was quite impressed with your agility, considering that you’re a Manic by trait, correct?”


Michael lit up like a Yuletide tree as he replied; “Aye sir! Thank you for that, sir! I promise to try my best to beat you!”

Skye laughed hard as Tidas chuckled, amused by the young man’s enthusiasm. He had just turned seventeen, but was extremely talented for his age. Zas had introduced him before they left as one of his hand-selected trainees; like Klaus and Ronnie. The lad seemed paralyzed at the time, but Tidas now realized that he was just star-struck, in a way.

As Felix looked between him and Skye with a happy, but unsure expression, Tidas replied; “Please do. I will do my best as well.”

“Kick his arse, laddie!” Skye nearly shouted as she patted Michael’s shoulder.

Tidas looked at her with a mock-wounded expression; “That’s mean, wife.. I’m doubling my reward when I win!”

Skye laughed heartily as she walked back by the Highlanders, then called back; “We’ll see, love! We Shall See!”

Tidas and Michael talked for a moment about the rules, then the two went to their respective sides.. ‘If Zas hand-picked Michael Felix, then I should probably not drag this out. He seemed awfully nervous about playing.. I wonder why he wanted to play? I’ll have to ask him later..’

As the thought was pushed to the back of his mind, Tidas started to move his feet. Michael looked a little unsure of the shields at first, but started to move when Tidas started to close the gap between them. He was going rather slow in an attempt to let Felix get comfortable with moving. But he was taking too long for the impatient Prince..

“If you’re gonna move that slow, then maybe you should’ve stayed a spectator!” Tidas yelled as he started to run at the young man.

Michael was already comfortable with moving on the shields, and Tidas realized it too late. When he had seen the lad with Zas before, they were with John Saulsberry: running the obstacle course. He remembered the lad so well because he was surprised to see someone keeping up with the man, and he wasn’t even indoctrinated yet then.

The memory flashed before his eyes like a neon warning sign from the Highlands. Right as Tidas went to slow down, Felix lept off of the edge of the shield at an awkward angle. Making the shield holder tilt it to the side. If Tidas stepped on it how it was, he would instantly lose his footing, and fall..

Michael looked back to watch his so-called victory happen, but never got the chance. One major difference between the newbie players and the veterans was their awareness of the Barriers. Tidas remembered who was who, and knew that the second person up from him was a Barrier..

Felix didn’t realize that he had lost until he was waking up to Princess Skye’s beautiful face. He had found her attractive before, but now he understood why half of the kingdom’s men thought that she was truly a living goddess. The honest concern in her face for him touched his heart in a spot that he hadn’t realized was there.

It wasn’t a sexually-based affection; Michael just thought that she was a truly kind person.. ‘She’s exactly the kind of woman that a man like the prince deserves..’

As the fog in his mind cleared, Michael remembered that he was supposed to be winning. As disappointment started to overtake his features, he felt a heavy smack to his shoulder..

The King of the Highlanders was standing behind him with an arm extended down to help him up. Michael’s mouth gaped as he held out his hand, and Murdoc hoisted him up without so much as a huff. Michael wasn’t a small lad, but he was a pup compared to the Northern King.

Murdoc kept a serious look on his face right until Michael was standing, then said; “That was amazin’! Did ya see the look on Mr. Commander’s face back there?! Looked like a wee lassie that seen a spider! Haha!”

Tidas shook his head disapprovingly, but had a small grin as he did it. Those closest laughed, then told others behind them that couldn’t quite hear, and so on. By the time the joke had reached those farthest from the action, it was a convoluted story that made no sense..

After Murdoc had calmed himself, he looked at the young Alconian with approval as he stated; “Yer instincts be good, laddie. Ya just need ta be more mindful of yer surroundings. Many a battle have been determined by who understood their battlefield the best. Remember that ya run through the world, the world doesna run around you.”

Tidas chuckled as Murdoc finished, earning a glared from him before he yelled; “Dinna mock me sagely advice! Ye should be taken it ta heart! And be damn grateful that ye be gettin’ it fer free!”

As Tidas laughed hard as he turned to see Skye’s reaction to the situation when he realized that she wasn’t at his side anymore. He looked towards the Highlanders, but she wasn’t there. Stopping mid-laugh, he straightened up and scanned the room for her..

“Where’s Skye?” Tidas asked out loud a little choppily.

“Ya don’t notice much when yer havin’ a good time, do ya Princy? Peggy grabbed her by the ear and dragged her off a few moments ago. Sayin’ somethin’ about propriety, and givin’ her a heart attack.. I think she’s changin’ her clothes.”

Tidas grinned cheekily; “That Peg.. She’s feistier than you are.”

Amara barked a sharp, but sincere laugh; “She may be feistier, but I bet me temper’s much worse.”

Tidas nodded in agreement right as he could hear his father clapping his hands. Everyone in the room looked up at King Magnus and Prince Marco as they both walked to the front of the platform that the main table sat on. As a feeling of dread filled Tidas and the Highlanders, Magnus stepped up to the edge to speak..

“Since the winner of the last round was Tidas, how about we make a special request of our finalists?! No power restrictions! A match where you both can use you Tank traits?!”

The crowds instantly sided with their king, and began chant-begging for a ‘magic match’. Right as Tidas was trying to scream over the spectators, Skye came out wearing a pair of brown slacks, a blue button-up shirt, and her usual boots. The chaos was overwhelming, and she knew that she needed to calm everyone if they wanted an answer.

Skye bent over, and touched the floor with her fingertips. As the ground started to shake, it also started to change in texture under the guests’ feet. Using her Earth trait, Skye decided to solve two problems in one go: get the ground ready for their match, and get the mob before her to shut up.

As she finished her little diversion, Skye yelled out; “Aye! We can fight wit our traits! So long as ya can let us get to the shields ta play!”

The temporary shift had caused mild panic, and had gotten most to shut up long enough for Skye’s voice to be heard. Getting what they had wanted, the crowds calmed and divided back into their social circles. Tidas shook his head as he looked around at the people that had nearly trampled him a few moments ago..

“Everything alright husband? Ya look a wee bit off. Is yer ankle okay?” Skye asked after she kissed his cheek.

Tidas smiled softly at her; “I’m fine, love. Thinking on things best left unpondered.”

Skye smirked; “Startin’ ta sound like Murdoc..”

“I heard me name. What ya want?” Murdoc had to nearly yell to be heard over the chatter from the people around him.

Not missing a beat, Tidas replied; “We think that you should evaluate the shield holders and the Barriers to make sure that they’re strong enough to hold up to our movements.”

Murdoc nodded; “Aye! I’ll make sure that they willna get ya two killed fer negligence.”

Michael Felix looked between Skye and Tidas as he asked; “Negligence? How? How could they-”

Amara cut off Michael by saying; “Oh, laddie.. Let’s just say that, had these two used their magic before.. Well: you’ll be findin’ out here shortly, anyway.”

Felix quirked an eyebrow; “Find out what?”

Amara nodded towards the Highlander guards being switched out for the weakest holders; “Why the owner of Mead Hall forbid Skye and Tidas from playin’ against each other..”

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