Dawning Skye

Chapter 502

502 Palace Lockdown

Lawrence sat at the table watching his children eating and talking amongst themselves with a grin. Shasta was at his side, smiling beautifully as she also watched their children playfully arguing over who’s piece of pie was bigger. The banquet hall was filled with a sense of mellow happiness as the guests piled into the massive room for dinner.

Many still approached and congratulated the Ruscovic King and his new Queen before taking their seats. Shasta wondered how long their shows of respect would last after Lawrence and the children returned to their kingdom, but quickly pushed the thought aside. She was determined to be happy today, no matter what her sixth sense was trying to tell her..

After Skye and Tidas had left, and everyone had returned to the palace to eat and drink; Shasta could’ve sworn that she glimpsed Draco at the end of a random hallway. She had even doubled back to check, but nothing was there. The whole thing had taken seconds, and he couldn’t have disappeared into thin air.

None of the doors had been open, and she hadn’t heard the telltale clicking of a doorknob locking into place. The situation was a confusing mystery, and Shasta hadn’t had the time to investigate properly then. Now, her instincts were screaming at her for not doing it.

Focusing on the children was helping, but Shasta’s fur was still standing on end every few minutes. Noticing her twitchy behavior, Lawrence lightly grabbed her hand, and gently squeezed it. When she looked him in his eyes, the question was apparent.

“I’m okay. I’m just..”

“Fidgety? Yes, I see that. Is it a bad fidget or a good fidget?” Lawrence grinned cheekily as he asked.

Shasta’s ears wavered as she answered; “Good...mostly.”

Lawrence quirked an eyebrow at her; “You’re a terrible liar, love. What’s wrong?”


As Shasta shook her head, Marco, Sheri, and Benzo came into the banquet hall. They had around a dozen or so palace guards following after them; all with their hands on their weapons as they lined the back walls. While everyone started to question out loud what was happening, Shasta glanced at her husband as she said; “I think we’re about to find out..”

Marco went and stood on the raised platform where the King’s seat was, and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear him; “We don’t have much time, so I’ll get right to the point: my Father has been poisoned. The palace is on lockdown while every guest, visitor, and servant is tested. Please stay at your seats while my guards come around and test everyone’s hands, and the edges of their clothing.”

As the gathered guests began to panick and speculate, Marco called out to them with an even louder voice; “Doctor Stein has identified the poison, and has developed a quick and simple method for testing for it. However.. There is no known antidote. He is doing everything he can to save my Father, but...I will not lie to you: it doesn’t look good.”

Lawrence shot up in his seat; “Where is Doctor Gohan? Why isn’t he attending to Father?! Stein isn’t qualified to-”

“Doctor Stein is more than qualified, considering most of the knowledge and research done on poisonous materials was compiled by the good doctor himself. Besides, Doctor Gohan is being detained at the moment for a similar, but separate matter. Is there anything else that you would like to know, King Lawrence?” Marco asked with an unusually smug expression.

Lawrence wanted to snap at his older brother, but instead spoke in a stern tone; “Where is Father? I wish to see him.”

“So do I,” Shasta added as she stood up next to her husband.

Marco was trying his best not to grin as he replied; “Father is resting comfortably in his quarters. Doctor Stein says that he shouldn’t be disturbed-”

“I don’t care what your doctor has to say about it. I am Going to go see Father,” Lawrence stated with an unyielding voice.

As he and Shasta pushed their chairs back under the table, a familiar voice called out; “You guys don’t need to worry about King Magnus. I’ve checked him myself, and Doctor Stein is doing everything he can for our King.”

Lawrence sighed with relief upon seeing Zas walk into the banquet room, but something seemed off about him to Shasta.. ‘Zas almost never agrees with Marco on principle, but he’s backing his word on something as critical as the friggin’ king being poisoned? Something’s not right, I can smell it..’

As the thought crossed her mind, Zas came over and shook Lawrence’s hand with a smile. Behind them, Marco was having a hard time not out-right laughing.. ‘I was right: Zas is perfect for keeping them complacent.. He’ll keep my brother’s suspicions at bay while also keeping the RMC in line until I can thin the herd..’

Lost in his thoughts, the corner of Marco’s mouth twitched into a partial smile. Shasta saw it and immediately felt a chill run up her spine. She didn’t know why Zas would be in agreement with the Crowned Prince, but her sixth sense was warning her not to trust it.

Shasta’s heart tried to argue, telling her to trust him. But she hadn’t survived all these years by ignoring her instincts. With her head feeling like a battlefield, Shasta walked around so that her back was to Marco as she asked; “Is everything really alright?”

When Zas’ features froze for a second before he answered in the positive, Shasta knew that something was wrong.. Very wrong. Her tail flicked out of habit as she looked at Lawrence with her best fake smile, and said; “Well, then it should be alright for Lawrence to go in to see his Father. I’ll wait outside while he goes in.”

Without another word, Shasta signaled to the nanny to take Victor and Anna back to their room. As she started to gather the children, Shasta glanced back at Marco. He was whispering something to Benzo while looking at the twins, which made another chill run up her spine.

After walking over to two RMC officers that were eating with their families, Shasta asked them to escort the children and nanny back to their quarters, and to stay with them until she and Lawrence returned. The two looked a bit confused, but agreed to their Vice Commander’s request. When Zas asked why she didn’t just request some of the palace guards already present, she looked directly at Marco as she said; “Can’t be too careful right now..”

Zas noticed her staring at Marco, but didn’t turn to look at him. He would most likely ask Zas why she had requested the RMC members as guards instead, and he didn’t want to tell Marco that Shasta was the one to worry about the most. He could tell as soon as he had entered the banquet room that she was already on edge.

As Zas worried about what she might do if she learned anything about what was going to happen, Shasta, Lawrence, and even the children and nanny were tested for poison residue. According to what Doctor Stein had said; the herb used for the poison tainted the skin of whoever handles it for days, and supposedly reacts with the spray the guards were using.

Shasta hated the strong smell of the spray when they had checked her. It was like aerosolized salt, and burned her nose and throat. No one else but her and Zas seemed bothered by it, and no one knew that that was the point..

Marco turned away as he grinned.. ‘Good.. Now even if she does go into my Father’s room, she won’t be able to smell me on him.. Everything is going exactly as I had planned..’

Right as the thought crossed his mind, Benzo came up to his side; “The two Fae aren’t here, My Prince. They must still be somewhere in the palace.”

Marco’s air of joviality vanished as he replied; “Find them. I don’t need word spreading yet, and no one is to leave the palace.”

Benzo nodded; “Aye, My Prince. What do you want us to do when we find them?”

Marco sighed; “Take them to the good doctor. He has a couple of bird cages that he can put them in. Just make sure that you catch the other ones, too..”

Benzo scrunched his face; “Brownies are hard to catch, My Prince-”

Marco stared at Benzo with an intensity that brokered no arguments as he replied; “Then kill them, I don’t care. Just make sure that they can’t do their jobs any longer.”

Swallowing hard, Benzo nodded his understanding, then walked off to go try and fulfill his duty. They had whispered the entire conversation, but Shasta had heard most of it. As she and Lawrence ushered the children out with their nanny, she made a mental note to keep her eyes and nose open for the two elderly fairies.

As they went to walk out the door, Marco strolled over to them; “Make sure that you two come straight back. I need to discuss my up-coming rule with my allied King. I have big plans for my kingdom.”

Lawrence stared at Marco flatly; “Well hopefully we won’t have to worry about your rule for many more years, right brother? I know that, like the rest of us: you’re praying for Father’s recovery.”

Marco flashed a small smile; “Of course. But with Father’s disposition looking as grim as it is, I believe it’s best if I find out who my Allie’s will be now..”

Lawrence swallowed hard to keep his anger in check; “Ruscovic has been allies with Alcon for decades. I see no reason that should change...yet.”

Marco grinned as he patted Lawrence’s shoulder; “Good. Then I’ll see you and your family soon.”

Glancing at his niece and nephew, Marco added; “It’s important that family sticks together..”

“I agree. See you soon, brother,” Lawrence replied before rushing his family out of the banquet room.

After they had bid their children farewell, Lawrence and Shasta slowly walked down the hallway, listening to the chaos breaking out all over the palace. While Tidas had the loyalty of the RMC, the regular military sided with Marco. They were dragging servants out of rooms with unnecessary violence, and were harassing some of the guests as they tested everyone.

As the amount of people thinned the closer they came to the King’s quarters, Shasta told Lawrence what she had heard. He was confused as to why they wanted the Fae representatives on lockdown, and was about to ask Shasta her thoughts on it when a few guards approached them..

“Good day to you, King Lawrence. Have you seen the Highlanders today? We have orders to detain them for questioning,” an older guard asked politely.

Lawrence shook his head; “No I haven’t. I would imagine they’re in their quarters since they weren’t in the banquet hall.”

The guard nodded; “Thank you, Your Grace. We’ll check there again. Come along, men! Double time!”

As the guards left, most of them glared at Shasta. She didn’t care much because she could take them all out at the same time, but Lawrence looked annoyed. As he started to complain about their disregard for her new rank, a familiar voice carried down the hallway..

“I Told you that you were going the wrong way! How can you still get lost here?! Now we’re late for breakfast! Do know how many people are going to be crowding around us now?! I should beat you like the fool-oh! Hello King Lawrence! Queen Shasta!”

As soon as she started to call their names, Shasta flashed Maevis a hushing motion by putting her finger to her lips. After checking that no one was around, she and Lawrence rushed them inside a random guest room. As Lawrence shut the door, Shasta launched into the details of what was happening.

“So does Marco think we poisoned the king?” Nicolas asked with an indignant expression.

Shasta was starting to pace as she thought about everyone Marco was targeting.. ‘The Fae, the Highlanders.. He came straight to us in the banquet room, and with Zas acting weird.. The only commonality between us all are our connections to Skye and Tidas.. I have a Really bad feeling about all of this..’

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