Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 139 - Iselv’s speech

Chapter 139 - Iselv's speech

The town square was now jammed pack with people. They didn't know what was happening but the fallen nobles, though no longer nobles were still influential and semi-powerful making people go to where they want to was easy. Also, most of the people were still devastated by their losses and they were unconsciously guided to the town square.

The people were confused as to what they were doing in the town square and started talking to each other. While everyone was asking what was happening a small portion of people started talking about the third prince that disappeared, that small amount of people made others start to talk about the same thing. A dozen people turned into a hundred and then most of the people present were talking about the missing prince.

Galius and some of the other people with pretty high positions were present as well. They were curious as to what was happening in the town square. Beside Galius were the two holy maidens, who have temporarily stopped bothering Valdel about becoming their chosen hero, as most of their interest was on Ren at the moment. Especially Rachel, the War God Hieus kept on pushing Rachel to turn Ren into the chosen hero of his temple. This was the first person Rachel has met that even the War God she worsh.i.p.s was so intrigued by.


Galius who was watching everything unfold was getting a bit anxious. He was the first high official in Grenton that noticed Ren's talents. He knew that the kid he met back then would do some incredible things, but he didn't expect him to do it so quickly.

Even though most people didn't know that Ren was the one behind this, Galius knew. He knew most of Ren's movements in Grenton, from how he ruled the underworld, to how he got most of the fallen nobles under his thumb. The worst part was the knowledge of him destroying those that didn't follow.

To Galius, Ren was both their savior and their noose. He was dangerous but at the same time, he was someone that they needed. So, for now, Galius decided to simply watch Ren's movements. Since even if he wanted to do anything he still had no capability to oppose Ren. He first needed to prepare just in case Ren needed to be erased for the good of the kingdom and its citizens.


As the crowd was getting larger and larger, Iselv was getting a bit nervous. Ren smacked his back to hype him up.

"Don't worry, there's no need to be nervous. All you need to do is say everything I say, word per word. You just need to say it in a dignified manner. Tell it like you're telling them your dreams, your aspirations. Just sound passionate that's it, that's all you need to do."

Iselv gulped as he tried calming his breathing.

"Alright, Stephan introduce Iselv to the crowd."

"As you wish my liege." Stephan who was beside Ren bowed his head and stood in the center of the makeshift stage they made using an Earth spell.



The moment Stephan shouted Iselv's name everyone's attention was drawn to the middle fo the town square. Galius was surprised to hear what Stephan said, did Ren actually find the real third prince? Yet the moment he saw who came on stage he was both confused and surprise. The person that came on stage with Warhammer at hand was the bandit king.

Everyone who saw Iselv started whispering. How was this person that looked more like a barbarian, a prince? Was this a joke? While everyone was talking to each other, Iselv pounded his Warhammer making a loud thud that quieted everyone down.

"My people, I know that you are confused. To your eyes, I might look like a barbarian from the north. As I am not dress like a noble wearing those fancy robes, you might think I'm truly not a prince. But I am the third prince of Reshbauch! I am the son of the warrior King! I came here in front of you my beloved citizens not as a royal but as a warrior!"

Iselv wasn't shouting but his deep sonorous voice sounded very commanding. His words were heard throughout the town.

"I am here to fight for you, my beloved citizens! I am here to fight for your futures! I know you have lost many loved ones from the recent attack, and who is to blame for that?!"

The people looked at each other confused as to who they can blame, and waited to hear what Iselv would say.

"It is the current system! It is the nobles that have failed you! They who take your hard-earned coin as taxes and promised you safety! Yet were where they as danger approached?! They were the ones who fled first, taking all the coin they could bring!"

When the people heard this they felt anger and their looks of sadness turn into rage.

"My knight Ren and I were the ones who have fought for you and saved you from the undead!" Iselv then gestured towards Ren who came up on stage. Someone from within the crowd shouted.

"Yes! That's him I saw him kill the Elder Lich!" This was one of Kithra's men. The people hearing this started talking to each other about this revelation of who saved them.

"Yes, it was not only my knight Ren and I, who saved you from the crisis. It was your fathers, your sons, your husbands! All of them went straight to battle to protect you! This was without the help of the so-called nobles! So as a prince of the kingdom, I apologize."

Iselv bowed his head, which surprised most people. Never in their whole lives have they seen a noble bow to them, even more so, it was a prince.

"With this apology, I also give you a promise, a vow! I Iselv Reshbauch, pledge to you my people that I will give you a chance for a better future! I shall give you back your pride! I as all of you as witnesses, announce here the birth of the free city of New Grenton! I declare independence from the kingdom of Reshbauch!"

The common people of Grenton couldn't understand the implications of what was said, on the other hand, people like Galius knew exactly the implications of what was said.

"In the new city of Grenton, anyone can become whatever you wish! Everyone will be allowed to study and go to school! No longer would you need to be a noble or a rich merchant to enter school. You can become anything you want, all the privileges nobles had will cease to exist, and everyone will be treated equally! As long as you have the talent for it, it doesn't matter if you're born a noble, or a commoner you will all be treated fairly! I grant you my beloved citizens' FREEDOM! I grant you my people new Grenton, where anyone can DREAM!"

The moment the citizens heard what Iselv said, they all cheered in excitement. They still couldn't understand everything, but they did understand that the nobles could no longer push them around.

"ISELV! ISELV! ISELV! ISELV! ISELV!" They all started cheering Iselv's name and when he raised his Warhammer, just made them cheer even louder. Unknown to all of them the freedom Iselv was talking about had a price.

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