Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 405 - Arrogant Noble

Chapter 405 - Arrogant Noble

In a room filled with sparkling cups, plates, and cutlery a man wearing shining jewels was eating his meal surrounded by beautiful maids that were serving his every need. This was the Duke that was opposing Ren, his name was Duke Reginald.

Duke Reginald was the younger brother of the former king of the Serbek kingdom. He was a very arrogant man that loved to abuse those below him. In his view, nobles were practically a different race from the commoners. To him nobles were always in the right, they were a superior being, who were supposed to be perfect in every way. As nobles, they needed to guide the lost sheep which were the idiotic commoners. Only nobles had the right to rule, only nobles had the right to be served, only nobles have the right to be powerful.

On the other hand, in Reginald's view, commoners were nothing but pitiful beings that need the guiding hand of a noble. They were only good to be his servants, those that don't follow him were simply idiotic. They were dirty greedy little creatures that don't know their place in this world. Always trying to bring down nobles into their filthy level. To Reginald, commoners were worse than animals, at least properly trained animals would never bite the hand that feeds them. Commoners were always trying to find a chance to bite their master's hand.

In his domain, most commoners live in fear. Since when Reginald was in a bad mood, he would r*pe, murder, and basically do whatever he wanted. The commoners were unable to escape his domain since those that try wouldn't get far before being killed. Even the wealthy merchants were sometimes harassed by Reginald, saying that their money was his money.

On the other hand, for those of noble birth, even the lowliest knight was treated like a king. Those that defy even the most nonsensical order from a noble will be tortured. Nobles loved visiting the Duke's domain as this was the best place were nobles can fulfill their whims without facing much consequence.

While Reginald was enjoying his meal a nearby maid would clean his mouth. The other surrounding maids refilled his cup or brought more food. It was during this time another maid entered the dining room and walked towards Reginald to whisper something in his ear. Reginald frowned as he heard the maid's report.

"Bring him in." Hearing Reginald's curt response the maid bowed her head. She noticed the change in Reginald's mood and quickly left the dining room.

Reginald continued to eat, but his mood had worsened. It was no surprise that his mood would turn sour as he didn't really like the person who had arrived to meet him. It was the Guild Master of this area's branch of the adventurers guild. Among the commoner rabble, Reginald truly hated those adventurers that roam the land free.

In his mind, the adventurers were commoners that deluded themselves into thinking they had actual power. They acted as if they were above the social hierarchy which irritated Reginald to no end. If he had a choice he wanted to destroy the entirety of the adventurers guild, unfortunately, that was impossible at the moment.

'That is what happens when you give an idiotic commoner the ability to use weapons, and spells. They start to think that they're actually equal to us nobles. How stupidly arrogant of them. If only the royal guard was at its full power I wouldn't need to use those irritating commoners. At least the mercenaries don't act as presumptuous as those adventurers.'

The doors to the dining room opened and a man wearing plated armor and had a halberd hanging at his back entered. Seeing him Reginald frowned.

"Why did you bring your weapon here? Guests especially you are not allowed to bring weapons inside." Reginald looked at the new arrival in annoyance, his voice was turning icy cold.

"Oh, I'm sorry Sir Duke. I forgot about the little rules you nobles make up. If you want I can just go back and leave my halberd at the Guild."

"Tsk, this is why you commoners are all… Whatever, since you're already here, just sit down and tell me what you want, Albert."

The Guild Master Albert smiled as he sat down.

"It's nothing much but I just want to confirm something." Albert's smiling face disappeared as he emitted bloodlust. The maids in the room started shivering while Reginald stopped eating.

"What are you trying to do, you damn commoner?!" An even more intense bloodlust came from Reginald. The bloodlust Reginald emitted was like a drawn sword that was pointed at Albert's neck.

"Heh, as expected of a Sword Saint. Well, no need to get so serious, it was just a joke." Albert stopped emitting bloodlust as he smiled and raised both his hands in defeat. Seeing that gesture and attitude of Albert, Reginald also stopped emitting bloodlust and snorted.

"Hmph, I don't find your commoner jokes funny. So tell me what you want to say, but if all you came here to do is irritate me then, I better cut off one of your arms as punishment."

"No need to go that far, Sir Duke. I'll behave now." Despite being threatened Albert remained at ease. "So back to what I wanted to say, did you know about the appearance of an S rank adventurer in the Capital?"

"Huh? Why would I care about some S rank adventurer?"

"As expected, I knew that you would say that. I just needed to check."

"Is that all you wanted to say?"

"Actually the investigation you commissioned is done." Reginald who was irritated the whole time finally looked at Albert properly.

"Oh, so what did you find out about this upstart?"

"He's a B rank adventurer hailing from the Reschbeauch Kingdom."

"We already know that, what more do you have."

"Supposedly he was stronger than even Sword Saints such as yourself."

"Baseless rumors, how can a child, how can a commoner like that be stronger than a Sword Saint? If he was that strong, then he would be the youngest Demi-God Level swordsman. That's just ridiculous, he must've been the initiator of such a rumor to intimidate his enemies. Hmph, such a crude tactic as expected from a commoner."

"He has two childhood friends, one is a confirmed S rank adventurer, and the other is someone that both the Temple of the Goddess of Justice and the Temple of the War God wants as their hero."

"The S rank adventurer is nothing much, just the stronger version of an ordinary commoner. Now that hero candidate might be a little problematic. I might need to contact someone from the Temple of the God of Death. Well, seeing as he hasn't been graced with divine protection yet, he shouldn't be much of a problem, but just in case I should ask one of the battle priests from the Temple of the God of Death. So is there anything else?"

"No that's all I have at the moment. The other pieces of information are things you already know."

"Heh, as expected from a commoner. Just with that much strength, he thinks that he can take the throne from me? I will crush him and make his people my slaves. Those fools that sided with him will be tormented before I kill them."

"I have no doubt that Sir Duke would be able to do that."

"Hmph, of course, I can. So how many adventurers have you gathered?"

"I have convinced two more Guild Masters who are A rank to join. I got around a couple of dozen B ranks, and a few hundred C rank adventurers as well."

"You've done better than I expected."

"Don't forget what you promised me. Once you're sitting on the throne you will give me land and a noble title."

"Hmph, don't compare me to you idiotic commoners. I as noble would never go back on my word. You do not have to worry, as long as you do your part properly then I would give you what you want."

"Thank you o noble duke." Albert bowed.

"Hmph, if you have nothing else to say begone from my sight. Just looking at you sours my mood." Albert wasn't offended by what Reginald said and smiled before replying.

"Then I bid you good day sir." Seeing the leaving Albert, Reginald sneered.

'Seeing as I am the perfect noble, who has both honor and strength, I would obviously keep my promises. I will grant you a baron title and a piece of land at the borders. Once you have your fun being a fake noble, I will once again reclaim what is rightfully mine.'

Even though thinking about Albert's downfall made Reginald feel a bit better, it wasn't enough to brighten his mood. Albert then pointed at two maids.

"You and you, go to my room and prepare yourselves. I'm sure you know what to do." The two maids who had voluptuous bodies smiled coquettishly and responded at the same time.

"As you wish my lord."

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