Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 471 - Jeniffer

Chapter 471 - Jeniffer

After raging for a short while Jeniffer was able to finally calm down. Once she got her bearings back, she immediately contacted her Head Priest.

"My Goddess, what-" Jeniffer didn't allow the Head Priest to finish his greeting as she interjected with a voice as cold as ice.

"Get ready for war." Hearing the tone of his Goddess the Head Priest Baldur shivered in terror. This was the first time he has ever heard his Goddess talk in such a tone. The usual warmth and grace were no longer there. He could feel the hatred from her voice alone that sense shivers down his spine. The Head Priest immediately genuflected as he replied with all the respect he could muster.

"I will immediately prepare for it. This Holy War is as good as won… My Goddess while I prepare, shall I order the knights to evacuate the citizens?" Even though the Goddess of Light was angry and even though she was the worst kind of Goddess in the eyes of other races besides humans, she was still a World Deity that relied on the power of belief so she needed her followers to survive. If all of her followers die or if only a few survive she would not be able to maintain her Divine Energy and as the belief in her dwindles she would eventually cease to exist like the former God of Light, Nestor.

"Evacuate the normal citizens, but those that can fight should stay for the upcoming war. This is a war that must be won at all cost."

"It will be as you command."

"Tell them if they see any of the guests you met today, they should immediately bombard those people with the mana cannons."

'So they are still alive?!' The Head Priest immediately came to that conclusion and fully understood why the Goddess of Light was so mad.

"As you wish my Goddess." The Head Priest was smart enough not to talk about what happened to the guests. Once she was done telling her commands the Goddess of Light ended the conversation. Feeling the link with the Goddess of Light was cut off, the Head Priest immediately informed the heads of each sector to get ready for war.

As he was going around giving out commands Baldur remembered the smile Ren showed him as he was teleported away.

'… I see… So that's how the Strongest Mortal Soul thinks. He already figured out everything and wanted for that to happen. He's a challenger, one who faces everything with a smile on his face. So that's how it was… Such an outstanding human is being fooled by the beasts. I wonder if I could persuade him to see the light of our beautiful Goddess?…'

While Baldur was thinking of ways to make Ren join their side, Jeniffer sat on her throne in the astral plane and sighed. Today was such a bad day, she had fought a mortal to a standstill and even lost a large portion of her divine energy, and she even allowed said mortal to escape from her. To make matters worse two of the more powerful world deities had relations with the Strongest Mortal Soul, so even if she won she would still need to face those two afterward.

'Was all I have done really a mistake?' Jeniffer closed her eyes and started to reminisce about her past.

Before she became the Goddess of Light, Jeniffer was the Saintess of the Temple of the God of Light, Nestor. During this era, the Temple of Light would shine its teachings upon all, no matter their race or their past, for as long as they sought after the light they were welcome to join the Temple.

Unfortunately in that era, the Temple of Light wasn't as popular as it currently was. Among the Major Temples, the Temple of Light was the weakest one barely holding on. Not only was it already hard to maintain their standing as a Major Temple, but a lot of cults were trying to destroy them and they were being bombarded from all sides.

At the height of the conflict, the God of Light Nestor was losing more and more of his Divine Energy as the believers were slowly dwindling. The moment when he could no longer hold on to his divinity, the God of Light Nestor was unable to pass his title to the next generation.

With the death of their Deity, the Temple of Light was slowly being crushed by their enemies. Many of Jeniffer's friends and family had died during this incident. It was at this moment in time that Jeniffer with her charisma and strength as a former Saintess assaulted the cults with overwhelming rage and power.

Most of the cults she had destroyed were led by demi-humans, which led her to hate the entirety of demi-humans. So she who was the current leader of the fallen Temple of Light rejected every single demi-humans to be part of the Temple. This decision, of course, was received with outrage among the older believers that were not human. Yet with Jeniffer's charisma and power, all the human believers sided with her and ousted the demi-human believers.

Learning that the new Temple of Light only allowed humans into their Temple, garnered a lot of attention. Of course, the demi-humans were not happy about this discrimination, but that move also made a lot of humans happy. There were many humans that hated the other races because they were different and naturally more powerful than humans, which made the weaker humans fear them.

It turns out a lot of the normal everyday villagers hated and feared the demi-humans. So once the Temple of Light kicked out all of their demi-human believers, many humans suddenly joined in. After a few years, the once desolate and weak Temple of Light became a powerful force filled with nothing but humans.

The human believers grew so much that Jeniffer ascended into a world deity because of their overwhelming belief. The Temple of Light kept on growing, from a dying Temple into a city and then eventually into a kingdom.

Over the centuries as the new Goddess of Light, Jeniffer's hatred for the demi-humans had long since faded, but despite that she never allowed any demi-humans into her Temple. The reason the Temple of Light was able to reach its current height was that they did not allow a single demi-human to join. Seeing as the human race had the greatest population on the continent the Temple of Light didn't really need to add the other races into their Temple.

The other reason why Jeniffer never allowed Demi-humans into her Temple even after her hatred faded, was because of the power she received from her human believers. They allowed her to match the power of the more powerful Deities like the God of War and the Goddess of Justice. Not only that but her power continued to grow as the population of the Holy Kingdom grew.

Remembering the journey she took to get where she was now, Jeniffer felt that what she has done was not wrong.

"Hmph, Goddess of Justice, who are you to judge me? In the end, it is the victor who is right. For as long as I have the power to become the victor, everything I do will become the right choice."

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