Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 - Suffering Husband

Yin Xu turned his head, narrowly avoiding a silver claw that pierced the tree trunk behind him.

He stepped back and observed the old tree, noticing a fist-sized hole in the thick trunk, with black smoke emanating from it.

He realized that if that claw had struck a person, it would have inflicted severe damage, scraping off skin and flesh.

He took a deep breath as his injured arm throbbed. He knew that the group's weapons were poisoned and was thankful he had brought an antidote pill, or they would have already succumbed.

Yin Xu stared at the green mask with fangs, calculating his chances of escape. The enemies outnumbered them ten to one, making the battle unwinnable.

He glanced at Teng Yu, who was surrounded by enemies and wrapped in flames, with charred plants and trees around him.

He was surprised; Teng Yu's Flame Yang Spell had advanced from the second level under pressure, indicating he was cornered.

A black whip flew towards Yin Xu, forcing him to refocus and confront the three attackers outside.

“Seventh Young Master Huo is truly formidable. To withstand over a hundred moves, he can be considered a top-tier martial artist.”

“Thank you for your praise!” Yin Xu glanced at his opponents, noting that the golden-masked leader was the strongest. Alone, he might stand a chance, but against three, he would certainly lose.

The whip wielder pulled forcefully, worsening Yin Xu's injury, and closed in, striking towards his face with the other hand.

Yin Xu twisted his wrist, cutting the black whip with his dagger while shifting his body to let the palm strike his shoulder.

With a “kacha” sound, Yin Xu's left arm drooped. He bit the dagger and used his right hand to reset his shoulder.

“Ugh …” he groaned in pain. Turning his head, he felt a chill as he saw Teng Yu.

He quickly restored his shoulder, gritted his teeth, and kicked his opponent away. Rolling to the ground, he severed the lower limbs of a black-clothed man, sliding to Teng Yu's side.

Teng Yu had just been struck, with blood trickling from his mouth. His flames had dissipated, revealing his body covered in bloody scars.

Yin Xu felt a sharp pain in his eyes as he frantically extracted Demonic Qi from his Dantian.

“Ah …” he roared, spreading Demonic Qi that enveloped the nearby black-clothed men. Traces of Profound Qi leaked from them and converged into Yin Xu.

Yin Xu felt his body swelling and in pain, as though mercury was being poured into his muscles, making him feel like he would explode and die at any moment.

Sensing the danger, the remaining black-clothed men retreated, watching in shock as their immobilized companion aged rapidly before their eyes.

“Leader…” “This?”

Although the Sky Piercing Sect was renowned as an Evil Sect, known for practicing unorthodox evil arts, they had never encountered such a terrifying cultivation technique, one that seemed to drain a person instantly.

The man concealed behind the mask was equally stunned. “Truly…” he murmured.

The black-clad man wearing the silver mask beside him did not catch the latter half of his words. He gazed at Yin Xu with greed, licking his lips.

“Let's go!” A calm voice reached his ears. He quickly suppressed his desire and turned to ask, “What?”

“Retreat!” Huo Tian has evidently cultivated some form of Devilish Exercise, enabling him to absorb others' Qi for his own use. Although we could win if we continued fighting, the cost is too high, so we leave them alive!”

“Then these people…?”

“Do you think they're still alive? Even if they survive, with bodies barely clinging to life, it would be better to die!” The man wearing a golden mask waved his hand, and in an instant, the only ones left in the forest were the silent Teng Yu and the temporarily unaware Yin Xu.

Of course, there were also those confined by Yin Xu within his domain.

After they departed, Teng Yu slowly sat down on the ground. His body bore many wounds, both large and small, but the most severe was the one on his thigh, pierced by a sword.

He held his chest and spat out several mouthfuls of blood. Seeing that Yin Xu was unharmed, he sat cross-legged to meditate and recuperate.

When he opened his eyes again, he was met with a pair of blood-red eyes that were cold and emotionless.

He raised his hand to touch her face but was unable to. “Are you alright?”

Yin Xu shook his head and helped him up.

Teng Yu felt a cold sensation where Yin Xu touched him. Despite the layers of cloth between them, he could still feel it.

He immediately grabbed Yin Xu's hand and shuddered. The next moment, he hugged Yin Xu tightly, asking through chattering teeth, “Why are you so cold?”

“I'm fine.” Yin Xu pressed his face close to Teng Yu's, savoring the warmth from his body.

Teng Yu looked around and noticed more than twenty corpses lying on the ground. Some of them had grizzled white hair and looked sinister.

“Let's find a hidden cave and rest for a while. We can't go down the mountain like this.”

Yin Xu nodded, not daring to tell Teng Yu that the Demonic Qi in his body was rampaging, and his meridians had been forcibly expanded by more than three times, making every movement feel like a knife cutting.

He felt like a bloated person, especially wanting to vomit.

The two walked, supporting each other, until they found the cave they had rested in the night before.

Teng Yu noticed that the formation he had set up had disappeared, and the place where he had placed the jade was now reduced to a small amount of powder.

“Cough, cough… I remember there were some prey left in the cave yesterday. I wonder if they were taken away by wild beasts.”

Yin Xu glanced at their sorry state and laughed, “Hopefully there is, otherwise we might not even be able to catch a wild chicken like this.”

“That's true. Let's hope our luck isn't too bad.” The two of them entered the cave. The ground they cleared last night was still very clean, covered with hay and dried leaves.

The dead lamb in the corner remained untouched, and the dried firewood they had used the previous day finally allowed them to catch their breath.

To ensure they could heal safely, Yin Xu had set up a formation at the cave entrance. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough jade; otherwise, he would have set up a simple killing formation.

Teng Yu gradually removed the tattered clothes from his body and then applied the medicine that Yin Xu had given him to his wound.

Yin Xu extended his injured arm, “Give me some too.”

Teng Yu's face was deathly pale as he poured the medicine on Yin Xu's wound. Unfortunately, his hands were trembling so much that half of it was wasted.

Yin Xu gritted his teeth, enduring the burning pain. He was well aware of the medicine's effectiveness, perfectly illustrating the saying, “short-term pain is better than prolonged pain.”

When their injuries had become less severe, Teng Yu started to prepare their lunch. He didn't plan to roast the entire lamb, so he only cut some meat and put it on the fire to roast until it was seventy percent done.

Even though he had no appetite, Teng Yu forced himself to eat some food. Before he could even swallow a mouthful of meat, he started coughing violently.

Yin Xu found the wooden pipe they had filled with water from the cave the previous day and fed it to Teng Yu. Then he smiled and said, “Do we look like a couple in trouble now?”

Teng Yu leaned against the wall, taking a few deep breaths. Every breath caused excruciating pain in his lungs, as if a knife was cutting through him.

“It's not an illusion; it's already real. This prince has never suffered such severe injuries since birth.”

“Haha, what is this? Back then, I was struck by lightning…” Yin Xu laughed, swallowing the rest of the sentence. Being struck by lightning was such a disgrace that he decided not to mention it anymore.

But just because he didn't say it didn't mean Teng Yu couldn't guess. Holding back his laughter, he asked, “What? Struck by lightning? That would be terrible! You couldn't have done something so wicked, right?”

Yin Xu sat down next to him, looking up at the ceiling, “Hey, what's wrong with that? Which cultivator has clean hands?”

Teng Yu reached out to hold Yin Xu's wrist, placing his fingers on his veins. He closed his eyes for a long time to diagnose, “I really don't know what your body is made of. With your meridians in such a mess, you're still alive and kicking.”

He turned his head to look at Yin Xu, asking with eyes filled with pain, “Does it hurt?”

Yin Xu reached out and poked his chest, asking the same thing, “Does it hurt?”

They looked at each other and laughed simultaneously. However, their laughter did not last long. The internal injuries tormented them both, preventing them from laughing anymore.

Yin Xu was drenched in sweat. After absorbing too much spirit qi, he had no way of transforming it into Demonic Qi quickly, making it the main cause of suppressing his power.

“Teng Yu…”

“Hmm?” Teng Yu replied softly.

Yin Xu closed his eyes, his lips trembling as he asked, “Do you still remember the circulation diagram for Duo Cultivation?”

“Of course I do.” Teng Yu silently cursed, he dreamt of having a dual cultivation with Yin Xu every night, so how could he not remember?

“Then let's do it.”


Teng Yu suddenly turned around. The movement was so painful that he couldn't sit still. He grabbed Yin Xu's hand and asked, “What did you say just now?”

Yin Xu still had his eyes closed, his entire face blushing abnormally red, but the temperature of his body was unbelievably low, “Duo Cultivation.”

Teng Yu laughed miserably, “You're not joking about such a thing at a time like this, right? Do you think we can fix it like this?”

Yin Xu opened his eyes and stared straight at him. After a moment, he muttered, “You're lucky!”

With that, he pushed Teng Yu to the ground, spread his legs, and sat on top of him. His fingers trembled lightly as he untied his clothes, and as the pieces of clothing fell off, Teng Yu finally felt the reality.

He held down Yin Xu's hand and asked in a dry voice, “Can you… pick a better time?”

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