Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 125

Chapter 125 - Stirring up Trouble

In the end, Yin Xu couldn't keep Teng Yu pinned down, and as they struggled, Han Qing anxiously knocked on the door.

Teng Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Yin Xu opened the door with a darkened expression, “You did that on purpose, didn't you?”

Han Qing was puzzled, but seeing Yin Xu's displeased look, he didn't dare raise an eyebrow, knowing Yin Xu could handle even the Third Princes.

“Seventh Young Master, I have something to report!”

“What important matter? If it's not urgent, you'll get to experience running naked in the snow!”

Han Qing lowered his head and quickly explained, “The disaster victims in the city suffered varying degrees of diarrhea and vomiting after eating the relief food. Some people incited the citizens to report that His Highness embezzled funds and refilled the supplies.”

Yin Xu's hands tightened, crushing the carved railings on the bed, and he asked menacingly, “Did someone tamper with the relief food?”

Teng Yu also sat up on the bed, ignoring his open clothes and the scars, standing there barefoot, letting Han Qing speak.

“I just sent some people to investigate, but there's no news yet. However, the Prefect just sent a message, advising you to stay out of sight for a while and let him calm the citizens!”

“Hmph, stay out of sight? That clearly looks like guilt!” Teng Yu's face darkened, unable to determine if Yu Xuezhong's words were sincere.

“First, we need to find the instigators, then trace the source.” Yin Xu cracked his knuckles and commanded fiercely.

Han Qing glanced at his master, and seeing him nod, he knew what needed to be done.

“Wait, send some others to handle the relief food. This prince will not allow anyone to approach it, or they will be executed without mercy!”

“Yes, I'll do it right away!”

Teng Yu turned to Yin Xu and then gave a flattering smile, “Business is crucial, how about we go check it out?”

Yin Xu snorted coldly, fetched clothes for both of them to change into, and walked out of the room with Teng Yu.

As they were about to leave, they saw Yu Xuezhong approaching hurriedly. The atmosphere became tense as they met.

“Your Highness, what should we do?” Yu Xuezhong's handsome face was filled with genuine anxiety.

“Master Yu, sit down first. Explain the situation. Is there an issue with the food supply, or is someone causing trouble deliberately? Did everyone who consumed this batch of food get sick?”

Yu Xuezhong half-sat on the chair, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and replied, “This official hasn't investigated everything yet, but I've asked the necessary questions. The relief food was only eaten tonight. Due to the problems, all settlements in the east of the city consumed it, while those in the west haven't received it yet.”

Teng Yu and Yin Xu both frowned simultaneously, pondering how a person could die. His personality was vastly different, making the problem much more complex to solve.

“Due to the comparison between the two sides, everyone immediately suspected an issue with the relief food. Someone on the spot demanded the food be tested, but those who couldn't decide didn't agree. Shortly after, people accused us of guilt, claiming we were afraid to test it, and incited the citizens to come to the yamen for an explanation.

This humble official, having been in service for over ten years, has some insight into disasters. Yet, I never imagined someone would meddle in Hui State affairs. This humble official firmly believes this matter is unrelated to the Third Prince.”

Teng Yu was slightly surprised, “Oh? Sir Yu, you trust me that much?”

Yu Xuezhong's face reddened, “Honestly, I did have a bias against the Third Prince before, but I would never believe His Highness would do such a thing for a small amount of silver. From what I know, His Highness doesn't lack silver at all.”

“Corruption isn't about lacking silver, is it? Were the greedy emperors in the imperial court poor? I doubt it.”

“It's fair to call it intuition. Regardless, this official doesn't believe this has anything to do with you.”

“No, perhaps it does!” Teng Yu said, confident that this was all due to him.

Yu Xuezhong retorted with a flushed face: “Your Highness, there's no need to test me like this. Everything I've said is the truth. I see that you've come to Hui State with good intentions, donating several hundred thousand silver for relief. Why would you tamper with the food? This isn't your true intention!”

Teng Yu laughed heartily, walked to Yu Xuezhong, and patted his shoulder: “Then I must thank you for your trust, Master! With your words, this prince can investigate more easily.”

Yu Xuezhong hurriedly stood up and said: “I dare not, the matter is in Hui State, it should be this official's responsibility.”

After conversing for a while, their concerns dissipated. Before leaving, Teng Yu once again pulled him aside and tactfully inquired about the situation in the Hui State Palace. Managing such a large Prefectural Government couldn't rely on just him.

“The government has always been strict. Logically, no official should deceive the citizens, but… knowing a person's face but not their heart, it’s difficult to make promises.” Yu Xuezhong wasn't naive; this was the right time to be cautious.

“Master Yu, there's no need to overthink. My only concern is that the official appointed by Hui State and the emissary might be colluding. Not only would it ruin our plans, but it would also cause suffering for the commoners.”

“Yes, rest assured, if I discover any wrongdoing, I will inform the Third Prince immediately.” Yu Xuezhong clasped his hands together, and as he lowered his head, he quickly considered the officials who usually opposed him. Perhaps this was an opportune moment.

The government was akin to a battlefield; those who didn't know how to use power tactics or schemes wouldn't last long. Yu Xuezhong was no longer the naive scholar he once was.

Once Teng Yu and Yu Xuezhong exited the Palace, they headed straight to the Prefectural Government. Yin Xu sent a message to the people there and followed Teng Yu.

If there was indeed a problem with the relief food, the first issue to address would be the food itself. Thousands of victims were awaiting food, and without it, many more could die in a single day.

They had to prepare for the worst. If the relief food couldn't be consumed temporarily, they would need to continue sourcing food from wealthy families. Force might be necessary to ensure compliance, but Teng Yu's hard-earned reputation would suffer.

Upon arriving at the yamen, they saw hundreds of people already gathered outside. However, they were all sitting on the ground, looking sickly.

Teng Yu did not hesitate as he walked over. Standing imposingly before the citizens, he said sorrowfully, “I am aware of the food situation; there's no need to say more now. Come with me to inspect the food. If there is anything wrong with this batch, Your Highness will surely seek justice for you all!”

Probably due to being intimidated by his authority, the commoners did not immediately erupt. Some even helped each other up and stood, preparing to follow Teng Yu.

“Everyone, wait! Don't be deceived by him. The entire imperial court knows that the officials who came to provide assistance are the three Princes, and now that there's a problem with the food, it must be his fault. Let's not discuss other matters first; how should we deal with the problem of future meals? We can't let everyone starve to death, right?”

Teng Yu was waiting for this moment, and while the man was speaking, a guard quietly snuck into the crowd from behind Teng Yu. Once the man finished, he was brought to the front.

As the disaster victims scattered their agreement, they noticed a familiar figure at the front of the crowd.

The Third Prince, who had just looked furious, now smiled gently at the man, “Did you say those words just now? What's your name? Where are you from? Are there any survivors in your family?”

The man, cunning with rodent-like eyes, pretended to be scared and shouted, “What does Your Highness intend to do? Silence me? This commoner knows my words are unpleasant, but you can't kill someone over a single sentence…”

“Shut up!” The guard next to him slapped him and scolded, “If I really wanted your life, do you think you could still open your mouth?”

Teng Yu continued smiling, “You are just a nameless commoner; do you think This Highness would waste time silencing you? This prince could end your entire family as easily as stepping on ants. Where does your confidence come from?”

Although his words were harsh, everyone felt he was speaking the truth.

Standing before them was a prince, a son of the dragon. Normally, commoners would treat the county magistrate as if they had met a god, but now, with a dignified Prince before them, the gap between heaven and earth could not be bridged with mere words.

Therefore, no one doubted what the Third Prince had said.

Teng Yu had the guard bring the man to the front of everyone, “Everyone, recognize his face. Was he the one who called you all here to cause trouble?”

The crowd looked at each other but remained silent.

Teng Yu did not mind and continued, “If that's the case, then this prince will have to question this person's malicious intentions. According to him, this prince is a demon who kills without hesitation. If you cause trouble here, wouldn't you be seeking your own deaths?”

“That's right… That's not… Have we been deceived… Who is this person… It seems to be Li Si from Curved Water Village…” The crowd erupted in discussion, their expressions turning apprehensive.

“Alright, let's not dwell on his motives for gathering everyone here. Since you are all here, let's find out the truth from this prince. With this prince, there's no need to worry about not finding the culprit!”

“If this prince discovers that someone is exploiting the lives of tens of thousands of citizens for personal gain, he will not let them off lightly! With the Prefect as a witness, we will certainly uncover the truth!”

Teng Yu's powerful assurance completely dispelled the citizens' anger and worry. Everyone, though weak, followed him majestically towards a granary on the east side of the city.

Many people watched along the way, mostly those not affected by the disaster in Hui State City, or those who managed to flee and help Hui State become self-reliant.

Thanks to an attentive individual, news of the relief food spread rapidly, likely reaching more than half of Hui State City.

Additionally, the rumors centered around Teng Yu, with the emissary mentioning the “great achievements” of the Third Prince over the years to highlight Teng Yu's poor character and conduct.

The majority of citizens had no doubts upon hearing this, as the power of rumors can be more influential than official announcements.

Although Teng Yu didn't announce his presence with fanfare, his group was large. He arranged for people to answer citizens' questions along the way, making it clear they were there to investigate.

Those who were more curious decided to follow the group to see what was happening.

In this way, the crowd grew larger. By the time they reached the granary in the east of the city, hundreds of people had gathered. As night fell, constables prepared torches.

Teng Yu looked at the granary surrounded by his men and signaled Han Qing. The latter nodded discreetly and then shouted: “Everyone, be quiet! I know what concerns you the most right now. It's whether the relief food is available and if you will go hungry.

I assure you, regardless of the test results, no one will miss a meal tomorrow. For the hardships you've endured tonight, I'll ensure you receive extra food tomorrow to compensate.”

“Thank you, Your Highness… Your Highness is so kind… Yes, the heavens are merciful. Let His Highness quickly expose that black-hearted person…”

It was easy to rile up the citizens, but not in front of the Third Prince. The moment he spoke, he risked being caught red-handed like Li Si.

In the hands of His Highness, even if one didn't die, they'd suffer greatly. The Third Prince's reputation for being harsh was well known.

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