Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 - No Doubt about It

Wei Zi'an came here very quickly and brought a whole group of experienced subordinates with him. These people were talents that were cultivated by Wei Zi'an after spending a lot of money.

“Your Highness, all is well …” Wei Zi'an bowed to them and introduced Teng Yu to them.

Before coming here, he did not inform them of the purpose of this trip. The iron ores in this mountain range were found by these people, but the Wei Family had never been reported to the imperial government.

It was just that before they came here, they were still hesitant. They didn't know if they should lose their lives, their fortune, and their lifetime of fame to mine private mines for Wei Family. After all, this was something they could do with their heads held high.

Wei Family had trained them and they could keep this secret, but it would be difficult for them to personally participate.

However, after meeting Teng Yu, they all had a change of mind. They were all private mines, and the difference between a place to settle down at the Wei Family and a place to settle down at the prince's house.

Throughout the generations, which prince didn't have their own private property? Even if this private mine were to be placed in front of the emperor one day, he wouldn't want to take his own son's life for such a small thing, right?

After calming down, everyone's expression became much more relaxed. Wei Zi'an led Teng Yu and the others to the mine site, which was located in the northwest part of the mountain range.

“This area can be divided into a mining area with a circumference of 10 li. The specific situation needs to be dug up before we can find out.” explained to Teng Yu. They had spent a lot of energy to find this place, and at that time, it was Wei Zi'an's grandfather who was in charge. He originally wanted to use this place as his last safeguard.

Teng Yu walked along this place for a long time. Their main problem right now was not whether there were any iron ores here, but how to deal with them after digging them out.

Just moving out of this mountain range was a huge problem.

Not to mention that all the weapons factories in the Dazhuang were in the hands of the Ministry of Industry. Some of the people had no right to trade pig iron in private, so they had to buy it from the government.

Even if someone were to open a private mine, it would naturally be a private transaction. Money could be earned, but it was not worth the current Third Prince Mansion.

As he walked along the path that the guards had temporarily opened, Teng Yu thought about the entire journey and finally made a bold decision.

“What?” You want to build a weapons factory here? ” Including Yin Xu, everyone had an unspeakable expression of shock.

Yin Xu was not shocked because of Teng Yu's boldness, but because he felt that refining treasures was not something that could be done by ordinary people.

had snatched a lot of good things from these sects before. As a result, he knew even more that there were specialised skills in the arts, if he wanted to create a good weapon, it would definitely not be with materials.

But thinking about the quality of the weapons in this world, Yin Xu thought to himself: I don't think that such a broken blade or sword would be difficult to deal with?

No one had a chance to comment. Although Teng Yu had made this decision suddenly, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about it.

He could not rely on just his current power and Yun Family to fight against it. That was far from enough, what if that day really came … The mutiny was inevitable. He needed his own elite troops.

“You don't need to care about this matter, you just need to do your duty.” Teng Yu turned around and said to Wei Zi'an: “I know that you recognizing Huo Tian as your master is not only to repay the debt of gratitude, you might have extra thoughts but if you cannot let it end in one fell swoop, I will definitely remove my Wei Family from the list of imperial merchants!”

Wei Zi'an met Teng Yu's warning gaze, his entire body froze, as he lowered his head and promised: “You're overthinking it.”

“That's for the best.” Where the weapon factory was built, where to find a master to build a weapon from, and how to recruit new troops were all difficult questions that he had to complete step by step.

When they returned to the bandit camp, the sky was already dark. Teng Yu and the rest had no choice but to continue sleeping in their tents until it was daylight before they left the mountain.

Wei Zi'an did not join them. Instead, he stayed on the mountain and continued to command his men to probe deeper.

At the very least, before Teng Yu's plan was finalized, he needed to give an accurate answer. Otherwise, if everything would be ready, if he could not blow the east wind, wouldn't that be wasting his effort?

After not returning to the Hui State for three days, the moment Teng Yu entered the city, he discovered that the atmosphere was a little off.

Logically speaking, he had already controlled the situation, so there was no reason for the situation to be even worse than the time of the disaster.

The carriage took a detour around the streets with the most bustling Hui State. Yin Xu looked out through the curtains, his lips curling into a smile: “It feels like a storm is brewing.”

“Hmm? What's going to happen? “

“This I do not know. I have to ask our Prefect. Let's go and change the way of Prefectural Governoment. It just so happens that I miss Madam Yu's culinary skills.”

Now, Seventh Young Master Huo's orders and Third Prince's orders were equally effective. The guards didn't even say anything before they went back to Prefectural Governoment.

Yu Xuezhong heard from the butler that Third Prince had returned. He hastily changed into his official's uniform and went out to receive him.

“It's been a few days since we last met, why did Lord Yu split up instead?” Teng Yu teased, but he did not continue to display it so familiarly.

This government did not lack spies within the imperial government, and naturally Yu Xuezhong knew about the places where he should pay attention to.

Only after closing the door, did Yu Xuezhong heave a sigh of relief, “I wonder if it's because of that Advice Letter, this official feels that a lot of people have been searching for you recently.”

“What does this hall's whereabouts have to do with that Advice Letter?” Teng Yu didn't really care about it and shook his head, “If they want to check, then let them do so. If you make the people around you not be too cautious, if you are too afraid, it will arouse their suspicions.”

“Yes, this official understands.” Yu Xuezhong then bowed to Yin Xu, “Have you benefited from Seventh Young Master's trip?”

Yin Xu called the boy behind him over, and pushed him to the front of the Prefect, “Look, this is the only harvest of this trip, does Prefect like it? How about I give it to you? “

Yu Xuezhong had long noticed the child that followed behind Yin Xu. Because he was a new face, he looked at him a few more times, but no matter how he looked, he felt awkward. It was as if this child had just returned from serving in the mine.

However, being thin was one thing, the child's facial features were not ordinary, and his conduct and actions did not seem like he came from a commoner's background. It was unknown what sort of special encounters he had.

Yu Xuezhong did not know the purpose of this trip, and only thought that they were using the excuse of going out to scout, so they did not investigate further.

“This child …”

“Wang Ren, he said his name is Wang Ren.” Yin Xu reminded his, as a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

He spent two days and finally succeeded in allowing the little ghost to understand his simple instructions. At the very least, he would not stand still when telling him to move to the left, nor would he stand still when telling him to move forward.

As for the habit of constantly using those large eyes to stare at people, that still couldn't change.

Just at this time, Yu Xuezhong brought out a plate of pastries and handed it over to him. Are you someone from the Hui State? ” Not only did the other party not reply, he stared at his face in confusion, as if he was pondering an extremely important question.

Although Yu Xuezhong's expression did not look awkward, he asked curiously, “Does he not understand or …?” Still not hearing?

“Cough, cough …” “Forgive me for being inexperienced, but that's the problem with him. He has probably been locked up for too long, so he doesn't understand much about human speech.” These words were just Yin Xu's casual comment, but from Mao Er's reaction, it was not that the little brat could not hear or understand, he was just curious as to why you were talking to him.

Especially with this kind of amiable attitude.

To put it bluntly, he was not used to being courted by others.

“Close?” Yu Xuezhong immediately noticed the important part of the sentence.

Teng Yu raised his teacup and blew on it, bringing the cold tea to Yin Xu's mouth, at the same time, he told Yu Xuezhong everything about Guo Yanshan and the bandits.

There was no doubt that Teng Yu wanted to excavate and build a mine at Guo Yanshan, and Yu Xuezhong was even more important.

With Prefect s help, many things could be resolved easily. If it was another Prefect who was at odds with him wanting to silently dig out ores and forge weapons within the Hui State, it would be difficult to pull feathers off a tiger's butt.

It seemed that he had another important matter to attend to, and once Yu Xuezhong transferred the mission, he would have to replace the Hui State Prefect with his own.

But who among the civil and military officials in the imperial court was capable of submitting to him?

Teng Yu multitasking, while explaining what had happened, he pondered on the candidate to be the next Prefect.

While the Residence of Chief Yu was listening earnestly, he could no longer express his current feelings with shock. He did not expect that after leaving the Third Prince for three days, he had already made such a major decision.

The problem with Guo Yanshan's bandit gang was always there. The government had dispatched several bandits to kill them, but none of them were able to find the other party's lair. No one expected that they would be so easily taken care of by the Third Prince, and it did not even cost the officials a single soldier.

If not for the fact that it was a secret, he really wanted to share another set of Advice Letter and talk about this matter properly.

This was a good thing to get rid of the harm for the people!

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