Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 55

C55 – Partitioned Bed!

The small relay station offered poor accommodations and meals, prompting Yin Xu to clean up early and retire to bed.

Since Lai Jiquan joined them, Teng Yu initially decided against continuing to share a bed with Yin Xu due to circulating rumors from their frequent room-sharing.

However, Yin Xu dismissed the concerns, pulling Teng Yu back to bed with the argument, “The rumors are already out there, wouldn’t leaving now only make you feel guilty?”

“What is there to fear? I have done nothing wrong!” Teng Yu declared, considering himself perhaps the most virtuous man ever.

Yin Xu looked at him with a subtle gleam in his eyes, asking, “So, what benefit do you seek?”

Teng Yu responded with a smile, wrapping his arms around Yin Xu’s waist and overpoweringly laying him on the thick quilt, pinning his wrist above his head, “I’m not exploiting you without cause; I’m merely fulfilling the rumors, otherwise, I suffer too much.”

Yin Xu tensed momentarily, his reaction due to the close contact with Teng Yu rather than fear.

He hesitated, saying, “This… needs discussion.”

Teng Yu gazed down at his pale face and flushed lips, feeling his heart race and his breathing quicken.

“Discuss what? How do we turn rumors into reality?”

“What exactly did the rumor say?”

“Do you truly want to know?”

“Definitely. It concerns me, after all.”

Teng Yu recalled recent intelligence along with the Advice Letter. Another tale was spreading covertly throughout the empire featuring him and Yin Xu as the protagonists.

The original story depicted heroic youths combating assassins to protect a prince, but over time, the narrative evolved into increasingly scandalous rumors. The latest he heard was, “The dashing youth, smitten with the prince, risks his life; moved by his beauty, the prince invites him into his chambers nightly for tender care.”

“It’s hardly exaggerated; much of it is accurate,” Yin Xu mused, finding the embellished version quite appealing.

Teng Yu gently traced his finger across Yin Xu’s cheek, softly inquiring, “Which part is true? The young man’s admiration or… the nightly devotion?”

“Obviously, it’s about the prince being captivated by beauty and keeping me in his room! It fits perfectly! Think, would you still want to share a bed if I were as big as a ball like before?”

Having never seen Yin Xu overweight, Teng Yu shuddered at the mental image before focusing intently on Yin Xu’s features.

Yin Xu, noting his intense look, chuckled, then suddenly pulled Teng Yu close and bit his lips hard enough to taste blood, which stirred the demonic energy within Yin Xu’s core.

Human blood, Life Absorbing Soul Essence, and consuming them were undoubtedly the most potent elixirs for the Demonic Cultivator, and Teng Yu’s constitution was ideally suited for them, making them the perfect supplements.

Suppressing the urge within, he traced his tongue over Teng Yu’s split lips, remarking, “Isn’t this delightful? It’s quite simple!”

A flicker of astonishment crossed Teng Yu’s gaze, then he narrowed his eyes, grasping Yin Xu’s chin to meet his stare.

“Do you comprehend the consequences of overstepping with me?”

Yin Xu blinked, adopting a nonchalant tone, “What if the Third Prince catches us again?”

Teng Yu tightened his grip, leaving crimson imprints on Yin Xu’s chin.

With fierce intensity, he interrogated, “You think I won’t dare?” Without awaiting Yin Xu’s response, he descended, sinking his teeth into Yin Xu’s lips.

“Ugh…” Teng Yu’s bite was more forceful than before. As Yin Xu gasped for air, Teng Yu skillfully maneuvered his tongue between Yin Xu’s parted lips.

Though inexperienced in matters of intimacy, Teng Yu grasped the essence of kissing. Recognizing that it transcended mere lip contact, he sought depth.

When their tongues met, both recoiled momentarily before succumbing to an indescribable wave of pleasure.

Without finesse, Teng Yu aggressively engaged Yin Xu’s tongue, their movements unrefined. The faint scent of blood heightened Yin Xu’s senses, igniting a fiery sensation throughout his body.

Teng Yu, similarly affected, felt a long-dormant desire surge within him, akin to devouring the other whole.

Upon parting, their disheveled attire and bruised, swollen lips bespoke their passion.

Gasping for breath, Teng Yu disengaged and leaped from the bed. Hands clasped behind him, he strode forward, inquiring, “Han Sen, has the chamber been tidied?”

Yin Xu chuckled at Teng Yu’s departure, inwardly musing: Such an unguarded reaction should be laid bare for all to witness, revealing their ignorance!

“Your Highness, you…” He hesitated, contemplating: Weren’t you cohabiting with Seventh Young Master Huo? Moreover, the chamber was unmistakably designated for the Third Prince, the inn’s most opulent accommodation.

A bone-chilling draft swept the corridor, leaving only a solitary lantern aglow.

Tilting his head to obscure his lips, Teng Yu commanded in a husky tone, “Arrange another chamber.”

His heartbeat still racing, breath uneven, the brisk air lent clarity to his mind. Yet, upon reflection, the recent encounter seemed increasingly surreal.

Though Teng Yu professed indifference to gender in intimate matters, the reality of engaging in same-sex relations was previously inconceivable. Nonetheless, the impulse-driven act left him unrepentant.

He also vividly recalled the passionate enthusiasm he once felt. Had circumstances been different, he might have pursued that fervor further.

Han Sen worked efficiently, quickly arranging a room with a heated brick bed and a soft blanket, making the space comfortably warm.

“Your Highness…” Han Sen hesitated, intending to inquire about his intentions regarding Huo Tian, but he paused, unsure.

However, overwhelmed by his thoughts, Teng Yu dismissed him with a gesture, saying, “Whatever it is, we can discuss it tomorrow.”

Once Han Sen had left, he commanded someone hidden in the corner, “Assign four Dark Guards to monitor the Seventh Young Master Huo’s room. If he leaves at night, they should follow him discreetly.”

A quiet affirmation came from the shadows, followed by the sound of someone departing. Alone, Teng Yu lay in bed, covering his head with a blanket, pondering over his conflicted emotions.

Yet, Yin Xu did not venture out that night. Instead, after some restlessness, he put on his robes and quietly entered Teng Yu’s room. The concealed Dark Guard witnessed this but was uncertain whether to intervene.


“Shh!” “Sleep!”

“Why are you here?”

“I find it hard to sleep alone.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

“If you can’t sleep, you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow. If you can’t wake up, you won’t be able to leave.”

“Wait…” “Are you made of ice? You’re so cold!”

“…” “The warmth would come quicker if you held her closer.”

“Get your hands off!”

“No, leave them!” “It’s the warmest spot on the belly!”

“Stay still!”

“Understood…” “Who knew you were so ticklish. You weren’t like this before.”

“Who’s to blame here?”

“Alright, we’ll delay until it’s permissible in the capital, but you’re only getting two hours.”

“What nonsense!” “Who do you think you are?”

“In two hours, I’ll come and get him myself. Try me if you doubt it!”

“You’re too presumptuous!”

“No more words. Sleep!” They settled down and eventually both fell asleep amidst some shifting.

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