Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 - The Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets

The Sky Piercing Pavilion stood grand and expansive, spanning five floors—a rare spectacle in the capital. Its architecture bore resemblance to the Jiangnan region, boasting intricate designs amidst the surrounding structures.

Upon Yin Xu's entrance, his attention was immediately captured by a lifelike jade sculpture of a female servant positioned opposite the entrance. Crafted to the proportions of a typical woman, it exuded remarkable realism.

Observing Yin Xu's fixed gaze on the exquisite sculpture, Teng Yu impassively nudged him aside. “Cease your admiration. This jade carving serves as a guardian treasure of the Sky Piercing Pavilion, not for sale.”

Yin Xu turned, remnants of desire still lingering in his eyes, exacerbating his discontent.

Just as he was about to depart in a huff, Yin Xu whispered into Teng Yu's ear, “With such a sizable jade piece, if we acquire it, I can craft a labyrinth and lethal formation for your Scenic Garden. Anyone daring to trespass would meet certain demise, haha.”

Teng Yu found himself oddly thrilled by Yin Xu's sinister chuckle, even as goosebumps pricked his skin. Yet, his somber mood had transformed into clarity as he inquired, “You possess knowledge of formations?”

“A modicum.” Formations weren't his forte, but sequestered for years, he had fortified himself with an array of defensive and offensive formations, save those reliant on spirit stones.

“Jade exclusively?” Teng Yu mused, stroking his chin.

“Any stone imbued with spiritual essence suffices. However, presently, this is the sole specimen I've unearthed.”

“I likely have numerous stones in storage, all at your disposal. Additionally, I can provide jade from the reserves behind Loong'an Temple.”

As though preempting Yin Xu's intentions, Teng Yu cautioned, “Publicly, the Sky Piercing Pavilion masquerades as a treasure emporium, yet covertly, it traffics in assassination intelligence. Rumor has it, its proprietor leads the most enigmatic assassination syndicate in the martial realm.”

“Assassins? Similar to the encounters we've had en route?”

“To some extent. However, assassins prove more formidable adversaries than the mercenaries bred by wealthy clans. One group earns coin, while the other emerges from opulent coffers.”

“This organization intrigues me somewhat.” Since grasping the world's dynamics, Yin Xu felt more aligned with the martial realm, unfettered by conventional laws and morals.

Engrossed in their clandestine conversation, they drew numerous disdainful glances and hushed criticism from bystanders. Several scholars privately disparaged them as “disgraceful.”

“Come, let us peruse attentively. Offerings hail from all corners—from the northern and southern rivers to the western reaches and beyond. With Royal Father's impending birthday, it's opportune to select a fitting congratulatory gift.”

Yin Xu reflected, “Were others aware that the Third Prince's birthday celebration was hastily arranged and sourced from such a place, they'd likely decry him as unfilial.”

Aside from the prominent treasures on the ground level, the remainder lacked significant value, comprising trinkets of minor worth albeit novelty.

Yin Xu took a liking to a small wooden horse, winding it to watch it trot autonomously. Captivated by its lifelike demeanor, Yin Xu resolved to bring it home.

On the second floor, an array of jewelry, gold, silver, and gemstones bedazzled visitors with their splendor, attracting a multitude of female patrons.

The proprietor of this second level goes by the surname Jin. Last time you encountered him, he was crafting that golden crown. He has a peculiar habit of only producing three items per year. Once finished, regardless of who requests it, he refuses payment.

“Rare creations are beyond price,” Yin Xu remarked, not finding this individual particularly impressive. Mortals like these had never witnessed a genuine Divine Inscriptionist. Their handiwork not only looked good but also served practical purposes.

Teng Yu selected an emerald ring and slipped it onto Yin Xu's finger, enhancing its elegance with a green glow, rendering him exquisitely beautiful.

“Looks exquisite. I'll have this,” Teng Yu declared, cautioning Yin Xu, “Don't remove it.”

Examining his hand repeatedly, Yin Xu murmured, “It's troublesome!”

Ascending to the third floor, Yin Xu noticed the reduced crowd and shelving, creating a spacious atmosphere.

Leading him to a shelf, Teng Yu retrieved a tome and handed it to him, smiling, “Ancient texts, a variety of manuscripts rarely seen elsewhere, including martial arts techniques.”

“Is that so?” Yin Xu perused the tome, encountering an image of a couple in an intimate posture, instinctively asking, “Dual Cultivation Method?”

Teng Yu paused momentarily, then burst into laughter upon grasping Yin Xu's implication. “What are you imagining?”

Realizing his mistake as he reached the end, Yin Xu scoffed, “Will these be available on the market?”

“This isn't an ordinary Spring Palace painting but a creation by Young Master Lan Ling. The figures within are lifelike, accompanied by brief descriptions. Each booklet fetches ten silver taels,” Teng Yu explained.

With a mocking expression, Yin Xu tossed the tome back, jesting, “I believe I've seen a similar volume under your pillow. Who would've thought the elusive Third Prince would sneakily peruse Spring Palace Maps?”

Teng Yu's mouth twitched. That must have been surreptitiously placed there by Han Sen.

“Let's find you a genuine martial arts manual,” Teng Yu suggested, discarding the Spring Palace Map and leading Yin Xu to the adjacent shelf.

Within the Big Dipper, only Sky Piercing Pavilion was known to store various ancient texts and records in a separate space. To locate desired items, one had to rely on fortune and patience.

Supposedly dating back a millennium, the sheepskin-bound book had disintegrated, with some pages missing. Despite failing to find those pages, the scholar was elated.

Another individual, harboring aspirations in the martial arts realm, stumbled upon a tattered manual and purchased it at any cost. Years later, he became a celebrated martial arts figure, founding his own sect.

Naturally, there were instances of paying a hefty price for a counterfeit.

Teng Yu's fortune smiled upon him as he unearthed a fist manual, presenting it to Yin Xu as though offering a treasure. “Take a look.”

Flipping through with minimal expectation, Yin Xu initially found the Fist Art unsuitable. However, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he thrust it back into Teng Yu's hands. “Purchase it.”

“Is it really what you want?” Teng Yu had already glanced over it earlier, finding nothing particularly remarkable.

“No, it's for you.” Yin Xu's eyes brightened. He glanced around cautiously before continuing in a hushed tone, “The Flame Yang Spell is merely a mental cultivation technique. On its own, this fist technique may seem ineffective, but when paired with the Flame Yang Spell, its potential amplifies tenfold.”

Teng Yu mentally ran through the Fist Art. Indeed, its style was ornate. If he could enhance its potency by tenfold, it would become a formidable technique with extensive attack capabilities.

“If we were to sell the Flame Yang Spell to Sky Piercing Pavilion, how much do you think they'd offer?” Yin Xu pondered, doing some quick calculations.

“The value of the Flame Yang Spell transcends mere currency. Unlike other treasures that are acquired through chance, the Flame Yang Spell, once known, would incite a frenzy where lives are disregarded in the pursuit of it.”

“That's intriguing. If someone could acquire such a treasure, it could even pose a challenge to the Huo Family. Not bad at all.”

“We can discuss this later. At least, its existence won't be divulged until I ascend the throne. Even if I have to flaunt it in the future, I'll start with bolstering the military.”

Recognizing Teng Yu's autonomy in the matter, Yin Xu refrained from further involvement. After all, the item had been bestowed upon Teng Yu; he had the liberty to decide its fate.

Nearly two hours passed as they lingered on the third floor before ascending to the fourth. The fourth floor housed rare and valuable treasures, albeit in limited quantity, each of exceptional quality.

“Let's find a suitable gift for me.” This was Teng Yu's true purpose for the day.

Having witnessed countless treasures, Yin Xu found most earthly treasures merely admirable.

Yet, among the selections, he found a few noteworthy items: a dagger capable of slicing through metal as if it were clay, a shirt impervious to sword penetration, and a finely crafted concealed weapon. He kept the dagger and concealed weapon for himself, presenting the treasured garment to Teng Yu.

“Consider this my gift in return, though it may not equate in value.” Teng Yu finally had the opportunity to lavish Yin Xu with his wealth. Despite the considerable expenditure, he was elated.

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