D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1237 1237 Taking the Fall 2 Guest Edition

Chapter 1237 Chapter 1237 Taking the Fall 2 Guest Edition


Blue looked at the table, the pitcher of water and the sweets for a second before swiping a handful of the sweets stating, "I'm not involved today. I did my work for the team yesterday, goodnight," and collapsing onto the ground. "Ow"

"See, that's what you get for being silly," said Nell.

"Worth it," said Blue around the candy. Well it sounded more like 'mrth it' but everyone in the room got the idea.

Nell just shook her head and poured herself a glass, "Fine, Blue can rest if she wants. She IS the big points winner for us and yesterday was a lot of work for her. If I'd known how much effort she'd need to put into things I would've done things differently, maybe had someone else take her place in the Twister contest,"

Ellenell laughed, "That's not what wore her out and you know it. It was just a big day for her, and she stayed up late chatting with Ulf, I mean, 'Steve' of course,"

Nabras rolled his eyes, "Nobody believes that he's actually some random farmer. Even if he's not Ulf, I refuse to believe his name is STEVE of all things. That man has seen some shit, and Steve is a relatively new name, so I doubt it's his real one,"

Bonas was about to chime in when Nell cut in instead, "Look, as fascinating as that all is, we need to discuss what we're doing for the day. Blue is out, obviously, and Ellenell is our major player for today, what with his mana capacity. I feel like I should also participate, and perhaps Nabras with me. That will give us the most options come day 4,"

Ellenell shrugged and said, "I can participate in whatever challenges you desire but I suspect I would be little more then dead weight on the obstacle course,"

"Yeah, his old bones wouldn't be able to keep up. That's why I should do it," claimed Nabras, ignoring the fact that Nell had, lightly, implied that he shouldn't participate today. Her reason was a good one… even if not the whole truth. Nabras wasn't taking things seriously, not after they made it back in. Perhaps he was assuming there would be a third chance?

Bonas sighed at her brother and said, "I'm easy. I'll happily take over a task, or sit the day out. It doesn't bother me,"

Nell thought on the suggestion for a moment. "I'm thinking myself for the obstacle course, Ellenell for the second task, just have him run away from everyone else. It's just distance and time that matter, and he should be good enough to avoid people… so which of you two wants to plumet from a great height?" finished Nell as she looked between the two wolves.


March let out a long sigh of disappointment. "Today looks like such fun, I am saddened that I participated two days in a row,"

Chartreuse patted March's large arm in consolation, "Aw don't worry, you've got that challenge with Kat and Marigold later, so that's going to be something at least,"

March perked back up at that, and nodded in agreement, "Yes, you're right. I shouldn't feel bad that I missed a chance to run the gauntlet officially when my challenge will come later this afternoon,"

Willow and Burgandy just took a seat, Stan was somehow, already in one. Eventually March and Chartreuse made their way to the table as well. March took a handful of the candy and started to crunch on it, causing most of the others to wince. "Um… March I'm pretty sure you're meant to suck on those," offered Burgandy.

March shrugged and said, "I know, but this is a good workout for my jaw muscles. Sure you can train all the time, but to truly make training a lifestyle you have to incorporate training into the little things, like eating,"

"Don't pass this off as training," grumbled Burgandy, "You just eat candy like a fucking lunatic,"

March shrugged, unconcerned by the accusation. Before this could get out of hand, Willow pulled everyone's focus back in, "Ok guys, we've got time to decide who's doing what, and a fair bit of it. March and Stan can't participate, obviously, so we've just got to decide who wants to do want. Does anybody have any requests?"

Chartreuse, in his usual quiet voice said, "I'm not interested in doing the obstacle course at all… I don't think I'd be that good with it. I don't really want to fight the others directly. I don't really want to do the first task either, but I understand I've got the mana for it, and I might be the best option. So if you all," Chartreuse looked over everyone except Stan, "think that it's best I take part in that one, I will,"

Willow looked at Burgandy who shrugged. Willow shrugged. Burgandy shrugged. Willow wiggled her eyebrows. Burgandy showed her teeth. Willow leaned back to look down at Burgandy. Burgandy raised an eyebrow.

"So it's decided, I'll do the drop, you do the obstacle course," said Willow firmly.

"Wait hang on, how did that nonsense decided anything?" retorted Burgandy.

"So you don't want to do the obstacle course?" asked Willow.

"Now I didn't say that…" replied Burgandy.


"I call the second task," said Asteodia.

"I call sitting out," said Borgick.

Carl and Cyan looked at each other. Carl shrugged.

"Well I've been banned for the day so just make up your mind between you two," said Romilda.

"Do you actually want to try any of these?" asked Cyan. Carl shrugged. "Well if you're going to be like I guess I'll take the first task. The obstacle course seems like such a hassle,"

"Plus, there's no Marigold," said Asteodia with a grin. Cyan slapped the back of the elf's head. He didn't need to deal with more jokes about that.


"BOOOO, why did I have to get banned from today! Everything looks awesome. Why oh why was I tempted by the previous challenges!" said Marigold as she collapsed into a chair and slammed her hands repeatedly on the table.

"You were too interested in the potential for sexual situations and jokes," answered Vanya dryly. "An excuse to bounce around in a swimsuit, and one to sexually harass people while disguising it as strategy was too much for you small bit of self-control to handle,"

Marigold rounded on Vanya, "Oh, lacking in self-control, am I? If my self-control is really that poor why don't I strip you naked and take you here? Right now? I've got nothing else to do!"

"Can you two horny shitheads save this for later?" asked Mauve. "We've got shit to plan, and I certainly don't want to watch the weird shit you pair get up to in the bedroom. I've already heard enough of it, seeing it would scar me for life,"

"Hey, I'm not that horny," retorted Vanya.

"Vanya, you currently aren't wearing any underwear, you've got no room to defend yourself," said Burnice.

"Oh, little Burnice is noticing Vanya's lack of underwear? Oh my oh my, what has the world come to," said Marigold with a laugh.

"No, I've noticed nothing new. I know this BECUASUE YOU TWO THREW VANYA'S BRA INTO MY BEDROOM WHILE I WAS SLEEPING! RIGHT ONTO MY FACE!" shouted Burnice back.

"Oh…" said Marigold. "That was your room… um… oops?" Marigold didn't look all that sorry, but she was a little bit. Hitting her face with it was a step too far, even if it was hilarious. Vanya for her part was bright red and looked rather mortified.

"Wait, how did you even open the door?" asked Midnight.

"I gave them both permission when they wanted to raid my closet the other day and didn't rescind it. Clearly that was a mistake," said Burnice with a sigh. Not all that angry really. She just wanted to blow off a bit of steam… plus it was a great opening provided by Marigold. Had to make use of those.

Mauve cut in, "Don't we have more serious things to discuss?"

"I'm always serious about sex," said Marigold. "And I don't like that you want to pretend otherwise,"

Mauve slapped Marigold across the face. Sure Marigold enjoyed it, if the bright smile she had when she sat back up was anything to go by, but it made Mauve feel better, so she felt it was worth it. "Focus. Who is going to do what? Marigold obviously is doing nothing, but what about the rest of us?"

"Midnight should probably take the first task," said Vanya.

"I'm not disagreeing… but I had my eye on that one myself," said Mauve.

"Oh, not the obstacle course?" asked Vanya.

Mauve shrugged and said, "A little, but this first task seems particularly thrilling. Send Midnight to do the second, and then you or Burnice can do the third,"

"I wish to test myself against the obstacle course, but I am willing to wait until the bout with Kat, Marigold, and March to participate if you want to take the official run," said Vanya.

Burnice shrugged, "Either is fine with me,"

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