D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1156 1156 Marigold Any-Where She Wants

Nixilei Chapter. 


Blue – Left Leg Yellow, Left Hand Red, Right Leg Blue, Right Hand Red (Top right corner)

Nixilei – Right leg Green, Lef Hand blue (Laying sideways across bottom of mat)

Marigold – Right Leg Green Left Leg Red, Right Hand Gren (Showing off her flexibility at the top of the mat)

Stan – Right Hand Green, Left Hand Green (Top left corner) [Stan's Turn]


"Stan the man, let's see where your hands land…" said Thyme spinning the wheel, "Huh, seems your hands aren't going anywhere, but instead your legs. Just barely spun on left leg red… but then it would've just been right leg red, so… meh," Thyme finishes with a shrug. 

He was right too. Nixilei couldn't see it well from her position on the mat but the stick that noted where on the wheel was selected happened to be just a single pin off right leg. As Thyme said though, it didn't really matter as they both produced about the same result. 

"Dammit man, what's with this green to red shit," grumbled Stan. 

"Hey at least you don't have to get down low like me," said Marigold, "You can just throw a bridge or something. My legs are pretty long, but you've got your whole torso AND your arms to help you along," 

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. I've got balls so if I tried that nonsense you're doing I'd be touching the ground. Technically. Wait, Thyme would that count me as out?" asked Stan suddenly curious. 

Thyme let out a tired sigh, the clown makeup morphing into a frown. "I don't like that this is being brought out, but yes, technically speaking that would mean you were touching that mat, and thus eliminated. I pray that it doesn't come up. Ever." 

With that statement made, Stan got to work figuring out how he was going to do this. In the end, he decided to go about it by first performing a handstand, then crossing his right leg over his left to hold it in place, then dropping down over to the red side. It wasn't too difficult to just fall into place. Stan's arms were strong enough that it wasn't an issue, and being a leg down was no trouble for the demon even if he was no Kat. 

"Right, now let's hope things aren't too confusing for Blue's turn!" said Thyme as they once again spun the wheel. "Right leg red. Apparently Red is a popular colour these days," 

*Ooh, that's a rough one.* Nixilei winced internally. It was true. While technically speaking, moving Blue's leg from blue to red wasn't too bad, other things made it awkward. With Blue's right hand on red, followed by Marigold and Stan taking up their own spaces, the closest free space for her foot was actually four from the top. "Can I have my arm and leg on the same spot?" asked Blue. 

"Nope," said Thyme shooting down that faint hope quickly. Blue just groaned and then started trying to work out exactly how she was going to do this. She'd already been leaning pretty heavily forward. Now she had to reach over Marigold and Stan to get her foot in place. Then a horrible realisation flashed through Blue's mind. 

To get everything in place… Blue realised that she'd be more or less resting her ass on Marigold's face. "Marigold… could you… perhaps… move a bit?" asked Blue. 

"Nope," said Marigold. "I'm very comfy as is," Marigold bounced a little bit, enjoying the burn in her tendons as they creaked under the strain of the bob. The slight slippage of her feet on the dots was a small price to pay.  I think you should take a look at

"Well fine then," snapped Blue. Deciding to take a bit of revenge. She lifted her right leg and then shifted herself so that she was using Marigold's face as a chair to get her foot down on the red dot. "How do you like that Marigold?" 

Marigold frowned into Blue's ass. She wanted to comment but her mouth would be opening… right there. And Thyme had been clear not to take things too far… but Blue had just sat here, of her own free will… and then ASKED A QUESTION. Marigold cursed her desire to win even as the extra weight from Blue increased the burning in her legs. She desperately wanted to answer the question for many reasons. 

"Looks like Marigold's mouth is shut for the moment. Gee, I wonder why," mused Thyme allowed as they spun the wheel. "Looks like it's going to be right hand blue for Nixilei! Don't get that mixed up with Blue the other competitor, she's got enough contact with Marigold for the moment," 

Marigold and Blue had the intense desire to glare at Thyme but only one of them could do so. Nixilei meanwhile kept herself positioned sideways and simply lowered her hand down to the dot, choosing the second from the bottom next to her other hand. Part of her wanted to move positions to 'lay flat' but extra movement was an unneeded risk for now. 

"Yup, really crowding up around Blue there… so Marigold do you get away? It seems the answer is no because it's left hand yellow," said Thyme as the wheel spun once again. 

Marigold smiled, rubbing her nose from side to side a bit but Blue clamped down on her instinctive response. This was an easy move and Marigold just moved her free hand over to yellow. Part of her wanted to place that hand on one of the dots closer to the centre, but Marigold decided that would be riskier than picking the one next to Blue's left leg. Marigold did of course make sure to caress Blue's calf along the way, but that was a given, along with Marigold's refusal to move her face. For… reasons. Reasonable reasons. 

"Stan, are you going to join those two? Or will you be sent far away? Honestly who even knows at this point… it's… huh…" Thyme looked at the wheel with a glare. It said 'left hand green' and Thyme wasn't exactly happy about it. "Hmm… part of me wants to say you need to choose another dot… but as soon as you raise your hand technically it will be empty… so you know what? Do that! Or move if you want, but you do need to lift your hand up!' insisted Thyme. 

Stan just shrugged, lifted the hand then placed it back down. Easy move. No fuss. "Well that was boring," said Thyme. "Blue gimme something interesting! YEAH THAT'S IT! RIGHT LEG GREEN"

"Oh fuck me," whispered Blue. 

"Sure!" answered Marigold into Blue's ass. 

"Not like that!" hissed Blue back as she tried to figure out how she was going to do this. Wait, no the answer was easy. Just abuse the fact she was using Marigold as a chair. With that knew knowledge in mind, Blue rested her entire weight on Marigold, who let out a moan Blue tried to ignore, and pulled her leg up from red and moved it all the way over passed her left on yellow and into the freed up corner space that Cyan had abandoned before. 

"Playing rough are you?" asked Marigold, face still where it was before, now pressed up against Blue's boobs. Sure Marigold might not have moved but Blue sure did. Marigold was loving it. Thyme, deciding that yeah Blue didn't have a right to complain, let it go. If Marigold pushed maybe they'd do something… but yeah this was completely Blue's fault. 

Blue shivered at the question. Trying her best not to react to the hot breath of Marigold. "P-perfectly f-fine and you c-can't say I'm taking advantage of you w-when you enjoy it," said Blue nervously. 

"That was… significantly more boring then I thought it was. Marigold why did you just let her get away with that! You could've moved your head at any time!" said Thyme. Marigold blushed, realising that she wasn't thinking about the game so much as she was enjoying having a hot woman's ass pressed against her face. "Whatever, right arm red Nix. Just get it done. You've done it before, you can do it again, easily," 

*Technically it's slightly harder now that I have an extra arm down… but yeah it's no issue, in fact it's easier with the other arm down.* Nixilei did as asked. No troubles, and Thyme spun the wheel for Marigold. "Entertainment. Entertainment. Enter. Tainment," chanted Thyme.

"Oh come on!" said Thyme throwing their hands up in the air. "Why is it only Marigold that gets these! Fine whatever, Right leg anywhere you want Marigold," 

Marigold smiled, she wanted to get in a slightly less precarious position. Moving it to blue would be best in her mind… though… she was flexible enough for a joke first. Marigold flexed her legs and managed to place her foot on Blue's back. Barely. "There we go, Right leg Blue!" said Marigold with a smile. 

"Nope, do it properly," said Thyme. Marigold was unsurprised, and moved her foot to blue dots without issue, picking the one second from the top without complaining. It was a silly joke, and a great excuse, but just that. A joke, and she knew it. 

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