D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1253 1253 Eyes of Nix

Chapter 1253 Chapter 1253 Eyes of Nix

--- Nixilei ---

Nixilei was the first person from her team to walk back through the doorway to Thyme. Granted, Kat and Lily hadn't left, but that didn't change the fact that Kress, Green and Gareth were all 'busy'. Kress was spending time with Stan, while Green and Gareth were just with each other in the medical bay. Kress' expressions had continually switched through a whole assortment of emotions that even Nixilei was unsure what they all meant.

*I can't decide if this is good for him or not. Stan seems remarkably sweet on the lout for some reason… but I know enough about demons to know that 'long-term' is a foreign concept to a lot of them. Kat and Lily are the weird ones. Sure they tend to settle into normal relationships eventually but they have wild teenage years. I'm not sure I want Kress exposed to that… or for him to have his heart broken.

Which isn't even the biggest issue. No, the real problem is how often is Stan even going to be around. Kress can't just summon the guy up every time they want to go on a date. Plus, I have no idea how they're going to keep in contact. Even if things work out, it's going to be very hard for them both… but Green and Gareth, or at least Gareth, seem to think this is a good thing so I shan't interfere.*

That of course, bought her thoughts around to Green and Gareth. Currently, Green was complaining about needing to show up for the introduction to the round, while Gareth was promising her various favours. Which was nonsense really. Gareth would eventually just pick up Green and carry her along, while Green would be able to get everything promised just by asking. Assuming Gareth was healthy enough of course It was a rather normal song and dance… but with Kress also engaged in romantic activities Nixilei was starting to feel a bit left out.

*Which is ridiculous because I don't even have any interest in romance right now. Not only would that be a massive drain on my time and energy I certainly haven't found anyone I'm interesting in kissing, let alone courting or laying with. I just wish I felt less like a third wheel, or fifth wheel I suppose in this case. Perhaps it's not that I feel left out, but I feel as though they're moving on without me?

What a strange idea. I've watched over Green for many years, and Gareth has been around for most of them. They've been smitten with each other for a long time, and the marriage was arranged potentially even before that. Things have hardly changed… all that's happened is Kress might have found someone.*

Nixilei held in a sigh. She'd been emoting a bit too much recently, her training had been cracking. Not necessarily a bad thing in the short term, but it wouldn't do to make such a thing a habit once again. *When did I become their bloody mother! I shouldn't be feeling like this at all. We're practically the same age.*

Nixilei stepped through the door and saw that things had been rearranged. There was now four sets of two couches and with a single red arm-chair between them. Things were a little different for the fifth set. There was one large couch that seemed to have bat-wings on it with a small couch on either side, and a red armchair behind it. In front of all that was a stage but nothing was upon it just yet. Thyme would likely show up there at some point.

The final thing of note was the big wooden sign near the doorway. On it, sat the words 'Competitors for this round please chose a red chair' in dripping red paint, Nixilei knew what blood looked like well enough to know this wasn't. I wonder if anyone will think that's blood. A few steps forward and Nixilei realised why there was an extra couch for one of the sets. Kat and Lily were resting on it. Though… Nixilei carefully walked off to the side. It looked like they were asleep now.

*Probably just Lily. Hmmm… maybe I should look into getting a pet or a familiar? That might keep me busy and when people are being annoying I can just sick a dog on them or something. That actually seems like an amusing idea. Not sure if it's worth making them a familiar… but it could be really funny even if they aren't. Perhaps if we win today I should ask Thyme for one?

What would I want if I were to get a familiar? Something sneaky, or at the very least, that can be trained to sneak around. Likely shouldn't go for anything too identifiable either… unless I go for something sufficiently small that I can hide in my pockets or something? I don't think I know any small animals that are all that powerful though. Sure there are various insect swarms that can be a problem, but really it's the numbers not the individuals.*

Nixilei grabbed the red chair behind Kat's and pushed it closer so she could sit on the armrest and looked over the back of the couch down at the pair. "I see you two have gotten comfortable," said Nixilei.

Nixilei was surprised when Lily opened her eyes first. It was almost odd to see the girl outside of her transformed state. It was oftentimes easier to believe the girl had started out as a cat and got a human form. Sure some beastkin took on the traits of their animals, but for Lily it was almost ridiculous. Nixilei wondered how Lily could sleep so much, ignoring the loud voice pointing out so did Green.

For a spy like Nixilei, watching Lily could be a fascinating thing. She was certain the girl didn't notice half of the things she did. Her tail would always swish off towards Kat instead of properly side to side, or that Lily always seemed to have her ears twitching in Kat's direction, constantly listening and checking up on the demon. Her eyes were usually quite sharp, sharper looking then Kat's… but that was the work of those slit pupils really. Lily was much less a wild cat, and more a housecat, despite the amount of magical power Nixilei could feel from the small girl.

Nixilei wanted to scoff as Lily pushed herself up, stretching herself out first as if she wore more a cat then a person, further proving Nixilei's thoughts. Lily yawned showing off a set of sharp teeth as she did so, before lazily looking around at Nixilei. "Indeed we are. Thyme made us this fancy couch so why not use it?" offered Lily.

"I'm surprised you're the one awake and talking," said Nixilei. "Usually you let Kat do all of that for you,"

"Are you implying something?" asked Lily, eyes narrowing.

Nixilei shrugged and said, "Do remember the first time I met you, you were stuck as a cat. I only half believed Kat's story of you being a person once upon a time, and even now you wear your influence strongly. I really am just surprised to see you as the one awake,"

Lily frowned. "Am… am I really that bad? Wait no, Kat isn't actually asleep, we're testing out having her see through my eyes more. I… I managed to get it working the other way around really quickly. It seemed to just… work on my end. Um… but anyway, what do you mean about my influence? I'm guessing I'm acting like a cat?"

Nixilei nodded and explain, "Indeed. Much more so then a normal beastkin,"

Lily frowned as well. "I was told that was pretty normal, that I'd have those sorts of habits after the change. I was also told not to fight them too much, or rather, only fight the ones I really don't like… but how much has it really changed me I wonder…"

Nixilei shrugged at that and said, "I can't truly say. I didn't know you before. You might've been more 'cat-like' then the feline beastkin I know of even before your transformation. Perhaps it isn't anything to worry about… but you don't see Nell stuffing herself and getting ready to hibernate, or the wolf siblings running around biting at each other all the time,"

"I don't bite people," said Lily.

"I know that, but it's not that you're acting like a wild cat, but more like a house pet. Perhaps I'm just noticing it more because most beastkin take after their wilder heritage in terms of instincts, but it is noticeable," said Nixilei.

"Hmm… well there was this one time I just ran down a boar. Kat had to chase after me, well she was faster then me so 'chase after' sort of implies she couldn't catch me. Anyway, um… no I definitely still have those instincts as well. It's just nice to be around Kat, and I'm not really noticing anything all that weird. Other than the sleep of course,"

Nixilei shrugged and said, "Who really knows. I am a touch surprised about the fact you were compelled to hunt, but I might just be seeing things that aren't there. Though… perhaps it is due to how much time you spend in that form? Even if most of that time is asleep?"

"I… I'll think about it," mumbled Lily.

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