Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 387 Hear the Past Story from Dad

Chapter 387 Hear the Past Story from Dad

No one knows how Chen Xiaopang persuades her. Anyway, Zhao Ying finally agrees to go with them. However, Tang Cao secretly says that she is paid several times more than lawyer’s fee. The next day, three people fly to the Northeast. At night, Tang Cao calls back that he is going to freeze to death as soon as he gets out of the plane. They buy coats, cotton shoes and pants in mall first. Then they take another three hours’ drive to Fang Diandian’s hometown.

“It’s minus 26 degrees Celsius!” Chang Pei’e says, “They are almost to the most northerly city of our country. I’ve asked him to wear more clothes. But he didn’t listen to me.”

Bai Susu yawns, “He’s grown up. Don’t care about him. He will wear more if he’s cold. Well, Hua! Hasn’t Ruoxian’s father returned home yet?”

“He’ll come soon. Yesterday he was in Thailand and wanted to see lady-boy.” Tang Duo shrugs her shoulders, “Lang Yukun means that his Second Uncle hasn’t travelled in the past few years, so he shows his true nature when he comes out this time.”

But Lang Ruoxian thinks that his father feels anxious when approaching his native place after many years of absence.

“He doesn’t die. But he left me alone for so many years. If I hadn’t been saved in time, I would have been dead.”

Lang Qi must feel anxious about such a relationship between him and his son.

Tang Duo also thinks so. Especially after Brown planned to hurt her, the relationship between them becomes much worse... Two days later, Lang Ruoxian asks Lang Yukun to tell Lang Qi that he doesn’t need to return home if he is afraid.

On that day, Lang Yukun tells everyone with complicated expression that his father and Lang Qi have already got on to the plane and will arrive at night.

“At night?” Bai Susu stands up and says nervously, “Why don’t you tell me early? Do we have enough food ingredients? It must not be enough. Let housemaid buy some!”

Lang Ruoxian puts Sweet Orange in Bai Susu’s arms and says, “Mom, don’t treat it so serious. We just need to cook them a bowl of noodles.”

“Yes!” Lang Yukun also says, “My father said last time that the noodles with soybean paste made by your housemaid were delicious.”

Tang Yao smiles, “As the old saying goes, eat dumplings before leaving and have noodles after coming back. We can give them noodles to welcome them home!”

Bai Susu ignores them who are unreliable. Although the principle food is indeed the noodles with soybean paste, she also prepares many kinds of dishes to fill the table.

“Do you think Lang Ruoxian will fight with his father?” Bai Susu is a little worried after Lang Yukun and Lang Ruoxian go to pick them up in the airport. She asks, “Shall we leave to let them have a one-to-one talk?”

Tang Duo is changing clothes for the twins. Babies must dress beautiful because it’s the first time for them to see Grandpa! She feels funny when hearing her mother’s words, “No, Mom. They are all adults. How can they solve problems by fighting?”

“You’re right.” Bai Susu sighs, “I’m afraid that Lang Ruoxian and his father may feel embarrassed.”

“They will talk in private. We don’t need to care about them.” Tang Duo takes a look at her and says, “By the way, I don’t think his father will live in our house.”

Lang Ruoxian has said that Lang Qi must be keen on face-saving because he played for time to come. Lang Qi won’t come to Tang Family until he removes the misunderstanding between him and Lang Ruoxian.

Sure enough, only Lang Yukun comes back at night.

“My father and Second Uncle live in the hotel.” He says, “Ruoxian will come back later because he wants to talk with Second Uncle.”

Lang Ruoxian has called Tang Duo an hour ago. He told her not to wait for them to have dinner and he would go back after talking with Lang Qi.

“Then!” Bai Susu asks the housemaid to pack dishes and says, “Yukun, go to the hotel again and send these dishes to them.”

Lang Yukun wants to say it is unnecessary. Then he realizes that Bai Susu is expressing her attitude by it! She wants to let Lang Qi know that she welcomes him back as a relative, and to let him have a good impression on Tang Duo.

She tells Lang Yukun, “Don’t worry about You Hao. She is playing table games with Gungun and Wuyou upstairs!”

So Lang Yukun goes to the hotel with many insulation barrels again.

French windows of the presidential suite are beautiful and large, which allow a clear view of several streets. The flickering lights in the night reflect on Lang Ruoxian’s face, making his expression dimly.

“You should blame me. I didn’t do my duty as a father.” Lang Qi sits on the sofa beside him. They look very similar to each other. People will instantly know they are father and son by their faces.

“I never blame you.” Lang Ruoxian turns around and says, “I just wonder what happened then.”

Lang Qi closes his eyes for a short time, “I was seriously injured in that car accident. Laura... Oh, she is the lady of Anselm Family. I’ve known her a long time ago. But I didn’t know her identity.”

It was such a coincidence that Laura came to Hua Country to find Lang Qi and they made an appointment to go there on time. Laura was at the door of the company at that time, and followed him secretly to try to surprise him.

“But my car suddenly hit the viaduct. Laura was the first one to arrive there. Her bodyguard rescued me when I was comatose.”

Before sinking into a deep coma, Lang Qi told Laura that his brake is destroyed. So Laura knew someone wanted to hurt Lang Qi and took him away secretly.

“She wanted to contact your mother. But Anselm Family’s enemies found Laura suddenly.” Lang Qi took a deep breath and says, “Laura could have leaved me there and escaped alone. But she didn’t.”

To save Lang Qi, Laura insisted on taking him to escape together. But there were so many enemies and they were caught finally. Lang Qi’s injury was aggravate because of that.

“Fortunately, one of Laura’s uncles brought his people to save us and took us abroad directly.” Lang Qi looks at Lang Ruoxian and says, “Laura told me that my life was in danger at that time. The doctor abroad said that I might never wake up.”

Lang Qi had been in a coma for five years before he woke up, and it took another three years to rehabilitation.

“During this period, I sent people to Hua Country to investigate and found that you were locked up by Hongye. I tried to save you first, and then I found that your Eldest Uncle destroyed the brake of my car at that time.”

For Lang Qi, it was the darkest period. His younger sister made use of his son. And his elder brother hurt not only himself but also his wife and son.

“I sent people to return home secretly and also helped Laura at the same time.” Lang Qi clears his throat. Lang Ruoxian puckers his lips and pours Lang Qi a glass of water.

Lang Qi smiles. He takes it and has a few sips of water. He continues, “Laura’s uncle who saved us was actually for the property of Anselm Family. Laura told other people that I was her husband and had a car accident in order to save her.”

“Before I woke up, her uncle was in charge of the family business. Laura was a smart girl. She knew there would be others without her uncle.”

After Lang Qi woke up, Laura said it was time for him to repay her.

“I promised to help her guard her family and adopt Brown.” Lang Qi shakes his head, “I didn’t know that she would not live long at that time. Her mother’s family had genetic disease. She also got it.”

Then Lang Qi helped her take over her family. Before Laura died, she asked Lang Qi to promise that he wouldn’t return home and leave Anselm Family before Brown could control the whole family.

“She knew that my greatest wish was to return home. So she asked me to vow with your life.” Lang Qi pours himself a glass of water, “I keep this promise and try my best to train Brown.”

Lang Qi didn’t expect that Brown would come to hurt Lang Ruoxian after knowing his identity.

“My bottom line is you.” Lang Qi raises the corner of his mouth and his eyes look as cold as Lang Ruoxian’s. He says, “Since Brown doesn’t listen to me, I won’t guard the Anselm Family for him.”

After a few seconds of silence in the room, Lang Ruoxian sits down opposite Lang Qi and says, “It’s a very tortuous story.”

“I think so, too.” Lang Qi raises his chin and asks, “But it isn’t as tortuous as my daughter-in-law’s story, is it?”

Lang Ruoxian ignores his joke and says, “But you know that Brown can’t control the Anselm Family without you.”

“You did investigate Brown.” Lang Qi says with his gratified eyes, “I guessed that you had recognized my identity. So I came back quickly. As for Brown and Anselm Family... I don’t want to care about them recently. Anyway, I’m a million miles away from them now.”

“I won’t forgive Brown because he kidnapped Hua.” But Lang Ruoxian sneers, “You’d better pray he doesn’t appear to me.”

Lang Qi raises his arm and explains, “I won’t harbor him. Laura almost brought him up. So he can’t accept that he isn’t Laura’s son until now.”

“So... Don’t kill him! He is Laura’s favorite child.”

“I’m gone.” Lang Ruoxian snorts, “Tomorrow, Forth Uncle will take you there. Remember to prepare the gift.”

“Don’t worry!” Lang Qi wants to pat him on the shoulder. But he draws back his hand after seeing Lang Ruoxian’s eyes. He says, “I’m ready. I won’t lose your face when I visit in-laws for the first time.”

Tang Duo is waiting for Lang Ruoxian to come back. She lies in bed and chats with Fei Ying and Chen Hong. Chen Hong’s due date is coming. So Tang Duo and Fei Ying actively teach her what to pay attention to when the infant is just born.

“Hua?” Lang Ruoxian pushes the door in and sees that she doesn’t sleep. So he asks, “Why don’t you sleep?”

Tang Duo puts down her mobile phone and jumps out of bed. She says, “I’m waiting for you! Let me see. Did you fight with him?”

“What do you think?” Lang Ruoxian pinches her nose and asks, “Did you drink milk?”

“Yes!” Tang Duo pushes him into the bathroom and says, “Take a bath quickly. And then tell me what you talked with him.”

A few minutes later, Tang Duo hears a very complete story, in which she can’t comment on the joys and sorrows because she never experiences it. Finally, she says angrily.

“So it’s all your Eldest Uncle’s fault!”

It is he who begins to hurt Lang Ruoxian’s family. All the tragedies are caused by him!

“It’s a pity that he’s dead, or we can let Dad get revenge.”

Lang Ruoxian puts the quilt on her and says, “He has already revenged. If he hadn’t help me to make my plans perfect, my grandfather would have discovered it.”

“I still think your Eldest Uncle should be alive.” Tang Duo still resents before she falls asleep.

Only when Lang Li lives can he face the fear, and know that he is punished because he did many bad things. Unfortunately... Until Lang Li died, he didn’t know that his younger brother who he wanted to kill was still alive.

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