Destroying My Own Novel

Chapter 441 440: Possible Ally.

"How far are you going to let Glen dig about us, Mykel?" Nephilim asked as she put down all the documents she had brought from her office. "Are you trying to get all of us exposed?" She looked at Mykel at the dining table and enjoyed his vodka.

"Yes, but it's not time yet," Mykel looked at Nephilim sitting in front of him with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Since Kiersha had done her part, it's time for you to make a move now," Mykel said.

Nephilim furrowed her eyebrows as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Me? Are you trying to use my image and attract Asmond?" Nephilim asked.

"Everybody knows about your image as the opposing side of the Guild Association thanks to your play with Vixelleth and Zherlthsh. Use that opportunity to get close to Roxanne. She has become Asmond's right-hand woman, she will take any chance to dig up more information legally," Mykel explained as he poured himself another glass of vodka.

Nephilim hummed as she thought of a way to approach Roxanne. She then asked if there was any evidence about his encounter with Zherlthsh in the past. Thankfully, there were surveillance cameras that captured his fight with Zherlthsh, but only a few seconds before the cameras broke and the video was blurry which was why Mykel didn't bother to erase it.

"That should be good enough, but I'm going to take a photo of the dagger as well to make it more believable. Then? What do you want me to do after that?" Nephilim asked as she tossed the empty cup into the trash bin.

"Let them delude themselves in their own speculation and conspiracy theories. The deeper they go, the harder for them to get back," Mykel answered.

"What's the reason for you're doing this, Mykel? I don't think this is necessary," Nephilim asked again.

"You'll find out about it when the time comes," Mykel stood up as he grabbed his suit off the chair. "Although I ask you to do this, you need to focus on the battle that will happen very soon," Mykel said as he walked to the door.

Nephilim didn't say anything as she watched Mykel leave her apartment. She grabbed her book from thin air and stared at it for quite a while. She then teleported to the castle to meet with her other sisters, especially Beldathiel.

Mykel went to the suite and told them to start clearing the towers again. He wanted them to clear the towers up to the hundredth floor since he was curious about what would happen if the Demon Princesses weren't there.

"Rozan you will take the lead in the Asmodeus Tower. Sven, you'll take the lead in the Samael Tower. Nagy will take the lead in the Azrael Tower. Gerrard will take the lead in the Astaroth Tower. Lillith will take the lead in the Satan Tower. Gunnar will take the lead in the Mammon Tower. Vincze will take the lead in the Belphegor Tower. Lastly, Edith will take the lead in the Azazel Tower," Mykel said as he pointed at each one of them.

"What about the Lucifer Tower?" Rozan asked.

"That will be the last tower you guys are going to clear. Just ignore it for now," Mykel answered.

It had been planned that Mykel wanted Aurea and Jeanne to fight Hanessi in the Lucifer Tower. As long as it was inside the tower, Mara shouldn't be able to interfere, but that didn't mean he would let Mara watch, so he was still planning to distract her. With that being said, the Gods wouldn't be able to interfere as well and hoped all the Demon Princesses could defeat Hanessi.

"When are we going?" Sven asked.

"The sooner the better," Mykel answered as he took an apple from the kitchen counter and gave it to Spenta.

Everyone agreed to take the Asmodeus Tower first, and so they asked Rozan when they should go into the tower. Rozan had been busy with his experiment and wanted to try it, so he told them that he wanted to go into the Asmodeus Tower in two days. Mykel planned on bringing Lexus, Nexus, Euros, and Manna along since he needed a few hundred thousand [Constellations Points] left to reach [Authority] level 5.

"Gunnar, come with me," Mykel said as he walked to the door.

Gunnar followed him and left the suite. Mykel then warped to Enma's apartment with Gunnar and Spenta. Mykel told everything about his plan of not involving Enma and sending her back to the Fraternity Association.

Gunnar was saddened and worried, but he knew it was for the best for Enma. Of course, he wasn't the one who decided and didn't take a side since he wanted to know Enma's true feelings about it. It went smoothly since Enma decided to cooperate and so she wouldn't be participating in the tower clearance.

Enma would act as Lyneth's assistant from that day onward, and to remove Asmond's suspicion, she would give him valuable information. Not only that, Mykel had to reduce Enma's [Body Enhancement] skill to level 3 because she already reached level 11. In case Asmond would use [Nemesis] skill on her in the future, and make her look as weak as possible.

Mykel left and left those two alone. He went back to Lyneth's apartment and spent the rest of the day with her.

Two days had passed and Mykel's team had left to District 6 to clear the Asmodeus Tower. The word had spread that the Guild Association had finally made a move again. Everyone believed in them and wasn't worried about their safety any more thanks to the Guild Association.

Asmond heard about it and realized Mykel's team's plan on clearing the tower put huge pressure on him and the Fraternity Association. Ever since the friendly match, a lot of Awakeners left the Fraternity Association and became independent.

"Don't think about it too much, Asmond. We do it at our own pace, that's what you told me," Roxanne said as she crossed her arms and legs on the sofa in Asmond's office.

"You're right," Asmond sighed as he turned on the TV.

Asmond looked at the news and he saw Nephilim talking about the abuse of power that had been happening. She was talking about the public sector slowly being auctioned and sold to a certain individual. She also talked about government property that had been sold to private property and turned into an arena.

Both Asmond and Roxanne's worries disappeared and focused on the interview between Nephilim with the news anchors. They both looked at each other and thought of the same thing.

"Do you think she could help us?" Roxanne asked.

"Miss Evelyn?" Asmond asked back.

"Yes, I heard she has been trying to fight the Guild Association. There were rumors that she have a grudge against Senator Vixen and Senator Zeta since those two are working for the Guild Association. If we can bring her in, do you think she will help us?" Roxanne replied.

Asmond thought about it for a few seconds. He didn't want to approach her since it would be too obvious, but then he looked at Roxanne.

"Can you do it? I can't be seen together with Miss Evelyn because that will make it too obvious," Asmond asked.

"Alright. I'll go and make a contact with her now," Roxanne said as she left Asmond's office.

Roxanne looked for information about Nephilim, and found her business phone number. She then tried to call Nephilim, and it turned out the one who picked up the phone was Nephilim's assistant. Roxanne asked the assistant if she could meet Nephilim in person, but to her shock, Nephilim's schedule was already full for that month.

In the end, Roxanne couldn't make any contact with Nephilim because of her busy schedule. She gave up and decided to inform Asmond about it, but before she could go back to Asmond's office, her phone rang.

"Unknown number?" Roxanne looked at her phone.

Roxanne picked up the call and before she could say anything, a familiar voice could be heard from the other end.

​ "To think the Fraternity Association would want to make an appointment with me. What do you need, Miss Roxanne?" Nephilim asked.

"Miss Evelyn? It's an honor to be able to speak to you," Roxanne replied.

"Let's cut to the chase, you need my connection and ability, right? Let me guess. You need me to fight against the Guild Association?" Nephilim asked.

Roxanne was shocked that Nephilim could read her like an open book. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time.

"Yes, that's right, Miss Evelyn," Roxanne answered as she nodded her head.

"Let's meet up later at seven. I'll give you the address," Nephilim said, and then hung up the phone.

Roxanne received a message from Nephilim, and it was an address to the most expensive apartment building in District 7. She then went to inform Asmond that she had got Nephilim.

(In Nephilim's office)

"To think they would make a move that fast, looks like they're that desperate," Nephilim giggled mischievously. "I'm going to put all of you down to the rabbit hole," Nephilim continued with a huge grin on her face.

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