Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 18: Wang Xiao busted (1)

Wang Xiao's gaze narrowed as he contemplated the multitude of times he had restrained the urge to kill this pitiable man.

The reasons for holding back were painfully evident, the knowledge that any drastic actions would only worsen their already precarious situation.

'Pathetic,' one of Wang Xiao's shadows spoke, their gazes lingering similarly on Wang Zhihao's figure.

'A grown-up adult who can't even control his anger.'

'Just grown physically.'

'Destroying everyone's mood, because his was bad?'

'You better deal with him soon,'

Wang Xiao shook his head and walked towards his room nonetheless. Wang Zhihao's apathetic attitude combined with his lack of emotional stability was the only thing in the world that could ever make him lose his composure.

Everything had been manageable when they had substantial savings and a steady cash flow. However, after purchasing the new house, their savings had dwindled, and the cash flow was now dwindling daily.

The same was true for Wang Zhihao. He was losing himself more and more with each passing day, allowing his frustrations to find an outlet at home.

As if that wasn't enough, Wang Zhihao's response to counter his failing business was practically nonexistent. Much like a child throwing a tantrum, he would come home early and seek solace in watching TV. This apathetic attitude left Wang Xiao thoroughly disgusted.

However, amidst the turmoil, Wang Xiao had managed to glean valuable lessons from Wang Zhihao's actions.

As Wang Zhihao's ability to provide dwindled, a noticeable shift occurred within the dynamics of the family. The change was not confined to their interactions alone; it rippled through their attitudes and perceptions towards him.

Xinyue Zhilan's kindness towards him had faded into a distant memory, replaced by a relentless focus on raising their children. The warmth that once existed between them had withered, leaving behind an unspoken chasm.

As days passed, an unspoken avoidance began to seep into the family dynamics. The once-frequent interactions now grew sparse, and Wang Xiao found himself becoming an island within his own home.

Among the family members, Wang Xueying was perhaps the most deliberate in her avoidance, her steps taking her in the opposite direction whenever their paths crossed.

Wang Xiao gleaned a poignant lesson from this experience—an uncomplicated truth that etched itself deeply into his understanding. He realized that every relationship, no matter how close, was fundamentally built on a delicate balance of dependency.

The moment that balance tipped, when a man ceased to fulfill his role of providing, the very foundation of his relationships began to crumble.

Bit by bit, he found himself losing those connections, irrespective of how close they once were.

Yet, Wang Xiao held no sympathy for individuals like Wang Zhihao. To him, they were nothing more than apathetic, internally broken children masquerading as adults. The veneer of maturity they wore was nothing but a facade to hide their own inadequacies.

The more Wang Xiao matured, the more he recognized the inherent truth: adults were merely grown up children, navigating their existences devoid of any purpose, as best they could. And in this realization, he found a lens through which to view the world, a perspective that shaped his responses and choices.


As Wang Xiao walked down the hallway, he paused before Wang Xueying's door. With a soft knock, he waited for her response before quietly entering the room.

The scene that greeted him was one of familiarity, yet also a stark representation of the distancing within the family. Wang Xueying lay on her bed, her back turned to the world as she immersed herself in a drama or movie playing on her phone.

The glow from the screen cast a gentle illumination across her profile, capturing the delicate curve of her features.

A lone plate sat in a corner, evidence of her solitary meal. Wang Xiao knew that once the living area cleared out, she would dutifully return the plate to its designated spot, her actions like clockwork within the intricate dance of their complicated family life.

Wang Xueying had deftly carved a path of avoidance, keeping her distance from Wang Zhihao. An invisible barrier seemed to shield her from the storm that brewed elsewhere in the house.

This choice, however, only served to stoke Wang Zhihao's smoldering frustration. Each interaction with her became a trigger, a source of blame he readily cast upon her.

If only he possessed a touch more insight, he might have realized that his own actions had sewn the seeds of this distance.

"Brother, do you need something?" Wang Xueying's voice emerged as she turned off her phone, directing her attention towards him. Her eyes blinked, a blend of curiosity and familiarity in her gaze.

Without her glasses, Wang Xueying's appearance held a new light, a detail that didn't go unnoticed.

'She would look even better without clothes.'

Wang Xiao scrunched his face up in frustration, muttering inwardly, 'Can't you guys be quiet for once?'

"Why do you assume I only come when I need something from you?" Wang Xiao brushed aside the intrusive thoughts of his shadow and nonchalantly climbed onto Wang Xueying's bed, reclining lazily behind her.

Wang Xueying's expression shifted, a mixture of surprise and mild annoyance. "If you don't need anything, then why are you here? Shoo! I'm in the middle of watching a drama," she spoke, her words slightly hurried.

Ignoring her dismissive tone, Wang Xiao playfully reached for her phone. "Oh, what's more important than me that you're watching?" he asked, an intrigued lilt in his voice.


"Give me my phone back!" Wang Xueying's voice took on a determined edge as she lunged forward, her urgency evident in her attempt to retrieve her phone from his grasp.

Refusing to yield, Wang Xiao gently pushed her aside, managing to catch a glimpse of the drama's title on the screen. "The Gem of Hearts?" he mused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he realized it must be a new series.

Wang Xueying's cheeks flushed crimson as she snatched her phone back, her breath slightly ragged from the brief scuffle. "Why were you looking at my phone? Brother, do you not understand the concept of privacy?" she chided, her embarrassment palpable in her voice.

Raising an eyebrow, Wang Xiao responded, "Why are you so embarrassed? It's just a drama."

Yet, his casual observation only seemed to intensify Wang Xueying's mortification. At her age, being caught engrossed in a love drama felt embarrassingly juvenile.

While Wang Xiao understood her perspective, he also thought she might be overthinking it.

Wang Xiao's attention was momentarily diverted as his gaze fell upon the way Wang Xueying was positioned before him, seemingly unaware of the effect it might have on him.

Wang Xueying lay sprawled on the mattress, her limbs arranged in a casual display of comfort. Her chin cradled in her hands, she looked at him with a mix of curiosity and intent, her focus unwavering.

Unbeknownst to her, her loose attire draped her figure in a way that offered tantalizing glimpses of her milky skin beneath. A fleeting, unintentional glimpse took him by surprise, a sight that was meant to be concealed but had momentarily been unveiled.

Wang Xiao's voice broke the silence, his words abrupt as he shifted the topic. "Anyways, I've dealt with that Hao Zemin. If he troubles you again, tell me directly." With that, he began to make his way out of the room, a sense of urgency propelling his movements.

Just as he was about to leave, he noticed Wang Xueying's eyes flicker with a fleeting emotion, a hint of something left unspoken lingering in the air.

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