Chapter 154

154 Chapter 154: A fight with Tracy

Everyone watched as Alex stared in the direction of the camera with a stern look on his face for a while. His eyes were cold as he seemed to be contemplating what to do next.

“Tomorrow we strike... it’s late already and practicing the silver statue techniques has always been tasking” Alex said calmly.

He stood up and left the underground training chamber meanwhile Tracy watched with a displeased look on her face. Everyone could sense the calamity about to befall Alex but they remained quiet and acted as if they heard nothing.

Alex spent about ten to twenty minutes in the shower, washing away all the impurities stacked upon his body, and came out looking smoother than ever. His body shape seemed to be changing like that of an actual statue, it was getting close to perfection.


Alex stood in front of the mirror, admiring himself when the door swung open! Tracy strode in furiously and gazed at his back fiercely.

“I asked you to leave the training chamber and you didn’t even bother to show any reaction and then that stranger called out to you and you responded!” Tracy said while breathing heavily.

Alex frowned slightly as he heard her words and turned. After reaching the third form of the Demon-kin secret technique, his emotions may still be there but unless he put conscious effort to show them, his face would always carry an air of indifference.

“Queen is a core member of the Nameless... She and Kung Jun rarely speak and when they do it’s only for an extremely good reason... If Kung Jun was the one that called out to me instead of her, I would have reacted the same way” Alex said indifferently.


The lack of emotions on his facial expression reminded Tracy of Wilder Briggs and she hated it.

“You! Are you trying to say Kung Jun and Queen are of more importance to you than me?” Tracy asked furiously.

“Of course not...” Alex responded slowly.

“Everyone has their area of expertise.... Yours is in the lab and when it comes to topics in that area I will listen to you but the battlefield is for fighters... you are not a fighter... ” Alex said coldly.

He saw no reason why Tracy would act this way, especially over something so little?

Why the hell are women always so dramatic?

“Be honest with me, are you having an affair with queen?” Tracy asked with a suspicious look in her eyes.

At this point, Alex felt like his world just shattered. His mouth was open but no words could come out. Even without Tracy saying anything, Alex wouldn’t ask such a question since he always believed a relationship is built on trust! Her question only proved she didn’t trust him.

His eyes seemed dry and empty, void of emotions as he slowly walked over and picked a pillow.

“I have spent a year plus, struggling! Training, fighting, risking my fucking life, and repeating the process over and over again just to make our dreams come true... Your dreams and you have the fucking guts to ask me such a question? You know what? I really don’t want to speak to you anymore... goodnight” Alex said after which he walked out of the room with little beast following him.


Alex stepped out of the room and shut the door only to see Silver standing beside the door with his hands folded around his chest.

“Come have something to eat first... tomorrow will be a long day... you need the food” Silver said.

“How do you think I spent half a year practicing the Demon-kin secret technique without stepping out? You already know I don’t need to eat as long as I absorb a sufficient amount of energy from cores... good night Silver” Alex said with a smile before turning to leave.

“I’m sorry about what happened... My sister overreacted... she didn’t mean what she said... go back in there” Silver said leaving Alex stunned.

When did Silver become so caring? It’s like he changed completely after the entire President meeting.

“This has nothing to do with you, Silver... If she really felt that way she wouldn’t have let me leave the room... now I am weak, I need to rest..” Alex said calmly before walking away.

Silver just stood there and watched his friend leave and with a sigh he turned and left the other way.


The next morning everyone gathered for breakfast but Alex wasn’t present. No one asked questions and ate quietly. They occasionally shot Tracy a glance but didn’t say anything.

After eating, they prepared to leave, only to realize Alex couldn’t be found. They all moved to the security room a saw Alex holding the massive crystal core and absorbing its energy. He sat in a cross-legged position and with his eyes closed and the little cat standing atop his head.

Alex could be seen floating in the room with the cat doing massive crystal doing the same.

“Alex, it’s time to leave...” Silver said in the mic and only then did Alex open his eyes.

The energy surging into his body diminished and his bright purple eyes slowly returned to normal.

They moved to the war room on the second floor and waited patiently and a few minutes later, Alex stepped in.

He wore a thick black sleeveless shirt revealing completely tattooed arms but he didn’t right words it felt like he just made patterns and strange drawings that looked cool.

The sides of his hair had been cut low with a purple undercut while his long black hair at the top of his head was tied back into a ponytail.

Alex’s ears were pierced with small black earrings and a black face mask, he looked even more intimidating. He wore black trousers and black boots.

“The plan is simple... Attack!” Alex said coldly as he put on his black leather jacket.

“I am not returning until I completely cleanse this state of these beasts.” Alex said coldly.

“I knew you would say that so I got these...” Silver said and pulled out a small box big enough to contain a wedding ring.

Alex took it and opened it only to see a purple gem powers source in there.

“In case you run out of juice or get hurt, this will help you” Silver said

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