Chapter 217

217 Chapter 217: A warning!

Alex sat and waited for the elders to arrive and during that time he pondered on how to help the city. They were surrounded at all sides and there is only one of him. Dealing with something this troublesome alone can be annoying.

In fact to win he would need to rest and think of another way forward. Considering all that has been happening he soon realized he has been so caught up in battles and fights he has forgotten the most important part of life.


Every point in life has a certain thing a person should be doing. Over the years all he has done is fighting, plotting, planning, and fight again. Considering everything that happened, Alex considered settling down but not on earth, maybe here. Since his lifespan has increased, if he were to choose a partner it would be someone who can live as long as him. He still had 1299 years left to live so why not spend it with someone that can live that long?

If he were to marry a human who can barely live more than a hundred years it will be useless.

“Age and time, don’t matter much to me now. It does not matter anyway, I can decide how to settle down when everything is over. I still have a decade ahead of me.” Alex said as he shoved the thoughts behind his mind and focused on more important things.

After the evolution of his powers and martial techniques to the viscount level, his strength has increased tremendously. He soon realized the statue technique was in no way related to the statue he thought.

In reality, it was far more intense than expected. Upon entering the Baron rank the golden statue evolved to something more, it allowed him to harness the power of the sun and not just for defense anymore. One could call it fire but Alex knew this was more than any normal flames. He soon realized why the danite in his head told him that the peak of the humans practicing these martial techniques is only the starting phase for other races.



The door opened and the elders stepped in. They gazed at Alex reclining lazily on his cheer and frowned. They could sense his strength but they weren’t sure what level he is at.

“You don’t have to worry about things that do not concern you... okay?” Alex said as he saw the concern on their faces.

He knew telling them he was only at the viscount level will break their spirits so he didn’t. His eyes remained calm as he gazed around for a while before turning his attention to the elders once again.

“Do you have a camera? I want to make a video” Alex said with a bright smile which sent shivers down the spine of the elders.

Alex was like a book they can never understand. They weren’t sure of his thoughts so they were always anxious even though they trusted him.

“I will make a video and you can send it to earth for the world to see... Let them know I am coming. Let them know their days are numbered. They need to know, that Alex Briggs is alive and kicking!” Alex’s face turned stern as he said the last part.

“Is that a wise decision? It will attract unwanted attention...” Jalic Gale said with a frown. He seemed to be worried about the Danites coming for them

“First of all, no one knows where the video was sent from... I didn’t ask for a live stream that can be traced. The background can be altered to hide my location. It’s your work to cover that up and find a way to broadcast it on earth. Since you were able to find me there, I am sure you have some connections there” Alex shrugged his shoulders in reply.

The other elders were a bit anxious but seeing the cold look on his face, they didn’t argue anymore and simply did as he said.

It didn’t take long before the floating sphere camera was brought and with Alex, on his seat, he waved at it with a cruel smile on his face.

“To those still fighting against the Danites, keep fighting I, Alex Briggs cannot be killed so easily... I will return and that fight will be won.” Alex said confidently as his white eyes revealed no emotions and his gray hair fluttered beautifully.

“Kung Jun, Jason, and the culture... Don’t do anything rash, stay on the defensive until my arrival. Silver, Danny, Tracy. My affection for the three of you died along with the old Alex you called family. I can assure you, apart from my son none of you will survive this encounter. I am not coming back to fight for earth anymore, I am coming to take it and make it mine! This video is a warning since I want to face the human race at its best. Prepare, the battle won’t happen too soon, but it won’t take too long either. This will always keep you on your toes. To little Alex, don’t worry! Daddy is coming home soon. Your mum and every other person who poisoned your mind will die by my hand” Alex said the last part in a tender voice.

“If you choose to get in my way too, you will die with them. Don’t forget whoever Alex has chosen to kill, even god can’t save them. I am called the fucking absolute for a reason!” He added with a cold face.


The video was cut there and while they handed it over to a worker to edit it, Alex sat gazing at them with a smile. He seemed to be in a good mood and they didn’t know why. How can someone threaten his world, child, and wife and still be in a good mood? They couldn’t help but feel like is just putting up a smile to make them comfortable.

“Where is the nearest power source and what plans do you have?” Alex asked.

“With the weakening barrier, I am sure you people can’t afford to spread farther than it is already. You need to find a power source and relocate” Alex added with a smile.

“You are right, our barrier can’t stretch farther than this because of the energy it is lacking... We are in a really difficult position because even after finding a power source we cannot defend it long enough to build a new city there, neither do we have the resources to move.” Jalic Gale said with a bitter smile.

Right now, outside Alex, the only option is to surrender to the Alliance and seek their help. If Alex can’t save them, then they are fucked!

Alex pondered in the silence for a while and frowned. He could tell the situation was dire and he needed to do something fast.

His eye was calm as he pondered for a few minutes and the elders could only sit and watch in anticipation. No one dared to breathe loudly as they feared it will piss Alex off.

“The barrier surrounding this city is produced from the four edges of the city. Can you turn off the barrier located at the western gate alone?” Alex asked with a smile.

Hearing him, the elders paled in fear and abruptly refused. Pulling down the barrier meant the mutant beasts can come in, should that happen the entire city would plunge into chaos.

“Why are you making such a request?” Jalic Gale asked. They couldn’t say no to Alex but they also wanted to know his plan before acting.

“I intend to pull the mutant beasts surrounding this empire towards that direction. There I will wipe them out” Alex said with a smile that sent shivers down the spines of everyone that heard him. The confidence in his voice prevented these people from saying no but they didn’t say yes either.

“We should make preparations then. I will have officials evacuate citizens closest to the western gate and then I will have them send Damnation your way. The construction was successful” Jalic Gale said with a light bow but a frown appeared on Alex’s face which made a cold sweat run down their spine.

“Do you trust me?” Alex asked with a bright smile.

“Of course!”


The elders voiced their opinion without hesitation and this made the smile on Alex’s face widen.

“Since you trust me then there is no need for you to evacuate people. I also won’t be needing Damnation for this small task. You can live stream what is about to happen too, I am sure it will give your people hope...” Alex said while he stood up and walked towards the exit. He stopped halfway and turned to look the elders in the face before saying.

“I don’t plan on wiping out the entire mutant beasts, I will kill enough and have your men harvest their beast cores. If we can gather a large amount it can help support the city’s energy consumption right?” Alex asked and the elders nodded without hesitation!

“Good, let’s do it!” Alex clapped with a smile.

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